9 ways to keep your back healthy

90 percent people in their forties have back problems. The younger ones don’t get better. As much as 72 percent of them complain of diseases and pains related to the skeletal system. First of all, our backs (63%), neck (53%), arms (38%) and wrists (33%) hurt. Cause? The modern lifestyle where we spend most of our time, twisted and hunched over, in a sitting position. How to help yourself every day? What to do to keep your back strong and healthy? Advises Paulina Ziarnowska, physiotherapist at Columna Medica, a clinic treating spine diseases.

Examine your spine

Don’t take the pain lightly. If the symptoms persist and you feel uncomfortable, an appropriate examination will help determine the problem. In spine diagnostics, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are the most commonly used; An auxiliary examination with the Diers Formetric 4D device, which scans the spine without the use of X-rays, is also becoming more and more popular. The research will help to determine what kind of anomaly we are dealing with: scoliosis, deepened lordosis or kyphosis, rotated vertebrae or excessive overloading of one side of the body.

Don’t stay in one position for too long

The spine likes movement and change. Even correct sitting or standing in one position, when it is of a long-term nature, is not beneficial for our posture.

Pay attention to the position of the body when working

In the office, start by adjusting the height of the chair seat properly. The neck should be elongated, shoulders lowered loosely, back straight, forearms resting on the armrests of the chair. The laptop is placed in front of the face, not to the side and not too low so that we do not have to bring our head closer to it and lower the neck. Killing the spine, especially the cervical region, is having the cell phone tilted over your shoulder instead of your hand. A raised shoulder leads to tension in the upper trapezius muscle, flexion of the cervical spine, stretching of the ligaments and pressure on the intervertebral discs.

Take breaks for office exercises

Simple exercises will not take long and will allow you to end your day without persistent muscle pain. Try the following exercises:

Regularly straighten up. In this position, not only the back muscles work, but also the abdominal muscles.

Stretch. Put your hands up, lean back slightly. This exercise allows you to “open” the thoracic section.

Move your head. With a stabilized shoulder, turn your right hand to the right, slightly tilt your torso to the right, and stay in this position for a while. We repeat the exercise for the left side.

Press your hands on the desk. This will relieve tension in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulders.

Climb on your toes, resting your hands on the edge of the desk. Hold for 5 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Get your shoulders up. With your arms lowered loosely and in a breath, pull your shoulders back. Repeat 20-30 times.

Remember about proper posture when doing household chores

When washing dishes, the spine will be relieved by leaning your forehead against the cupboard, spreading your legs wide and shifting your weight from one side to the other. When loading the washing machine, do not bend in two, but kneel on one knee. Press the laundry basket against you, tightening your stomach. When ironing, use a board by adjusting its height properly. From time to time, also change your position from standing to sitting and vice versa. Mop the floor, do not scrub it on your knees. When watching TV, choose a sitting or lying position, never in between, which is harmful to the cervical and lumbar vertebrae.

Sleep well (and make love)

The most unfavorable position is to sleep on your stomach because your head is twisted all night long. Avoid thick, too high pillows when sleeping on your back. When sleeping on your side, you can put a pillow not only under your head, but also under the knee of your bent leg. Frederic Srour and Emmanuelle Terras, authors of the book “Strong back” also recommend that the comfort of the spine should be taken into account in erotic life. Good positions for our posture are classic, spoon, rider and backwards.

Exercise your back and abdominal muscles

Strong muscles are the perfect support for the spine. Exercises that are easy to do include planks (the body rests on the forearms and toes, as stiff as a board), cat’s back (arches the back up in a propped knee), sphinx (lie on your stomach, place your hands at shoulder level, and then straighten them by lifting the upper body up) and a one-sided knee. The abdominal muscles will strengthen classic crunches.

Do sport

Any dose of exercise is good. Consider backstroke, crawl, or even a frog (though not necessarily head-to-head, with your head sticking out of the water). Nordic walking, tennis, yoga, Pilates, stretching, cycling and cardio training will have a positive effect on the spine.

Opt for manual therapy

Touch can heal, especially if we are dealing with minor posture defects. Manual therapy improves the functioning of joints and nerves, reduces pain. It uses massage techniques, stretching and pressure on blocked places. The therapy is indicated for posture defects, stiffness and tension in the neck, numbness of the limbs, and discopathy. However, it is not recommended for people suffering from osteoporosis.

Columna Medica are experts in the non-surgical treatment of the spine.


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