9 steps to slow down aging

Scientists, doctors and cosmetologists say: the aging process is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences. What needs to be done for timely prevention in order not only to look, but also to feel young, experts say.

In adulthood, we often reap the rewards of indifference to our health in youth. To prevent this from happening, you need to start doing anti-age prevention as early as possible and follow certain rules.

1. Eat a balanced diet

In youth, when we are actively consuming calories, and metabolic processes are running smoothly, we can eat anything and in any quantity. Over the years, metabolism slows down, which leads to excess weight, the deposition of salts, toxins and, as a result, to a deterioration in well-being.

“First, you need to eat at least three times a day. An interval of more than 5 hours slows down metabolism, adjusts the body to economical energy consumption, – says Oleg Iryshkin, expert nutritionist of the X-Fit fitness club chain. Secondly, use only fresh products. Semi-finished products with preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers contribute to the accumulation of toxins. Third, limit refined foods and fast carbohydrates. They instantly raise the level of sugar. Eat more protein foods (fish, poultry, meat) and try to eat at least 300 grams of vegetables and 300 grams of fruit per day.

2. Get rid of bad habits

Smoking and alcohol, as well as malnutrition, lead to slagging of the body and the early appearance of the first signs of aging. “Smoking affects skin color in general. It becomes dull and takes on a yellowish-brown hue, explains cosmetologist Natalia Nikolaeva, author of the book Cosmetology Without Surgery: 10 Markers of Youth. “And the use of alcohol and drinks containing caffeine contributes to general dehydration of the body.”

Without moisture, cells age faster, and all metabolic processes slow down. This is not to mention the fact that bad habits inevitably lead to various diseases.

3. Move and exercise more

“Any movement, with or without load, helps the joints to remain mobile and not lose collagen tissue. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from osteochondrosis, warns Ruslan Panov, an expert methodologist and coordinator of group programs at X-Fit fitness clubs. – Regular exercise also strengthens the cardio-respiratory system, preventing the occurrence of tachycardia and coronary disease.

Stress exposure to extreme cold improves muscle tone and joint mobility, stimulates metabolism

It’s never too late to get fitter. For older adults, yoga, dance, or entry-level group workouts are best to start with, all of which provide a good baseline. Pilates, trekking (training on treadmills) and cycling (imitation of riding a racing bike) are also “shown” for beginners of any age.

4. Get regular check-ups

With age, many suddenly discover chronic diseases that could be detected at an early stage. In order to “catch” and correct some change in the functioning of the body, it is important to regularly undergo medical examinations or its modern counterpart, the comprehensive check-up diagnostics.

“Everyone who cares about their health is recommended to undergo a basic check-up once a year, starting from the age of 18,” explains Oksana Chashchina, an anti-aging medicine doctor at the Fifth Element clinic chain. – With its help, you can check the condition of the vital systems of the body, make sure that everything is in order, or detect violations in a timely manner. The basic check-up includes general and biochemical blood tests, urine, ECG, spirometry, ultrasound of the internal organs and the thyroid gland, etc.

If the patient has a complicated history, chronic diseases or hereditary predisposition, he should undergo an extended check-up with additional examinations, for example, tests for tumor markers, vascular ultrasound, etc. Such a health check allows you to learn about possible risks and take timely action.”

5. Do general strengthening procedures

“Different types of massage, algae wraps, stone therapy and heliotherapy are not only a way to pamper yourself,” says physiotherapist Maria Romanova, head of the department of aesthetic medicine and rehabilitation at Medical SPA Lapino. – Such procedures activate the defenses, saturate the tissues with oxygen, essential trace elements and vitamins.

An interesting way to improve well-being and condition in a short time is cryotherapy. It has been scientifically proven that extreme cold stress (-110°C) improves muscle tone and joint mobility, stimulates metabolism and reproductive functions, and strengthens the immune system.” An important note – it is important to take all restorative procedures in a course of 10-15 sessions.

6. Look after the skin

Everyone knows that in the prevention of skin aging, the main thing is thorough hydration. And it is useful to supplement home care with salon procedures.

“Modern methods (for example, biorevitalization or ultrasonic skin moisturizing) solve the problem of dehydration of the epidermis, stimulate the production of collagen fibers, improve the complexion, and even eliminate deep wrinkles,” says Elena Samokhvalova, dermatocosmetologist at the OTTIMO clinic. — Another effective antiage technique is photorejuvenation. The skin is exposed to high-intensity light fluxes, which eliminates the early signs of skin aging, stimulates the production of collagen and activates metabolic processes.

For the purpose of prevention, salon procedures can be carried out from the age of 18-19, if indicated. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, heredity, lifestyle and even profession. So, in athletes, stewardesses, models and actresses, the skin is more often and more dehydrated.

7. Beat stress

“During a period of nervous tension, the level of cortisol, the main stress hormone, increases. This in turn provokes cellular inflammation. In addition, cortisol and other “defensive” hormones inhibit cell renewal processes, and this affects both the appearance of the skin and the health of the body,” explains cosmetologist Natalia Nikolaeva.

The mental faculties of a person increase as a result of exercise, like his physical strength.

How to beat stress? Everyone has their own recipes. Good sleep, communication with loved ones, favorite hobby, physical activity, balanced nutrition, meditation helps someone. Others may need specialist help. In any case, controlling stress is very important for maintaining youth.

8. Keep your teeth healthy

Dental problems make you look much older. “In order for the teeth to remain healthy and not change their position, it is necessary to properly brush them at least 2 times a day, eat more solid plant foods (fruits, vegetables), reduce the amount of sweets and carbonated drinks, stop smoking, and visit a doctor. dentist 2 times a year,” recalls Stanislav Vafin, chief physician of the Swiss Smile dental clinic.

9. Learn new things

Perhaps the most frightening thing about aging is the changes that affect the brain and nervous system. “As we age, the brain functions less intensively as a physiological organ, but intellectual skills, the power of abstract thinking, and its individual traits may still be pronounced,” says Joseph A. Ilardo, author of the practical guide When Parents Get Old. — The quality of a thought is largely determined by the level of its complexity and how accurately it interprets reality. In addition, studies have shown that a person’s mental abilities increase as a result of exercise, similar to his physical strength.

The author makes an encouraging, though unexpected for many, conclusion: a person is capable of learning at any age, his intellect is not necessarily subject to destruction. So if you want not to lose the ability to think clearly and intelligently over the years, do not be afraid to learn new things and learn.

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