9th edition of the “Life with Diabetes” campaign

The 9th edition of the press and internet campaign “Życie z Dukrzycą” has already started. The project has been developed for years with the substantive support of many outstanding experts, foundations, associations, opinion-forming media and organizations. It aims to connect specialists, patients and their relatives, as well as reach decision-makers for whom care for health education, help offered to patients and their families in accessing modern, safe and effective treatment should be the most important.

The cover of this substantive title featured Anna Śliwińska – President of the Main Board of the Polish Diabetes Association. In an interview with us, he tells how the Polish Diabetes Association has been trying to educate patients for years, why is it so important? What is the level of awareness of Polish patients struggling with diabetes? “There is no doubt that in the case of diabetes, only a well-educated and motivated patient is able to control the disease.”


The entire publication opens with an interview with Prof. Maciej Małecki, President of the Polish Diabetes Society, who explains why it is so important to think about diabetes in the long term, what is the complexity of its treatment, individual approach to the patient and the relationship between diabetes and complications. Prof. Krzysztof Strojkiem, National Consultant in the field of substantive diabetes and thoroughly explains the assumptions of the 75+ program, its practical aspects in diabetes and the need for its constant updating. President of the International Diabetes Organization (IDF) Prof. Nam H. Cho in outlines the global needs of patient education in the context of living with a disease that generates complications, especially cardiovascular.


There are three components to the effectiveness and safety of insulin therapy: education, appropriate patient behavior, and appropriate, tailored treatment. Prof. Leszek Czupryniak and Prof. Anna Noczyńska are experts who, in the debate on the comfort of insulin treatment, point to the principles of matching therapy, the essence of its individuality, the need to reduce the risk of complications and modern treatment methods. Recently, a new ultra-fast-acting insulin has also appeared – check what you know about it.

– We are also aware that if the therapy is tailored to the patient’s life, we increase the chances that it will be more implemented by him – emphasizes prof. Leszek Czupryniak.

Insulin therapy is primarily the everyday life of a patient with type 1 diabetes. Therefore, the publication could not do without their true stories. Kinga Haraźny, Karolina Weilandt and Jerzy Magiera agreed to share with us small fragments of life with diabetes. Each of them has insulin adjusted to their lifestyle, work, private activities, possibilities and needs. By showing the individualization of their treatment, at the same time, we easily come to the conclusion that none of them allowed diabetes to dominate their lives – and this is the most important message of the entire edition.


The publication deals with very important topics related to cardiovascular complications. Experts call that our awareness and knowledge about them are still too low, therefore they present the issues in detail:

Anna Śliwińska, President of PSD: – It is estimated that as much as 95 percent. diabetes treatment is carried out without the involvement of a doctor. This is due to the nature of diabetes, a disease that requires the patient to make treatment decisions many times a day. therapeutic decisions.

Prof. Edward Franek: – Cardiovascular complications are the most common cause of death among diabetic patients. Also other complications – damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, cause occupational abstinence, often hospitalization, cause a reduction in the quality of life, disability, and eventually may become the cause of death. That is why preventing them at the stage of diagnosis of pre-diabetes and all later stages of diabetes is so important.

Prof. Paweł Piątkiewicz: – Remember that the level of glycemia is an important, but not the only risk factor for the development of cardiovascular complications. A person suffering from diabetes, as well as a person without it, should take care of e.g. o correct cholesterol level, proper blood pressure values, physical activity, healthy diet, but also give up stimulants such as cigarettes.

Prof. Paweł Bogdański: – It is very important to educate patients about the risk factors for the development of diabetes and to prevent its complications. We must emphasize that diabetes is already a real epidemic, which is developing at the same time as the obesity epidemic.


Until recently, diabetics with type 1 diabetes were doomed to constant punctures, limiting their life activity and living in fear of dangerous hypoglycemic states. Fortunately, there are already modern technologies that allow them to effectively control the disease and live without restrictions, and even face challenges that are not available to many healthy people. Several patients with type 1 diabetes who use an insulin pump appear in the publication. Prof. Dorota Zozulińska-Ziółkiewicz and Michał Jeliński are a great example of a diabetic team which, thanks to joint decisions, appropriate doctor-patient communication and selected treatment, effectively uses the capabilities of an insulin pump. At the same time proving that you can live with diabetes really actively.

Another example of modern solutions are the applications currently available to patients for effective diabetes monitoring. In the publication you will find interesting material, which tools can positively influence your self-control results and whether it is worth using them.


Clinicians admit that observational studies have a very great therapeutic value in type 2 diabetes. They also add that subsequent reports on phozymes translate into improved therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes. RWE) concerning flozyn. Sounds serious? Be sure to read our conversation with Prof. Grzegorz Dzida and you will understand why we raised this topic.


The editors also took up the issue of diabetes with a genetic basis. Thanks to the support of Dr. Iwona Kozak-Michałowska – Director of Science and Development Synevo, we show how we know the current types of MODY and LADA and what guidelines apply to proper diagnostics.


Diabetic foot is the main cause of lower limb amputation – as much as 70% of amputations in the world are associated with diabetes. Thanks to the voice of Anna Michnikowska – Editor-in-chief of the monthly Szugarfrik www.szugarfrik.pl, we appeal for responsible behavior and comprehensive solutions in the prevention of this complication.

30 years have passed … Diabetyk magazine is celebrating its round anniversary. On this occasion, the reaction boasts of its history. The journal was established by a group of social activists who, in the harsh reality of the decline of communism, established an association to associate people with diabetes. His mission was to work for diabetics and to fight to improve the quality of their treatment. Education was to play a significant role in this. Here you have the chance to compare two covers: the oldest and the youngest!

Detailed information on the entire project can be found online.

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