9 Ways To Deal With Stopping – Dietetics – Articles |

1. Drinking water

If to the body is not supplied with enough water, paradoxically, it begins to accumulate it. A hormone secreted by the hypothalamus – vasopressin is responsible for this. If we are dehydrated, the secretion of this hormone increases. This causes urine thickening – water is not it is excreted through the urinary system but is returned to the blood vessels. They can so puffiness occurs.

I accept sure that an adult person should deliver to the body not less than 30ml fluids for every kilogram of body per day (in the case of a person weighing 60 kg, this is approx. 1,8 liters of fluids a day). Of course, this demand increases in in case of increased physical activity or hot weather.

2. Drinking herbal teas

Some herbal teas help remove excess water from the body and also cleanse it him from toxins. It deserves special attention nettle, dandelion, horsetail and purges. However, in order for them to bring the expected results, you should drink them at least 3 times a day for several days.

3. Avoidance coffee and strong tea

No all fluids are good for the body and are rehydrating. Both frequent drinking coffee as well as strong infusion of tea can backfire – so dehydration, increased vasopressin secretion and water retention in the body. Therefore, it is recommended:

  • drinking weak infusions of teas
  • limiting coffee consumption to 2 cups a day
  • at drinking more coffee or strong tea infusions – an additional drink glasses of water (meaning each coffee should be an extra glass of drunk water).

4. Avoidance alcohol

Drinking alcohol causes blood vessels to widen, which makes it easier for water to enter intercellular spaces. Not infrequently, alcohol is drunk with sweet drinks that further promote water retention. So let’s avoid alcohol and drink it only in occasional situations, preferably with water.

5. Limitation salt intake

Salt (a exactly sodium) shows a strong water retention in the tissues. When we eat it for a lot, water from the body can not be removed, it remains in the tissues and causes swelling. It is worth remembering that it is not  here it is only about the salt itself, but also about the many products that contain it in excess, e.g. highly processed food, fast-food dishes, ready-made sauces, snacks such as crisps and sticks, cold cuts, cheese.

Według World Health Organization (WHO) daily salt intake should not exceed 5 grams, which is 1 flat teaspoon (this amount includes salt and products containing it).

6. Limitation sugar consumption

Sugar, like salt, it can cause swelling. It is assumed that 1 g of glycogen binds about 3-4 g of water. In addition, the level of simple sugars rises sharply after consuming simple sugars blood glucose followed by the level of insulin, which makes it difficult to excrete sodium from the body. So let’s completely give up on sweetening your drinks as well limit the consumption of sweets.

7. Eating vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and some the fruits are rich source of potassium. And maintaining the right balance between supply of potassium, and sodium helps to maintain the osmotic balance in the body – that is, proper hydration of cells and intercellular spaces. It’s worth it so include in your diet such products as: parsley, celery, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, bananas, grapefruits or avocado.

8. The use of turmeric

The active ingredient in turmeric – an Indian spice – is curcumin. Recently, it has made a great career in the world of medicine, it is credited with such properties like fighting cancer cells, antioxidant activity, antiviral or digestive. It is also supposed to help in the fight against excess water in the body and cellulite. So let’s season it turmeric your food.

9. Regular exercises

During exercise, the body gets rid of excess water and salt with sweat. Regular exercise improves blood circulation and reduces water retention.

It’s worth it remember that water retention in the body may indicate not only an improper diet or hormonal changes (related to e.g. pregnancy, menstruation), but also about the disease, e.g. about:

  • hypothyroidism
  • disease kidney
  • heart failure
  • venous insufficiency
  • disease liver

Therefore, with frequent swelling just changing the eating style may not help – it will be necessary also consultation with a doctor.

Main photo is from: flickr.com

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