6 natural remedies to fight migraine

To relieve a migraine, a disease whose cause is caused by a dilation of the cerebral vessels, it is possible to resort to drugs. But the pain, sometimes disabling and disabling on a daily basis, can also decrease thanks to natural tips to support these crises which can last up to several days. Here are those which have been proven and which do not require the intervention of a third person:
1. Raw onion and potato
Here is the ultimate grandmother’s remedy: lay a raw potato and onion on your forehead from the first symptoms.
The only constraint: peeling and cutting the vegetables into slices.
2. Chew a pencil
Jane Leonard, director of a clinic in London, discovered this surprising trick: chewing a pencil would ward off migraine.
According to the Briton, chewing would work the muscles and temporomandibular joints (TMJ) which have the annoying habit of contracting under stress, thus causing migraines.
3. Ginger tea
A migraine attack can cause various ailments such as nausea or dizziness. That is why the consumption of ginger, a food renowned for its anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea and pain-relieving properties, is recommended.
Consume it in the form of herbal tea grate a small piece and let it steep in hot water.
4. Massages on the temples and forehead
A massage on the temples and forehead can relieve a migraine, provided it is done at the first symptoms.
Apply a small amount of tiger balm or peppermint essential oil on your forehead and temples then massage in small circular motions.
5. Sophrology exercises
Migraine is often caused by stress and anxiety. Also, it is essential that you learn to relax. To do this, take sophrology!
You can do breathing exercises at home. For example, try to inhale through your nose and then block your breathing for a few seconds to finally blow very gently through your mouth: relaxation guaranteed!
6. Foster a healthier environment
If you spend part of your day – especially at work – in a microscopic room, with poor lighting, increased exposure to screens and the inability to open windows, chances are you’ll suffer more easily from migraines.
To limit the risk of migraines, be sure to create a suitable environment: at best change rooms, at worst install a filter on your computer screen and lighting with less aggressive light.
Perrine Derobien
Read also: What to do in case of migraine?