9 week of pregnancy from conception
At the 9th week of pregnancy from conception, the well-being of the expectant mother begins to improve. Around this time, toxicosis recedes, and a woman can fully enjoy her new condition.

What happens to the baby at 9 weeks

9 weeks of pregnancy from conception, or 11 obstetric weeks, is a very important period. The end of the first trimester is approaching, during which the main organs and systems of the child are laid.

At 9 weeks pregnant, a lot of changes occur with the baby. By this time, his brain and other organs are already actively developing, and his bones are gradually hardening. By the 9th week, the reproductive system of the future crumbs should be laid, but the external signs of the sex are not yet visible.

During this period, it is especially important to monitor the diet, because everything that the mother eats affects the development of the baby. To avoid possible defects, a woman needs to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins B2 and PP. To do this, doctors prescribe special vitamin complexes, which are designed for different periods of pregnancy.

Fetal ultrasound

– At this time, a very important study is being carried out – a complex of prenatal diagnostics of the first trimester, more widely known as the first screening. A woman on one of the days of the 9th week of pregnancy makes an ultrasound of the fetus and donates blood. The data obtained are then summarized, and as a result, a conclusion is made in the form of a risk assessment for the development of Down syndrome, Edwards and Patau – the most common chromosomal abnormalities in fetal development, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Osipenko. – This study allows you to exclude serious diseases in the unborn baby, so it should not be missed.

Photo life

A child at 9 weeks of gestation is the size of a lime or a large plum: its height is 44-60 mm, and its weight is only 8 grams.

– No tummy at the 9th week of pregnancy is not yet noticeable, – explains the obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Osipenko. – If a woman notices that her tummy has grown, this is most likely due to the fact that under the influence of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, intestinal motility slows down. Because of this, gases accumulate in it, and due to bloating, it seems that the tummy has grown.

A photo of the abdomen at the 9th week of pregnancy will not betray an interesting situation. The uterus in this period only rises a couple of centimeters above the lunar bones, which, of course, is imperceptible to others

What happens to mom at 9 weeks

From about the 9th week of pregnancy from conception, the woman’s well-being improves. The main reason for this is the disappearance of signs of early toxicosis. However, not all women are so lucky, some nausea and vomiting linger for another couple of weeks.

Those mothers who are lucky will feel an increased appetite. It is due to the fact that the woman’s body requires energy – the fetus is actively developing.

At the 9th week of pregnancy from conception, changes in the breast are noticeable. It becomes larger in volume, and the nipples and the area around them darken. The uterus also gradually increases, which can provoke discomfort in the abdomen. However, they usually go away after a short rest.

What sensations can you experience in 9 week

– Sensations in the mother’s body at week 9 can be varied, as well as general sensations in the first trimester. Someone experiences nausea and vomiting, some women may experience a periodic decrease in blood pressure, and, as a result, weakness and drowsiness. All this is a defensive reaction of our body, the body is trying to force the expectant mother to rest more, reduce her activity and, accordingly, direct all her energy to the development of the child, – explains obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Osipenko.

Summarizing, we can say that at the 9th week of pregnancy a woman can feel:

  • nausea and vomiting,
  • fatigue and drowsiness,
  • bloating (due to slower intestinal motility),
  • mood swings (although the hormonal background is gradually leveling out),
  • breast tenderness,
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen associated with an increase in the uterus.


At the 9th week of pregnancy, from the conception of menstruation, as such, there should no longer be. If a woman observes bloody discharge from the vagina, which is similar to menstruation, this is an alarming sign. It is better to immediately inform the gynecologist who is observing you about such secretions. If this is not possible, you should call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Stomach ache

– Pain in the abdomen at 9 weeks of pregnancy, if they are not permanent and do not force the expectant mother to stop routine activities, are quite normal. At this time, the uterine ligaments are stretched, it grows on its own, and the intestines slow down motility, so some spasms are natural, – explains obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Osipenko. – If these pains are transient, quickly subside and do not force the woman to stay in bed for a long time, then you should not attach great importance to them.

Often, abdominal pain provokes problems with the spine. If the discomfort intensified or began to appear frequently, it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps there is a threat of miscarriage and immediate treatment is required.

Brown discharge

– Bloody discharge of any nature and any intensity requires a visit to a doctor, – says obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Osipenko. – If we are talking about scanty, so-called smearing brown discharge, it is enough to consult your doctor. If these are discharges of the type of menstruation or they are bright scarlet, light in color, this is a reason to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. There should not be any initiative.

