When it’s hot outside, many parents leave their room doors open. However, not everyone knows why this can be dangerous.
The other day, emergency doctor and child safety expert Free Ness decided to share important information with fans. She explained why every parent must close the door to their child’s bedroom before going to bed.
For clarity, Free gave the results of the experiment. So, in two apartments of the same area, a fire was created. In one, the door to the alleged children’s room was closed, in the other it was open. After the premises were burnt out, experts took pictures of them. It turned out that the first was practically not touched, and the second burned to the ground.
In this case, the position of the door played a role, according to Ness. If it is closed, then the child has a better chance of surviving a house fire.
“So these photos are shown by me so you can see the real difference between how the bedroom door was left open or closed in the event of a fire. Understand that keeping the door closed will reduce the amount of carbon monoxide in the room and the heat in the room, increasing the child’s chance of survival and extending the time to rescue. Tell me, which room would you prefer your child to be in in the event of a fire? ” – the doctor turned to subscribers.
In the first few hours after publication, her video received more than 90 thousand views and comments. The parents thanked the expert for the advice. Many noted that before they watched this video, they did not even think about this situation and its possible outcome.