9 weeks pregnant

At the 9th obstetric week, all the main organs and systems of the fetus are formed, its life support at this time is completely carried out through the umbilical cord. Only 7 weeks have passed since the beginning of conception, and the female body has already completely rebuilt under the influence of pregnancy hormones.

What’s going on with the baby?

At the 9th week of pregnancy, new important organs and endocrine glands are formed in the fetus:

  • The cerebellum is responsible for the coordination of movements;

  • The lymph nodes;

  • The pituitary gland, which produces its own hormones;

  • The middle layer of the adrenal glands, which produces adrenaline;

  • Milk glands.

The appearance of the fetus is undergoing changes – lips can already be distinguished on the face, as well as eyes covered with eyelids. The neck is clearly expressed, the head is no longer pressed to the body. The fruit gradually begins to straighten, although its silhouette is still similar in shape to a pea pod. The baby’s limbs are growing, on their inner side, facing the palms and feet, the rudiments of fingers have appeared.

Fruit size:

  • Weight – about 4 g;

  • Length – from 22 to 30 mm.

The movements of the arms and legs are becoming more active, as the bone base of the fetus is being strengthened, muscle tissue is growing. At week 9, cranial, spinal and intervertebral nerve nodes are actively developing, although the nervous system has already begun to function. The cardiac activity of the fetus is improving, the frequent beating of a small heart is clearly defined during ultrasound.

The formation of the lungs, intestines, genital organs continues, a swallowing reflex appears. The kidneys of the fetus enter into water exchange – swallowed amniotic fluid is excreted from the body in the form of urine. These waste products exit through the umbilical cord and enter the mother’s body, increasing the load on her kidneys.

Video about what happens to the fetus, the importance of communicating with the unborn child, notifying the employer about pregnancy:

Attitude towards sex

If the doctor has not found grounds for terminating intimate relationships (the threat of miscarriage, genital infections in a woman and her partner, multiple pregnancy), they should not be limited. Positive emotions will be useful, as in the early stages of many pregnant women, libido increases. The opposite option is also possible, when, due to hormonal changes, sex does not bring satisfaction. In any case, it is worth considering your needs.

Recommendations and advice

At this time, the number of prohibitions that organize the life of a woman increases. They are associated with a careful attitude to their well-being and the health of the fetus.

  • Alcohol and smoking are unacceptable from the first days of pregnancy due to the high teratogenic danger (the formation of deformities), passive smoking is also harmful.

  • You can not go to the sauna, stay on the beach for a long time, take hot baths.

  • A sharp change in climate can adversely affect a woman’s well-being.

  • It is forbidden to lift and carry weights, repairs and country work will also have to be postponed.

  • Contact with aggressive chemicals, household chemicals is undesirable.

  • It is better to avoid negative impressions, conflicts and stresses, only positive emotions will benefit.

  • Shoes with high heels help to increase the tone of the uterus, for winter walks it is better to choose stable non-slip shoes.

In order not to cause the appearance of varicose veins, it is advisable to wear compression stockings, do not stand or walk for a long time.

Increased attention to your health, following the doctor’s recommendations, timely examinations, good nutrition and positive emotions will certainly lead to the birth of a healthy child.

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