It’s good for him to live
Who knows how to control himself
He has enough time
To enjoy life!
The one who has not formed the skill of discipline sooner or later beats his head against the wall … An interesting sketch from the Sinton forum:
Until the 9th grade at the gymnasium, I was one of the best students in specialized subjects. There was someone to compete with. But when a classmate moved to Nerezinovsk for permanent residence, there was no one to measure himself with. And there was no stick. And there was one notebook in all subjects, 2-3 hours a week for homework, 4,75 average mark of the certificate. Everything came easy. Absorbed like a sponge. And then there was the Fiztekh… And you had to work there. For 2-3 hours … not a week, but an hour! And I fell asleep. Neither the habit of studying regularly, nor the practice of self-studying the volume of Landavshitz in 3 nights … And where is now to find such a «sadist» who would not let him drink or piss, but made him plow and plow — from dinner to victory?
Self-discipline is the ability and habit of managing oneself, following what one has chosen for oneself as a business and a way of life. As a rule, this includes the rejection of empty entertainment (for example, surf the Internet instead of cleaning up), focus on the goal and awareness in the approach to matters, especially complex ones.
Self-discipline has many enemies. Its main enemies living in us are impulsiveness and distractibility. External signs of internal lack of discipline — loose gait, fussy or uncollected movements, flickering eyes and rattling in the body, in a conversation — inability to control one’s speech, spontaneous change of topics, talk about fears, complaints and the position of the Victim («I can’t get myself together», “I can’t refuse”), excuses and references to circumstances. A disciplined person is not late, remembers promises and fulfills agreements. During the day, self-discipline falls with increasing fatigue and rises next to a disciplined person who knows how to demand. On the contrary, a cheerful company, television and other exciting environments are a hindrance to self-discipline.
Many people think that discipline and self-discipline is difficult, boring and disgusting. No, it’s not, it could be different. Teaching yourself self-discipline can be fun, interesting, and creative. There are no patented recipes for becoming more disciplined. There are reasonable considerations in this regard. Such.
Self-discipline is associated with motivation, and motivation is largely created by a vision of perspectives, an understanding of where and why you want to move, what you want to achieve and acquire. You need to define your goals. If you haven’t already done so, write down your goals for yourself (daily to-do list, weekly to-do list, monthly, yearly, three-year goals, and so on). It is easier to make an effort if a person knows why he is doing it. Set goals for yourself.
Don’t just write goals, start writing tasks for the day every morning, every day. If you have a to-do list for today, it is not obvious that you will be able to fully sustain it. But if you haven’t written a to-do list for today, with the highest probability you will easily do something else. Bottom line: Start each day by making a to-do list for the day.
For simple things, self-organization is always enough for you, discipline fails when you are faced with difficult tasks for yourself. What to do? Difficult cases can almost always be broken down into a series of simpler cases and you can start doing things piece by piece, starting with the simplest thing for you. Then — it will work!
Completing the entire to-do list for today is a difficult task, but it’s good that you can do it not all at once, but in order. The very first thing you do is set priorities — numbers that reflect the importance of this business for you. Two or three things of highest priority are the most important to you. Your new rule is to start the day with the most important thing for you, and when you do, be sure to reward yourself with something.
Start using the 3 Minute Rule. You do any new business lasting more than 3 minutes only after you have written it down on the list, attributed the required time to it and set priorities. No “I’ll quickly do everything…” It all starts with a list!
Teach yourself to say «no» to yourself and others if it can’t be included in your to-do list. Do not be distructed.
Where you can get carried away or go into perfectionism, limit yourself to time. “This is an hour. This is 15 minutes.» All. Whatever you can do, you’ve done. We didn’t have time — everything, we managed as much as we had time.
Consider a system of motivation. For example, communicate your project to others. Having made a loud PR, you will provide yourself with controllers who will urge you to give all the best within the stated time frame. Or, break your work down into manageable chunks and reward yourself for accomplishing each step. Learn to notice every small success and rejoice in it.
Attention: watch your body and posture: there is no discipline in a stooped, lazy and loose body. There is more energy and discipline in the assembled body.
And now the most important thing: turn self-discipline towards self-care. If you pinch yourself with self-discipline, taking away your joys, sleep and rest, you are unlikely to do it for long. It is more correct, wiser, more realistic to start using self-discipline in order to put yourself to bed on time, tear yourself away from long sedentary work for mobile pauses for rest, in order to walk yourself in the air and other absolutely necessary things. Organize your rest, after that work will be organized.
After that, new perspectives will open. And then, for the most burning ones, you can use the system of organizing the day Life for 10 points, write Maximum life and take the Distance!