Otitis is a mild inflammation of the ear. It is more common in children 6 months to 2 years old.
This transient inflammation can lead to complications including deafness if it is not treated properly from the start.
We have researched for you the different types of otitis, their causes and the 9 ways to treat an ear infection in a natural way.
The different types of otitis
There are several types of ear infections. Ear infections have different names depending on the part of the ear that is affected. As a reminder, the ear is divided into three parts namely (1):
Outer ear
This is the outer part. It consists of the pinna as well as the external auditory canal.
The role of the outer ear is to decipher the information, to amplify it and to specify the sounds so that they reach the middle ear correctly.
Inflammation on this part of the ear is called otitis externa. This ear infection can result from edema, or any other cause affecting components of the outer ear. It is more common in swimmers.
Middle ear
It is located between the eardrum and the oval window. The middle ear is mainly made up of the eustachian tube and the eardrum. The eustache is the tube that connects the ear to the nose.
It has an intermediary function. That of transmitting sounds from the outer ear to the inner ear.
Acute otitis media most often affects children from 6 months to 6 years old. From 2 years, the risk becomes less.
Acute otitis media occurs as a result of a cold. The secretions accumulated in the back of the nose will then infect the eustachian tube.
Inner ear
As the name suggests, it is found inside the ear. It is made up of the cochlea which manages hearing and the vestibule which manages the balance of the body. Basically, the inner ear is the center of hearing.
Also called a labyrinth, it helps coordinate the sounds heard and lead them to the brain.
They also coordinate the movements between the eyes, the head and the various other organs of the body.
It is the inner ear which informs the brain of the balance of the body, the position of the head, the movements. It is an essential organ for the balance of the body.
Otitis interna or acute labyrinthitis is inflammation of this part of the ear. Infection can come from bacteria or viruses. It can also be born following surgery.

What are the causes of ear infections?
Otitis externa
Also known as swimmer’s ear (2), otitis externa occurs when water enters your ear. You have the impression that your ear is blocked. You also feel a certain heaviness in your ear.
Otitis externa results from an inflammation of the skin of the ear canal making it conducive to the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.
Otitis externa can occur when the ear remains in contact with water for a long time, for example in the case of bathing, swimming.
Cotton swabs are also a cause of otitis externa. Poorly cleaned ears can lead to otitis externa.
The pain may be followed by a discharge that comes from the ear. Mild in nature, otitis externa can be trickier for people with hearing aids.
Otitis media
It can be acute, serous or chronic. There are many causes. Otitis media can result from:
- From a cold,
- Allergies relating to congestion of the respiratory tract,
- Contact with people who have colds,
- From prolonged exposure to second-hand smoke.
- Children who have not been breastfed are more likely to have acute otitis media.
Symptoms of acute otitis media include fever, inflammation, and itching in the middle part of the ear.
In young children, otitis media often causes them to pull the affected ear. This ear infection also creates appetite and mood disturbances in children.
Otitis media
Otitis interna (3) is rare and quite serious in general. The causes of otitis interna are either viral or bacterial.
This ear infection can occur after surgery on the middle ear. Syphilis is also a significant cause of internal ear infections.
Otitis interna can have irreversible effects such as hearing loss if it is not treated early or if it is treated improperly.
Antibiotics are needed to treat otitis interna. The intervention of a specialist is therefore mandatory.
How to treat them naturally and effectively
Lemon treatment
When you have an ear infection, pour two drops of lemon juice into the affected ear. Lemon is a natural antibiotic.
It is effective against inflammation, swelling and mild illnesses
Essential oils
You will need:
- 8 drops of St. John’s Wort vegetable oil
- 2 drops of tea tree oil
- 2 drops of radiated Eucalyptus oil
Mix these different oils and apply them around the affected ear. This, three times a day.
Solution value
- Tea tree oil is well known for its effectiveness in treating acne, herpes, and oral infections.
This essential oil with multiple antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties will reduce the inflammation created by otitis.
In addition, it will reduce the swelling and slowly but surely heal your ear infection.
- The essential oil of radiated eucalyptus is very important for treating sinus related infections.
Whether in infusion, olfaction, inhalation or diffusion, this oil has multiple benefits to treat otitis.
In combination with other essential oils, radiated eucalyptus oil produces better effects.
- St John’s Wort essential oil: It is rich in several active components useful in the treatment of ear infections.