In the worst case, brown discharge at 9 weeks pregnant can signal

  • about the pathology of the uterus, for example, myomatous or fibromatous nodes;
  • mechanical damage, for example, during sexual contact;
  • lack of progesterone, which can provoke detachment of the fetus from the uterine wall;
  • missed pregnancy and the onset of fetal rejection.

Popular questions and answers

Constipation often occurs during pregnancy, what to do?

It is true that due to the hormone progesterone, intestinal motility slows down, hence problems with stools and other unpleasant sensations. You can deal with this by choosing the right diet. It should include foods rich in fiber, bread with bran, cabbage, beets, carrots. It is useful to use dried apricots and prunes, as well as on an empty stomach to swallow a tablespoon of oil – olive or vegetable – any. If the problem persists, you can consult with your doctor about drugs that relax the intestines and are allowed at this time.

In the first trimester, severe toxicosis began – nausea and vomiting. How to deal with it?

If you are 9 weeks pregnant, then soon this problem will be solved by itself. By week 10, toxicosis usually disappears. In general, to reduce discomfort, you should try to eat dense foods in small portions, and drink tea or coffee without caffeine 15-20 minutes after eating.

What weight changes during pregnancy are considered normal?

In the first trimester, weight usually begins to decrease, but then it gradually increases. But the expectant mother must ensure that she does not gain more than 250-300 g per week. If a woman gains weight, it can be dangerous in late pregnancy. Forget that you need to eat for two – eat in moderation and give preference to healthy food. If the weight stubbornly grows, then consult a gynecologist about fasting days.

If a woman does not gain weight at all, this is also dangerous. For example, with severe toxicosis, the doctor may recommend hospitalization.

What recommendations can doctors give in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Your usual life should not change drastically. It’s just worth temporarily forgetting about bad habits, as well as giving up high heels. Later, they can adversely affect the condition of the veins in your legs. And of course, you should avoid stressful situations and everything that can disrupt your condition – be it a cold or an unpleasant conversation with your boss.

Is it possible to have sex?

Intimate life is acceptable at any stage of pregnancy. In the first trimester, which includes the 9th week from conception, you may not really want sex. Still, many women have unpleasant sensations in the body – abdominal pain, nausea, soreness of the chest. However, at about 9-10 weeks, they recede, giving way to pleasant sensations. If at this moment the expectant mother feels the need for sex, you should not deny yourself.

However, a gynecologist in some cases may recommend abstinence, usually this applies to situations where there is a threat of miscarriage.

If there is none, then feel free to indulge in joys, just try not to overwork, because sex is physical activity, and during pregnancy you should not overload the body.

What to do if pulling the lower abdomen?

Sometimes, due to changes in a woman’s body, new unpleasant sensations appear. If it pulls the lower abdomen, you need to calm down and lie down to rest. This is usually enough for the spasm to pass.

If the pain does not go away, but only grows, they do not allow the expectant mother to do the usual things, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps we are talking about serious pathologies or a missed pregnancy.

What to do if the temperature rises?

In the first trimester, a slight increase in temperature is considered the norm. Slightly – it is up to 37,5 degrees. When the thermometer shows higher values, it means that inflammation is present in the woman’s body. In this case, you need to forget about self-medication and antipyretics, and immediately go to the therapist. If it’s a simple SARS, the doctor will prescribe rest, sleep, rinsing the nose and mouth with harmless solutions, and the cold will pass by itself. If the cause of the fever is something more serious, the specialist will recommend drugs that are safe for your situation.

How to eat right?

In the first trimester, proper nutrition is especially important, because the well-being and health of the baby directly depends on it. Doctors recommend expectant mothers not to radically change their usual diet, but to revise it in the direction of healthier food. Try to avoid preservatives and dyes, exclude alcohol, semi-finished products, minimize fatty, fried, salty and spicy dishes.

Ideally, a woman’s food should contain a sufficient amount of:

– calcium (milk and dairy products);

– magnesium (cereals, berries, fruits);

– phosphorus (fish, onions, carrots);

– vitamin D (liver, fish, greens);

– iron (lentils, spinach, beans).

Leaning on food is not particularly worth it, it is better to eat fractionally – in small portions 4-5 times a day, drink fruit drinks and compotes. The diet should contain both proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates. If you fundamentally do not use any of these, tell your doctor about it, he will recommend an adequate alternative.

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