9 Ways to Stay Active for Those Who Don’t Like Sports

If you don’t like going to sports, then sports can come to you. More precisely, with the help of our expert you will find options for physical activity in everyday life. We talk about simple but important habits for staying in shape.

Pay attention to pets

Yes, the advice to exercise is not new. But how many people actually follow it? We’re guessing not a lot.

Pay attention to pets: after waking up, they are the first to stretch. They have been doing this for hundreds and even thousands of years, and over the course of evolution, their habit has not gone away, which means that it is literally vital.

Therefore, put in your schedule 10-15 minutes for morning dynamic stretching – this is already a big help to your body. Do light sips with a smooth movement and calm breathing. This will wake up and start the work of all bodily systems.

The fact is that while maintaining a stationary state, the connective tissue stagnates, sticks together, and during the warm-up we help it to establish its movement, then the joints move easily and correctly.

Make friends with your neighbor and his dog

Remember the pandemic-era jokes about dogs being taken for walks by all the neighbors in turn? So take advantage of this idea!

Many are not ready to have a pet, but you can simply offer your help to your neighbors and on free warm evenings go out to “reconnaissance” of the surroundings with a four-legged comrade. Try it a couple of times and you will notice a big difference in terms of the number of steps taken in a day. And at the same time you will learn more about your area and about useful, interesting places near the house.

Cunning with water

Everyone knows for sure that water should be drunk in sufficient quantities (more than a liter per day for sure). This rule can be turned into a real strategy for increasing daily activity.

Arm yourself with a glass of small volume (250-300 ml) and do not pour two glasses at once for future use. Get up and go to the cooler as soon as the water is over. This will help not only increase the share of daily ordinary activity, but also take breaks from work. So you will have to be distracted from time to time by a small promenade to the cooler (choose the one that is further away from you).

Choose an active holiday (even in the city)

Expand your horizons and look for something you haven’t tried yet, be curious. In many green areas there are panda parks, in addition, there are various hiking trails (suspension and standard). Walk, explore, don’t be afraid to choose new activities.

And if the weather fails, take a look at the climbing wall, the trampoline center, the pool.

Start a new tradition

Common traditions make people’s relationships stronger, so we offer options.

  1. “Bohemian Sunday” or any other convenient day on which you consistently make a cultural trip to a museum, gallery, art space. In museums, as a rule, a thousand or two steps (and sometimes several kilometers) walk absolutely unnoticed! And all this goes into the piggy bank of your overall activity portrait.
  2. Another variation on a pleasant and healthy tradition is breakfast outside the home. One day, go out in the morning to cafes and restaurants that are within walking distance from home. A 30-40 minute walk would be perfect! And the appetite will clear up, and the steps will already “run over” – the preparation for breakfast is excellent.

Resist the temptation to use a car to get there faster. The challenge is to expand your knowledge of the gastronomic venues in your area, try new dishes and, of course, add movement.

Apply trick

By the evening, most people who sit at work all day do not have the strength, time, and mostly desire, to play sports. This is quite understandable, so we suggest going for a trick and not running to the gym at all costs, further inflaming your nervous system, and then lying in bed for half the night trying to fall asleep (overclocked pulse and adrenaline during training will definitely do their job) .

It is better to transfer exactly 2 hours, which would have gone in the evening for training, getting ready and changing clothes, to the morning. In the evening, go to bed 2 hours earlier.

Adjust your personal settings

Table, chair, computer – it would seem, what’s special? And in fact, quite a lot of nuances elude attention. For example, if the table is too low and there is a constant arch in the back, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can occur. Therefore, you should not underestimate the personal adjustment of the height of the table, chair, position of the computer screen.

Challenge yourself

Set yourself an inspiring sports goal that will serve as a good incentive for consistent sports training. You can register for the running festival – the summer calendar of such events is very rich and varied.

To combine business with pleasure, choose new, picturesque cities and routes for this purpose. This is a good incentive and a gift to yourself at the same time. In any case, choose the load according to your strength and prepare systematically.

As you already understood, there are no trifles. And in order to enjoy life every day, and not just on vacation, and stay healthy, you should pay attention to seemingly ordinary things and customize them for yourself.

About the Developer

Daria Tkachenko — fitness trainer, IRONSTAR ambassador. Her blog.

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