9rd week of pregnancy

You are just starting the 9th week of pregnancy, i.e. its third month. This is where you may notice some changes in your body. Find out what symptoms you can expect at 9 weeks of pregnancy and how your baby is changing.

In the 9th week of pregnancy, you may notice the first extra centimeters in your waistline. however, it does not have to be that way. Most women gain only XNUMX kg after two months of pregnancy, and some because of frequent vomiting and even lose weight.

Despite the lack of spectacular changes in your figure, the child is developing very intensively. It will measure approximately 9mm at the beginning of week 20 and 25mm at the end of the week. The tail is now gone, and its miniature head looks more and more like a human head.

While you may have only told your partner about your pregnancy so far, week 9 is also a good time to consider whether you want to inform your employer about your condition. We will expand on this topic below.

9rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

If you could see your baby now, you would certainly pay attention to the fact that limbs develop a lot in the 9th week of pregnancy. Both arms and legs become proportionately longer. The hands and feet lengthened, and the fingers began to separate. You can see the places where joints form. The entire body of the fetus is more upright, and its head is not so tightly resting on the chest.

Although the limbs become longer, the head is still very large and takes up half of the baby’s body. It is understandable – the nervous system, including the brain, is being intensively shaped right now. The sense organs are also developing. On the head are clearly outlined eyes that have moved slightly towards the center, ears, nose and mouth.

The heart is already very well shaped, and the other organs are becoming more and more specialized. The lungs are still developing, which is one of the organs that takes the longest time to fully form. The sex organs are forming in a miniature body, but don’t hold your breath – they are still too small for a doctor to determine if your baby is a boy or a girl on an ultrasound scan. The fetus also has a spleen and bladder.

9st week of pregnancy – changes in your body

Unfortunately, you still experience unpleasant pregnancy symptoms in the form of nausea and aversion to many products. That probably won’t change until the end of the first trimester.

At the moment, you probably think that the bathroom is the room where you spend the most time. You are still there because of frequent urge to urinate or feeling sick. While you can deal with nausea using home remedies, such as ginger infusion, there is nothing you can do if you constantly need to empty your bladder.

You can also help yourself in natural ways to fight flatulence and constipation. Herbs added to your meals can help you with flatulence. The smell of some of them probably disgusts you now, fortunately you can choose from a wide range. Marjoram, cumin, sage and mint can help. Certainly, any of the above herbs will at least partially alleviate the “balloon” feeling in your belly. On the other hand, cocktails and vegetable and fruit juices are great for constipation. Of course, you will benefit much more from the nutritional value hidden in natural products if you prepare the drink yourself at home. It is much better to blend vegetables than squeeze them, because this way all the fiber is left in them, which will “clean” your digestive system.

In the 9th week of pregnancy, your breasts may be very tender. Unfortunately, the symptom itself cannot be eliminated, but you can try to ensure maximum comfort. Your breasts will get even bigger, so instead of buying new, fitted underwear right now, think about a flexible sports bra. Of course, it will not be suitable for all types of clothes – especially for work – but it will be perfect at home or on a walk.

Many people forget that the symptoms of pregnancy are not only physical symptoms in your body, but also mental changes. Many women experience very intense mood swings, ranging from extreme joy to despair. Even if this swing does not concern you, you probably still feel a lot of stress. At 9 weeks, pregnancy is still precarious and many women are concerned about their baby’s development. It’s natural. Try to relax in your favorite way and be positive. Stress harms not only you but also your baby.

Especially important in the 9st week of pregnancy

The 9th week of pregnancy has just begun, i.e. her third month. This is very important from a legal point of view, because it is from this moment that you are entitled to certain privileges under the labor law. If you are employed under a contract of employment, your employer cannot fire you. The exception to this rule are cases when a woman is employed under a replacement contract or for a trial period and has not worked yet one month. You may still be dismissed with disciplinary action or if the company you work for fails.

It’s good to know that if you work at a desk, you can only do it four hours a day. The employer is obliged to provide you with other work for the remaining hours of work.

Considering the additional rights you have from 9 weeks of pregnancy, this is a good time to talk to your manager. Even if you have not informed your relatives about it yet, the employer should maintain discretion.

Tests in the 9st week of pregnancy

Sometimes, already in the 9th week of pregnancy, using a Doppler ultrasound, you can hear the baby’s heartbeat. At first, the sound may surprise you as it will be a crazy rhythm. If the doctor cannot “track” the fetal heart, this is nothing to be concerned about. This is usually due to the baby’s position and position in the womb. In the next test, you will surely hear the sound you want.

At this stage of pregnancy, you should be after the first gynecological examination and all obligatory laboratory tests. You should also consider visiting a dentist and internist.

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