1. Download templates and print them on a printer.
2. Cut out the templates. Place them on colored or white flower paper and circle them. If you are using white paper, paint the future petals with watercolors or pastels. Wait for the paint to dry and cut out the blanks.
3. For the postcard itself, prepare 2 identical sheets of fairly thick paper. You can make a postcard of any size – just align a line from the diagram with the center of one of the sheets. Transfer the drawing to a sheet and make cuts with a breadboard knife.
4. Start to collect the rose, looking at the diagram. First, glue and insert the largest petals into the base (insert No. 1 into slot A), then smaller ones (No. 2 into slot B), and so on. When you insert the smallest petals, fix everything with glue on the back.
5. Glue a sheet on top, which will become the outer layer of the postcard. Ready!
Based on materials