9 Types Of Men Who Are Just Not Made For Marriage

You met recently, you have a lot in common and there is a “chemistry” between you that cannot be explained in words. But intuition whispers that everything will not be so rosy. Is it worth it to listen and save time and nerves?

Relationship experts name 9 types of people with whom it is better not to plan anything serious.

1. Empty talk

The groom, who at any moment can turn into a pumpkin, this type is eloquent and unreliable. He is constantly late and can easily not come to a date. “He will beg you for trust and patience, but with each broken promise, your anxiety will only grow,” says journalist and author of Cinderella Lied, Brenda Della Casa. Blacklisted immediately!

2. Hasty

You met only three times, and he already knows how many children you will have, and boldly hands you the keys to his apartment. “No wonder you feel a growing urge to slip away. Be vigilant, – calls the founder of the New York dating club The Modern Love Club Amy Van Doran. – Why so hurry? This excitement does not speak about the true feelings of a person. Rather, he wants to impress, break the emotional bank, and then move on to the next victim.”

3. Selfish

“If you understand that a new acquaintance is clearly not inclined to support and listen, you should immediately press the pause button,” says family coach Jeffrey Platts. “It is very important to be generous in marriage. Is your partner generous with compliments? Does he wonder how your day went? Do you feel that he is your biggest fan and fan? If not, then why are you in this relationship?”

4. Critic

Whatever you do or say, he is always ready to object. This type of people emits negativity like radiation. Even if you don’t feel dangerous at the beginning of a relationship, criticism has already begun to destroy your self-esteem.

“Their stubbornness and causticity at some stage can attract. We like people who know who they are and what they want. These qualities begin to repel when you realize that your opinion for them is just an excuse to assert themselves. The only correct answer to any question is their answer. Stable relationships are based on compromise and empathy,” says marriage consultant Julie Nguyen.

5. Slave

Unlike the previous type, he agrees to everything. All your ideas instantly receive warm approval. Henpecked for some reason believes that any initiative coming from him is punishable, and avoids any activity. But he will gladly follow you around.

“When a person tries to fully share your hobbies, it is captivating. But then you realize that apart from this, he is not able to offer you anything. You need a full-fledged partner, not a second fiddle, says Julie Nguyen.

6. Narcissus

“A narcissist can be charming in superficial communication, but he is not capable of empathy. In difficult situations, when you are sick and need support, this person will not come to your aid. No understanding, no sincere apology, no respect. Is it possible to survive in such a marriage? asks Brenda Della Casa.

7. Eternal unemployed

Do not write off people who are in the process of changing careers or looking for a position after graduation. But if you notice that the person you are dating is constantly out of work or changes (loses) it every couple of months, this is a reason to think.

“This can demonstrate an inability to have long-term relationships in any area – both career and personal,” warns Della Casa.

8. Brawler

“Ask yourself the question: “Can I freely express my thoughts with this person even in the most intense and stressful moments?” Geoffrey Platts suggests. Disputes and quarrels happen in any family, they are a sign that you are not indifferent to each other.

But if a partner explodes for any reason and threatens to break up, this is a bad sign. Our emotional triggers are a way to explore our emotions and get closer, not a reason to constantly blackmail each other with a breakup.

9. Lone wolf

“There is nothing wrong with self-sufficiency. But if you have met a person who does fine without you and makes you understand this, it is better to give him this opportunity. Overly independent people can convince that they dream of a relationship, but in fact there is no place for two in their life, ”says Amy Van Doran.

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