Baby swimmer: the benefits of a baby pool
The baby swimmer course makes it possible to make babies love water, and to keep the habit of contact with the aquatic environment that they know from their prenatal life. In addition, in everyday life, parents lack time with their children. The “baby swimmers” allow them to live a special moment with baby, and strengthen the parent / child relationship.
The swimming pool, ideal for awakening baby
Baby swimming lessons contribute to baby’s development by discovering the aquatic environment.
Baby swimming lessons help to:
- the awakening of the senses;
- improve the parent / child relationship;
- socialization.
The main foundations of the activity
Awaken baby towards aquatic ease, to evolve, later, towards learning to swim.
Baby swimming pedagogy is based on respecting baby’s rhythms, his needs and his fears. It is organized around learning through play and the notion of pleasure.
The emotional, motor and relational development of the child are the objectives of the baby swimmer course.
Important: baby is an actor in his learning thanks to the benevolent supervision of his parents and the teacher, who are attentive to his needs.
The main lines of child development
- From 6 to 18 months, the child develops motor autonomy;
- from 18 to 36 months, he acquires psychic autonomy, language development;
- from 36 months, he develops social autonomy.
At each stage, baby develops various skills in the water.
Good to know: there are no goals according to age. The child will take ownership of his evolutions thanks to the skills acquired in an aquatic environment. Children do not all have the same relationship with water and have not all started the baby swimming course at the same age.
The main objective of the activity is the pleasure of evolving in an aquatic environment, and to develop specific skills in this element.
Important: The presence of a parent is essential Wearing a swimsuit or special diaper is mandatory, and don’t forget a snack after the session because your little one will have deserved it.
The benefits of baby swimming lessons
“The child learns to know his body and its bodily limits. It also acquires spatial landmarks. On the sensory level, the baby sets out to discover hundreds of new stimuli: tastes, smells, colors, noises… In terms of language, he enriches his vocabulary and verbalizes the different sensations he experiences. In addition, during games, laughter and contact stimulate his desire to communicate with others. Finally, the activity allows the youngest to begin to accept the physical separation with their parents. »- Jean-Jacques Chorrin Sports specialist, chairman of the commission of the National Swimming Federation 0-6 years old in 2009.
In addition, the parent / child relationship is strengthened.
“As soon as Sophie arrives at the pool, she is impatient. She made a lot of friendships in the water. My husband and I also made friends there. We play and laugh with her… I noticed that there is rarely any crying around the pools. These are very special cuddly and playful moments ”- Chloé, Sophie’s mother, 21 months old
“During the week, I don’t play with my daughter. I don’t have the courage, or even the time. The baby swimming session allows me to reconnect with her, to share something strong. Seeing her so happy fills me with happiness until the following week ”- Benoît, dad of Emilie, 5 years old
Some tips and precautions to take
The preparation for the baby swimming course begins with the serenity of the parents. Remember to arrive early so that your baby can familiarize himself with the place, and you will avoid any unnecessary stress that will instantly affect your baby.
Baby swimming lessons from what age?
From 4 months your baby can start activity if there is no medical contraindication. Depending on the pools, the activity continues until the child is 4 or 6 years old. There are “fun garden” courses for 3-5 year olds, a transition between baby swimming lessons and learning to swim at 6 years old.
Before the first baby swimming session
Very useful tip: Consider lowering the temperature of the bath water little by little a few weeks before the first baby swimming session. This will help baby get used to the temperature of the swimming pool more easily. Bring the temperature closer to 31-32 degrees, which will avoid thermal shock.
Before coming to the pool
Feed your offspring half an hour before class to better withstand the water temperature. Think of a small snack (compote, hot milk, sweet foods, fruit juice, etc.) when you get out of the bath. Your baby will have expended calories, he will need to replenish his reserves.
Children should eat before bathing: slow sugars such as cakes, cookies or bread, porridge. And after the session: fruit, banana, fruit compote, chocolate cream…).
