9 ways to get a healthy and instant portion of energy!
9 ways to get a healthy and instant portion of energy!

Are you chasing deadlines and duties, and you lack energy? You know that energy drinks are a poor long-term solution because they are fattening and short-lived. Another cup of coffee doesn’t help anymore, meanwhile there are still a few hours left to leave work.

Taking magnesium and vitamins will only work after a few days. Relief should be brought by ways worth trying now…

Patents for more energy during the day

  1. Drink non-carbonated water – a slight dehydration is enough for the conduction of nerve impulses to decrease. Lack of concentration is often due to the lack of water in the body. Optimally, we should consume between 1,5 and 2 liters of water every day.
  2. Forest fruits – are a real treasury of anthocyanins, i.e. antioxidants. Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries as well as other blue, purple and red fruits are recommended.
  3. Outdoor walk – just a few minutes is enough. After this time, breathe through your diaphragm for a while. Thanks to oxygenation, you will feel better.
  4. Organize your workplace – and the little things will stop distracting you. In addition, it is advisable to place a red cup or other small object within sight, which will multiply not only thinking processes, but also a sense of confidence.
  5. Get yourself a dose of magnesium – bran, nuts or pumpkin seeds can work wonders when we feel that we are weakening. This mineral component participates in the production of energy by our body, and also supports intellectual functions.
  6. Mint gums and dragees – mint refreshes, which is confirmed by the opinion of researchers from West Virginia. We will quickly feel stimulated, our psychophysical efficiency will increase. The habit of chewing gum is worth developing, also because it has a positive effect on our ability to remember.
  7. Ventilate the office/apartment – it is natural that when we are too warm, our efficiency decreases and we become drowsy. A few degrees less is enough to increase the blood flow in our body, and with it the energy. In the rooms where we stay, there should be no more than 22 degrees C in winter and 24 degrees C in summer.
  8. Prepare green tea as directed – at the time of brewing, the temperature of the water should be lower than at the time of boiling. Theine present in green tea will add vitality and strengthen concentration. Only the first infusion has a positive effect on the efficiency of our body.
  9. Complex carbohydrates – for example, brown rice or a sandwich made of wholegrain bread will contribute to the increase in glucose and energy in one go.

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