9-year-old girl hacked dad’s iPhone and bought tickets to Disneyland

The trip, for obvious reasons, did not take place.

This story will be a lesson for all modern parents. Now, not only piercing and cutting objects should be kept away from children, but also gadgets synchronized with bank cards.

Englishman Ian Wilson will be vigilant at all what his daughter does in her free time from school and homework. After all, 9-year-old Susan almost spent all the family’s savings!

It was one ordinary evening. Jan dozed off and did not notice how his daughter took his phone. Susan managed to find a password for it and went shopping. The girl bought tickets to Paris for 400 pounds stergling (about 31,5 thousand rubles), then bought a walk along the Eiffel Tower for £ 214,08 (about 17 thousand rubles), tickets for the Disneyland express train for £ 391,84 (31 thousand rubles), as well as admission tickets to the theme park. In total, it turned out about 100 thousand rubles in terms of Russian money. Dad discovered the accounts only three days later …

How the child succeeded in all this, even Susan herself could not answer.

“I just love fiddling with my dad’s phone. To be honest, I have no idea where Paris is and what the Eiffel Tower is, ”the girl later admitted.

In total, it turned out about 100 thousand rubles in terms of Russian money!

Dad made a strong-willed decision – not to scold the girl.

“I don’t think Susan really understands how great what she did,” Ian concluded, and began calling the services that sold expensive entertainment to the child. Alas, the man was denied a refund, because no fraud was committed.

It was only after the story was published in the British press that the company announced that it would return the money to Susan’s family, but only as a gesture of goodwill. Now the girl’s parents keep their gadgets under lock and key.

Unfortunately, Susan’s parents are far from the only ones who have suffered from their children’s curiosity. Not so long ago, the media talked about a 7-year-old boy who spent 8 thousand dollars from a credit card on Internet walkers. And then there was a 5-year-old boy – $ 720 on iTunes.

The creators of electronic gadgets, by the way, know about such problems and even managed to take action. Most devices today provide the ability to install so-called limiters, which prevent unexpected surprises with bills.

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