9 things cleaners should do every day in the house

9 things cleaners should do every day in the house

The main thing is not to be lazy, and then you will have to clean less often.

Who didn’t want to become one of those heroines whose house can be made ready to receive guests in just 15 minutes? To turn your dreams of cleanliness into reality, check out the daily habits of ideal hosts to help you achieve the perfection you desire.

1. Cleaners always make the bed

Make your bed in the morning before leaving the house (or better yet, before leaving the bedroom). If you are in a hurry, cover the bed with a blanket and flatten it to create the illusion of a made bed. This simple action creates a sense of order in your bedroom and sets a productive tone for the day.

2. Empty the dishwasher in the morning

Take the dishes out of the machine in the evening so they are ready for the day ahead. This will make it easier to clean up after dinner and keep the sink from clogging up with unwashed dishes.

If you wash every day, then the pile of dirty clothes will gradually decrease (and you will always have clean clothes on hand). Large families prefer to do this every morning, but if you live alone, twice a week should be enough.

4. Use baskets for different things

If there is a place for each thing, it is easier to keep order. Place pretty baskets all over your home and add shelves for larger items.

5. Don’t waste time with cleaning

If a product has been delivered to you, unpack it and discard the packaging immediately. The same goes for unpleasant cases when something spills or crumbles. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for you to clean up later.

6. Do not scatter clothes

No matter how much you want to throw your clothes where you have to after a long day at work and put on a robe, do not be too lazy to fold it neatly, hang it on a hanger or put it in a closet. Do this and you will see how much better your room and your clothes look.

7. Do several things at the same time

You can drastically reduce clutter by cleaning up right away. For example, you can rinse the slicing boards while the pasta is boiling, or start loading the dishwasher while the chicken is baking.

8. Never go to bed with a messy kitchen

Resist the urge to lie down immediately after a hearty meal. Clean the kitchen as much as possible – wash pots and pans, wipe work surfaces, and so on. If this is not done, then the next morning the pollution will harden, and the smell from them will intensify, and you will lose more time.

You can make your day more productive if you plan ahead, for example, what household chemicals you need to stock up on to tackle the bathroom, or choose the clothes you wear to go to work in the evening.

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