Precautions to take
If baby is sick and contagious, keep him in the conford of his house, don’t take him to class at all costs.
Today the sanitary regulations on the hygiene and safety of swimming pools make it possible to practice any aquatic activity in complete safety and serenity.
To avoid germs and bacteria:
- parents always take a shower before entering the water;
- use the changing rooms to undress;
- around the pool, only swimsuits are allowed;
- remember to go through the footbath;
- use a towel on the changing mat;
- provide a plastic bag to throw diapers and wipes in the trash;
- dry your child well after the baby swimming lesson, especially his ears.
How is the first session going?
In water heated to 32 ° (to avoid heat loss), the teacher offers sessions adapted to baby’s abilities and the objective of the baby swimmer session.
Each session takes place between 30 and 40 minutes depending on the baby’s age (6 months to 4 years), in the small pool or play pool. The objective is aquatic autonomy. The session is rich in sensation, emotion and action for baby and parents, where everyone can express themselves in the water.
The first contact with water
Do not be afraid. Your fear is passed on to your baby. He hears you and understands you. Stay positive and avoid telling your little one “don’t be afraid” or “it’s okay” …
Immersion in water does not present any danger to baby unless he feels your anxiety.
All the steps before you learn to swim
Entering the water: “free to choose”
Let me choose to enter the water without constraint “there is no point in running, you have to start on time”. The most important thing is that baby plays in the water and has fun… moreover.
Verticality and movements
Do not interfere with your child’s needs for verticality. He has been trying to stand up for several months. Sitting upright on his back, stomach, let him experiment.
You will stimulate your baby and the toys will help him move around. It can quickly take support on the toys and in your hands thanks to its small body weight. This support is prepared upon arrival at the pool by small touches under his feet. As soon as he manages to feel this support, the baby swimmer quickly takes a standing position.
He then discovers new sensations, and a growing freedom.
Aquatic autonomy
Your baby learns to separate from you by walking away in the arms of the session facilitators.
The big stage that you want to see is also the one that worries you the most… Don’t worry, baby puts his head under water when he is ready, you can rest assured, he will never be forced. It’s like learning to walk, it’s a new experience. The animators are there to guide you.
How do you know if your baby is feeling well?
You will see by his gaze and his attitude (open or withdrawn) whether he is comfortable or not, whether he is enjoying himself or not.
Observe baby swimming
- his expressions,
- his smile,
- his grimaces,
- are his little hands open or closed…,
- his gaze … look him in the eye,
- don’t over tighten it, just support it.
Respect baby’s rhythm
- do not compare it with other children each at their own pace;
- if he drinks the water, stay calm, everything is fine, do not dramatize;
- help your baby swimmer to act alone by accompanying him without squeezing him too much;
- do not do in his place, and do not be absent either;
- be reassuring while letting him act.
Often the animators put water mats, cage, slide, fries, toys, ball for the activity. Take care of it. This material is essential for the awakening of baby and the good progress of the session. It is also rewarding for the more willful babies, but can be more disturbing for others.
Observe your baby to listen to him in the face of such or such material, and allow him to flourish in the activity. A lack of observation and listening can give rise to fear and disgust with water. Take it easy.
Le baby swimming does not need buoys or armbands because they maintain a form of passivity in him. They are not necessary during the lesson, because baby always has a possibility of support during his movements in the water.
French fries, for example, are an active way to support baby over a short period of time. But what he prefers are the arms of mom and dad.
Baby’s need for affection
Baby swimming needs to recharge their batteries by often returning to mum or dad’s arms. He builds his emotional autonomy. Thanks to this privileged relationship, as the baby swimmer lessons progress, he gains confidence and develops his aquatic autonomy.
Water is a great source of fulfillment and pleasure for baby swimming and their parents without any constraints. In compliance with the rules of hygiene, safety, and in this freedom to choose, baby learns freely to move, to become autonomous in an aquatic environment.