A 7-year-old girl was diagnosed with an ovarian tumor. The weight was the size of a grapefruit

Ellie-Louise Lewis was hospitalized after a severe bout of abdominal pain. On the spot, the girl was thoroughly examined and, to the horror of the doctors, a tumor the size of a grapefruit was discovered in her abdomen. Further diagnosis showed that it was an ovarian granuloma.

Earlier this year, Ellie-Louise began to feel bad. On January 18, the girl had such severe stomach pains that her mother, Rachel, decided to take her to a doctor. First, she turned to the family doctor, but he immediately sent them to the hospital. When they were there, it was noticed in the emergency room that the seven-year-old had a swollen abdomen, and therefore a severe stomach infection was suspected.

She had such a big belly that if she hadn’t been seven years old, I would have thought she was pregnant – remembers her mother.

When Ellie-Louise was examined by a doctor, it turned out that it was not an infection at all, but a rare type of kernel. The mass reached huge dimensions – it was as much as 12 cm in diameter. The date of the operation was set immediately.

Everyone was shocked. You never expect something like this to happen to your child. I thought I was going to lose her – she was really sick – said her mother in one of the interviews.

Four days later, the girl underwent a 3-hour operation during which the malignant granuloma was removed. We were sitting in the waiting room. I was panicked. It was the longest three hours of my life, recalls Rachel Lewis.

The operation was successful. During the procedure, the girl’s ovary was removed along with the tumor. Now she has four chemotherapy sessions. Every three months, Ellie-Louise will be monitored by an MRI scan.

The girl’s general condition is good, but she still hasn’t recovered. He is usually the loudest child in the environment. She has always loved to swim, but now she can’t do it. She is very saddened by this, says the mother.

Hopefully there won’t be a relapse, but it’s still a terrifying prospect. The most important thing now is to support her.


source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

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