
The 15 situation

— Dad, Nina Petrovna praised me today: I memorized the poem faster than anyone! Do you want me to tell you?

“Better tell me about your behavior, what you did yesterday!” Father says sternly.

The daughter’s face darkens. In vain all day she bore a charge of joy in herself … And at home the girl makes another “sunset”:

Mom, do you want to tell me a poem? — It’s about the Christmas tree.

— I’m not up to the Christmas tree now. Tell me next time.

Comment psychologist:

The child needs a serious, interested attitude of adults to himself. But if he constantly encounters indifference, the unwillingness of adults to share joys and excitements with him, then the need to bring the most intimate to his loved ones gradually fades. As a result, children’s desire for contact with their parents weakens. And who knows if the parents will soon regret it! When a child becomes a schoolboy and when his affairs begin to excite us, we expect him to tell stories about school, studies, friends, events in the class. We are interested to know what he thinks, how he lives, what interests, excites the child. But with such an attitude towards his interests, as can be seen from the example, it is in vain to expect further revelation from him, one should not be surprised at his isolation: after all, adults themselves laid the foundation for this when they showed impatience for his simple story, did not take his childish worries seriously, and sometimes they laughed at his misfortune, which seems insignificant from our adult point of view.

The 16 situation

In the presence of a five-year-old child, a mother tells about him, what is his appetite, what he eats with pleasure, whom he loves more — dad, mom or grandmother than he had been ill since the day of birth. Of course, he does not keep silent about toys — how many and what they are. And then about the main thing: what the son can do, what an “unusual child” he is, smart, quotes his statements and finally says: … See →

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