Film «The Addams Family»

Funny kids love to play a variety of games!

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Children’s games are a way of expressing feelings, learning and modeling the reality surrounding the child. The game is movement, victory, joy, pleasure… Playing for a child is a serious matter, and therefore it must be treated accordingly.

Games are subject and role-playing, spontaneous and directed (organized). The object game is built around the subject, the role-playing game is based on some image. Mixed games are subject-role-playing, when a boy, driving a car, imagines himself a driver, and a girl playing with a doll sees herself as a mother. In spontaneous play, the content is predetermined by the children themselves, in organized play there is a certain set of rules, restrictions, the game is directed by adults or peers.

Games for children are not only joy, but also useful — more precisely, they can be useful if they are properly selected and properly organized↑. Games contribute to the development of the child: the development of his intelligence and creativity↑, the ability to build relationships, treat the rules correctly — and much more. Games are successfully used by psychologists and smart parents to correct↑ certain undesirable manifestations in children, to overcome children’s fears↑ and for many other things.

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