9 types of couples that won’t last together

Experienced psychologists and relationship experts already at the first meeting point out what will help the couple not to go the distance or, on the contrary, increase the risk of divorce. Let’s listen to their observations.

Rules are good because for each of them there is an exception. You were predicted that in all respects you would not last a year together, and you already have children and grandchildren.

Then you have all the more reason to laugh at the lists and forecasts. But there is some truth in them, and for many others they will be useful.

1. A couple in which emotional balance is disturbed

If, emotionally, one of the partners takes over all the work, then after a while the balance of the couple is disturbed. And this, in turn, changes the dynamics of the development of relations.

It happens that one of the partners is always the first to ask for forgiveness, settles conflicts with the outside world or “disperses the clouds” and wipes away tears, while the second becomes more and more capricious: it’s so nice to feel that you are being pampered … But it’s in your own interests not to fix it for your partner in the ultimate role of a heavyweight wrestler or weightlifter. Someday he will come to the conclusion that the relationship with you is more like hard work.

2. Those who hope to re-educate each other

You cannot marry who your chosen one may become – you marry who you are now. If something in your partner annoys you, get used to the idea that this trait of his will not go anywhere. Will you be able to come to terms with his shortcomings? By the way, not all of them are so unbearable.

Thrifty? Someday this quality will help you get through difficult times. He has many relatives and your doors are not closed on weekdays or weekends? This means that your children will grow up in a noisy company and there will be someone to leave the child with while he is small …

3. Those who choose a partner with a list of requirements in hand

There is nothing wrong with marrying a tall sports financier who writes poetry in his spare time. There are couples that look perfect in every way. And then, after a while, it turns out that they have different views on some prosaic life things that they never even talked about, like whether marriage should be monogamous and who will take out the garbage.

Pragmatic Americans use the term deal breaker in the context of marriage – “a condition that prevents the conclusion of a deal”, or “a decisive unfavorable factor”. There are conditions under which psychologists do not recommend marriage, and they are associated with a conflict of interest. They cannot be ignored if this conflict concerns basic values, beliefs and ways of life.

For example, if one of you strongly states that he does not like children, he is unlikely to change his attitude towards them.

4. Lovers of hitting back

She cheated, he evened the score by going on vacation with a colleague. He did not want to go to dinner with her parents on Sunday, and now, as a matter of principle, they no longer go to visit his family. This is a very bad habit. The game will continue until one of you grows up and stops playing it to leave all disputes behind, along with dead relationships.

5. Sex and nothing but sex: for dinner, breakfast and lunch

Hot as coffee beans from a brazier, mind-blowing sex is the dream of many. But in a long-term relationship, you will sometimes have to talk. And then the surprises begin. What a pity that perfect compatibility in sex does not always guarantee full compatibility in a long-term relationship.

6. A couple of daffodils

Those who fit the description of a narcissistic personality are very difficult to relate to. They are so self-absorbed that they “forget” to show empathy and sympathy for their spouse, and this is one of the most important components of a long and successful marriage. And the narcissists themselves really need it.

7 The Couple Who Never Talked About Money

Talking about money is definitely not the sexiest, but starting it before the wedding and revisiting it from time to time when you’re already married is a must. Who will work and whether for a full day, how long will you sit with the children, where will you get finances at this time.

Does your chosen one say that a woman should take care of children and wait for her husband to come home from work? Do not be touched and do not swallow the phrase “Will we have enough money for this, can you take on additional work?” – Ask him this question. Disputes about money and spending are considered by specialists in the field of family relations as predictors of an impending divorce.

8.May with December

The difference in 30 years is significant when it is 25 and 55 years old, but at the age of 45 and 75 it will only increase. Of course, I want to live my youth again, looking at a young creature, and I want to have a serious, accomplished man next to me. There are exceptions, and we wish you to become such an exception.

9. “Go away – oh no, come back! Go away, you insufferable boy…”

There are artistic couples who can’t go a day without drama, but again, this is the exception rather than the rule. Usually these are people of a demonstrative type who need the attention of the public, they need a permanent spectator, at least one sitting in a dark hall. They leave as if the last act of the play has ended and applause will follow. But more often this is followed by a sigh of relief from the partner and the whole family.

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