9 ways to cheer up when you don’t get enough sleep

We all know how important quality sleep is. But sometimes circumstances do not allow you to sleep. Are there ways to get in shape even if you didn’t get more than a couple of hours of sleep last night?

Here are some tips to help mitigate the damage from sleep deprivation. It is most important to get enough sleep the next night so that sleep deprivation remains the exception rather than becoming a regular occurrence.

1. Have breakfast right away

Lack of sleep disrupts the normal feeling of hunger. Without sleep, we often feel hungry all day, and if we start to abuse fast food and other unhealthy foods, it will be difficult to stop. Stay away from sweets and hamburgers and start your day with a healthy breakfast. “Foods rich in protein will give you energy for the whole day,” advises nutritionist Megan Faletra.

2. Walk in the sun

When you feel sleepy, do not sit in a dark room. “Bright light helps wake you up and makes you feel better,” explains Dr. Katie Goldstein of the Michigan Sleep Disorders Center. If the weather is sunny, take a walk outside and turn on as many lights as possible at home or in the office.

3. Be active

“Of course, when we didn’t get enough sleep, we want to think about charging last. But even a few simple exercises will help you cheer up, ”says clinical psychologist Courtney Bancroft, a specialist in the treatment of insomnia and sleep disorders. However, do not overdo it: fitness trainers do not recommend resorting to training if you did not manage to get enough sleep. Limit charging.

4. Breathe deeply

“Breathing exercises help to cheer up like a workout,” adds Courtney Bankrotf. Here are a couple of easy options:

  • Breathe quickly with your tongue out for 30 seconds. Take a deep breath. Repeat the exercise.
  • Close the right nostril with your finger, inhale through the left for 4-8 seconds. Close the left nostril and exhale with the right. Then repeat in reverse – inhale with the right nostril and exhale with the left. Continue for a minute.

5. Cool down

Do not sit all the time in the heat, this will make you want to sleep even more. Bancroft recommends taking a cold shower, turning on the air conditioner, or running your hands under cold water from time to time.

6. Try not to lie down for a “little nap”

“After a sleepless night, try not to sleep at all during the day, then it will be easier for you to fall asleep the next night,” Bancroft advises. If the urge to take a nap becomes irresistible, you can lie down for a while – but no more than 45 minutes.

It is advisable to do this no later than two to three hours in the afternoon to give the body the opportunity to restore normal circadian rhythms (biological clock). Otherwise, there is a risk that you will toss and turn in bed the next night, trying to sleep.

7. Drink more water

Do not allow dehydration of the body, otherwise you will feel even more tired. Nutritionist Megan Faletra recommends drinking 2-3 liters of water during the day after a sleepless night.

8. Do not use electronic devices in the evening

Sleepiness takes a toll on productivity, and it can be tempting to sit at work longer to get everything done. Remember that the bright light coming from the screens of electronic devices prevents our body from getting ready for sleep. “Do not use gadgets for two hours before bedtime,” says Dr. Katie Goldstein.

9. Drink coffee

Coffee has an invigorating effect by blocking the action of adenosine, a neurotransmitter released when the brain senses a lack of sleep. Try not to drink coffee after XNUMX p.m. so that you don’t disturb your sleep the next night and fall into a vicious circle.

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