Many people consider it a plum, but it is not so. Cherry plum, although a relative of the plum, still differs from it in taste and nutritional value. Its fruits are rounded and juicy, can be yellow, red, purple. It is very high-yielding and is a wonderful honey plant. And what is useful for us, we will tell you in this review.
Cherry plum ripens already at the end of July-August and throughout September its fragrant fruits are available to us.
How to choose
Ripe cherry plum fruits are very fragrant, the softer the fruit , the sweeter it will be inside. Choose cherry plum without dents, cracks and damage.
Useful properties
The chemical composition of cherry plum fruits is related to their color: yellow cherry plum has a high content of sugar and citric acids, there are practically no tannins, and black cherry plum has a high content of pectins.
Cherry plum is rich in vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, E, PP; trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron; organic acids: pectin, carotene.
The use of cherry plums will make up for the lack of vitamins in the body, stimulate the processes of digestion and blood circulation, improve metabolism.
Due to the high content of pectins and fiber, cherry plum fruits contribute to the elimination of radionuclides.
Cherry plum is low-calorie, so you can eat it without fear for your figure. Moreover, the successful composition of pectins, vitamins and organic acids contribute to the absorption of meat and fats by the body.
The oil obtained from the seeds of cherry plum is considered valuable. It is used in the perfume industry and in the production of medical soaps.
People suffering from diabetes mellitus and gastritis with high acidity should refuse to use cherry plums.
How to use
Cherry plum is eaten fresh, compotes, jam, jam, jelly are cooked from it. Prepare a pastille and make syrups. It makes a wonderful marmalade and the most fragrant wine.
And cherry plum is the most important ingredient in the preparation of Tkemali sauce.