It’s no secret that running water is not drinkable. Therefore, in every house there is often a filter to protect your body from harmful substances. How to purify water if the filter is broken or not at all? Here are a couple of ways.
The high temperature can completely sterilize the water and free it from most microorganisms. In this case, the water should be boiled for at least 15 minutes. This method has its drawbacks. Boiling tap water produces additional chloroform, a carcinogen that causes cancer. In addition, heavy metal salts still remain in the water. When boiled, a large amount of water evaporates and the concentration of salts in the water increases. They are deposited in the form of scale and lime, then enter the human body.
Freezing helps remove excess salt from the water. Pure water freezes at a higher temperature faster than water containing salt. Therefore, first pure water freezes, brine remains between the ice crystals, that is, a mixture of water and salts. This brine is drained, and pure ice is melted to obtain purified water.
For 2 liters of water, a tablespoon of table salt is taken. After dissolving the salt, let the water stand for 15-20 minutes, as a result of which some types of microbes will partially die and the salts of heavy metals will settle.
Silicon serves as a powerful water activator. It has bactericidal properties and acts as a medicine. Silicon is washed, thrown into water and insisted for a day. After such treatment, you can drink water and cook food on it. If there is no silicon in the house, water can be infused with Jerusalem artichoke. It has the highest percentage of silicon among vegetables – 8,1%. The second place in terms of silicon content is occupied by radish – 6,5%.
Silver has bactericidal properties and is often used in medicine. Also, this metal perfectly purifies water. You need to collect water in a large container and put a silver object, such as a spoon, on the bottom. By morning, silver ions will purify the water.
Activated carbon
Activated carbon is used in the manufacture of water filters. It removes unpleasant odors of various impurities in water, adsorbs various harmful substances. To purify the water, you need to pack 5 activated carbon tablets in gauze or cotton wool and place them on the bottom of a water container. By morning, the water will be clear.
Water purification with vinegar belongs to folk remedies. A little vinegar should be added to the water: for 1 liter of water – 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and honey, 3-5 drops of 5% iodine. In such an environment, microbes die almost instantly.
This is another popular way to purify water. One end of the woolen thread is dipped into water with water, and the other into empty one. Water will drip from a full container to an empty container that has already been cleaned. In this way, you should purify the water several times.
Berries and leaves
The water can be purified with berries and leaves, in particular hawthorn berries and rowan leaves. 15 leaves should be used for 1-3 liters of water. The water will be clear in a couple of hours.