Considered a decongestant, antibacterial and anti inflammatory, St. John’s Wort essential oil works best when combined with other essential oils.
Salt isn’t just for flavoring your food. You can use it to treat ear infections.
You will need ½ cup of salt. Heat the salt just a little in a bowl in the microwave. Then, spill it into a clean sock or clean cloth. Apply it to the affected ear. Hot salt will help reduce inflammation and swelling.
Do it as soon as you feel the need.
It is used in several natural treatments because of its multiple properties. Antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial garlic concentrates several active components making it an effective treatment.
It is usually used to treat a sore throat, or cough. But it is also used in the treatment of ear infections.
You will need 4 cloves of garlic. Put them in large slices and cook them lightly.
Make sure to close the container tightly and put on a low heat. This will promote water vapor which in turn will facilitate the release of the garlic juice.
When you have collected your garlic juice, let cool for a few seconds. Using a cotton ball or a soaked cotton swab, let the garlic juice flow into the infected ear.
Let the juice flow completely into the ear to allow proper processing.
Onion is a recognized antiseptic. Used to fight or prevent many types of diseases and infections, onion can be a real help in treating your ear infection.
It is indeed rich in mineral salts and in several active components. It is also used to treat the flu, tonsillitis, uric acid, diarrhea and high cholesterol.
First cut your onions into large slices. Heat the onions to collect the juice.
To collect more juice, close the saucepan or container in which you are heating the onion. Reduce the heat to a low heat (4)
When you have collected the onion juice, let it cool down. Using a cotton ball or swab, squeeze the onion juice drops into the infected ear.
Position your head well so that the onion juice goes down well into your ear.
Make sure that the collected onion water has cooled down first before applying it to your ear. You don’t want to make it worse
This will also help dissolve the waste that has accumulated in the ear. It will also help relieve inflammation.

The Basilic
Basil leaves are also a remedy to treat your ear infection.
Crush some leaves with a little water. Combine the juice collected with coconut oil.
Let’s say 5 drops of basil for 5 drops of coconut oil. Mix the two ingredients well for a perfect incorporation.
Apply the solution around the ear. Do a little massage. Basil is used when the infection is really mild.
Magnesium chloride
Magnesium chloride is also used to overcome ear infections.
Heat a little water and add 1 teaspoon of magnesium chloride to it. Let it melt. Stir well so that the properties of sodium chloride integrate well with the water.
Using a soaked cotton ball, put a few drops of the solution in the infected ear (5).
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is often used to treat mild infections including ear infections.
How does apple cider vinegar work, and what are its effects on ear infections?
Apple cider vinegar in fact acts on the acidity of the ear, that is to say the pH. In this way, it destroys the fungus responsible for otitis.
Apple cider vinegar is often used to treat colds, diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol. It actually contains multiple properties that will relieve you.
Combine a teaspoon of plain water with 5 drops of apple cider vinegar.
Soak a cotton swab in the solution and run the drops of this solution into the affected ear.
Rest your head on the other ear so that the apple cider vinegar solution can go down well into the infected middle ear.
Repeat this gesture 4 to 5 times a day. Not only will your ear infection go away, but you will have a reduction in pain within the first few hours.
Olive oil
The superstar of slimming diets is invited into your care. Indeed olive oil can help you treat an ear infection.
I will speak in terms of prevention and also of treatment. In fact the accumulation of waste in the ear promotes ear infections.
To avoid using a cotton swab which is also a source of ear infections if misused, simply pour a few drops of olive oil into your ears.
Let the oil penetrate the back of the ear by placing your head on the other ear. After about 10 minutes, do the same operation for the other ear.
The waste will come out of your ears naturally, thus limiting the occurrence of an ear infection. This is the case with the prevention of otitis.
In the case of treating your ear infection with olive oil, heat the olive oil slightly.
Soak your cotton ball in the oil and pour the lukewarm olive oil drops into the infected ear. It helps reduce pain and swelling.
The sources of ear infections are multiple. You will therefore need to use certain tips to limit their appearance.
In the case of otitis externa, for example, remember to dry your ears after a bath or a swim.
Also remember to carefully clean your ears to avoid accumulating waste in the ears.
In addition, ear infections are easily relieved with lukewarm solutions. The heat helps the dirt melt.
They also calm the inflammation born from otitis. However, avoid using products that are too hot for the treatment.
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