Teaching gifted children: education, developmental features
A talented child, unlike his peers, assimilates educational material faster, therefore, gifted children should be taught using special methods. Their teachers must also have some special qualities.
Features of the development of gifted children
Children with high intellectual or creative abilities are distinguished by their special psychomotor and social abilities, they easily achieve high results in many areas. This fact should be taken into account when teaching in general education schools.
Teaching gifted children requires a special approach
The main qualities of talented children are:
- Thirst for new knowledge, the ability to accelerate learning. This type of giftedness is called academic.
- The analytical mind and the ability to compare facts is the intellectual type.
- The ability to think and see the world outside the box is a creative type.
In addition, such children strive to communicate with adults, and they are good at it. Their speech is always competently and correctly built, they have a good sense of humor and heightened emotionality.
Education and training of talented children
Educators have come up with several strategies for teaching talented children:
- Placing a child in an older group or class where children are more intellectual than his peers. Thus, a gifted child will receive an additional incentive to learn.
- Children with a pronounced predisposition to one of the subjects can study in special specialized classes, with a more complex program for in-depth study of this subject.
- Adding special courses to general education on topics and areas that are most interesting to the gifted child.
- Reasoning training. This approach involves setting several tasks for the child, in the process of solving which he must identify problems, analyze them, look for ways to solve them, comprehensively evaluate each of his options, generalize them and choose the right one.
All of these approaches to teaching children with high intellectual and creative abilities help to improve the creative and research skills of the child.
If you organize the education of a talented child correctly, you can avoid many of the problems of his formation as a person. He will not experience a lack of educational material and communication, as well as developmental dyssynchronization.