9 things that many mothers understand with the birth of a second

9 things that many mothers understand with the birth of a second

It would seem that you already know exactly what lies ahead: pregnancy, childbirth, the sweet smell of your newborn baby. But fears for some reason do not diminish.

Young mom and blogger Joanna Studenroth was one of those anxious moms. How will it go? Will I be able to? How are we going to build family life again, adapt to the daily routine? “Am I really ready for my second child?” She asked herself the same question over and over again.

Joanna’s second baby was born 4 months ago. During this time, the young mother managed to part with many of her fears. And at the same time to understand some very important things about motherhood.

Surprisingly, Joanna compares caring for a newborn to riding a bike. The analogy is simple: if you once learned to ride it in childhood, you will never forget how. So it is with a child – after all, you already know everything, you know how, and will cope perfectly well over and over again.

“The fear that I had no idea what to do disappeared as soon as I took the baby in my arms for the first time,” says the young mother.

You will love your second child as much as your first. As well as the third and fourth. Love is like a bottomless ocean, which does not get smaller, no matter how much you drain.

“I was so obsessed with my first daughter that I was seriously afraid that with the second I would not have the same connection. In the first second after Goldie was born, I realized that this is all nonsense, ”explains Joanna.

The body will take longer

Yes, you will get back in shape longer than after the first birth. Surely, after all, in the second pregnancy and the tummy became noticeable faster? And that’s okay.

“After the first birth, I got into old jeans after six weeks. And she ate everything. And now four months have passed, and I am still a size or two larger than before, ”the girl confesses.

We’ll have to carve out a minute

To be alone with your husband, you have to show remarkable imagination. For example, to drive children for a long time in a car so that they fall asleep soundly. Or postpone dating late into the night.

“But we managed somehow, we have time for each other, even with two babies,” says Joanna.

“It may sound strange, but now I feel more like a mom than before. This does not mean that I did not feel like a mother when I gave birth to my first child. It’s just that now this state of being a mother occupies a large part of my personality. And I like it, ”the girl admits.

With the first baby, Joanna could not wait for her to start holding her head, then crawl, say the first word and start walking. With the second daughter of such a feeling – “Well, when!” – did not have.

“I enjoy every minute of the hug. After all, peace will be even less when she learns to walk. And there will be more hassle on the playground, ”she says.

Every girl needs attention, otherwise the elder’s jealousy cannot be avoided. Allocating time so that no one feels left out is not an easy task. But it is also possible.

“Sometimes my husband and I feel as if we are maneuvering in the dark in a shallow bay. We had to adapt to the new reality, but we managed. It takes patience and a lot of love, ”says Joanna.

Even with one child, it is not always possible to carve out a little time to just go to wash. With two, it becomes an incomprehensible luxury. There is always too little time now, and too much to do. You have to prioritize: sleep, food, washing. It was then that Joanna thanked the creators of the deodorant and dry shampoo.

With the second child, the hours and minutes seem to rush twice as fast.

“The only advice I can give is to take a lot of pictures and not get stuck on the phone for any other reason. You won’t get these days, weeks, months ago. So enjoy them now. Live today “, – the portal quotes Joanna Momtastic.

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