9 simple truths that will help you on bad days

Do you sometimes feel out of shape, to put it mildly? What do you usually do at such moments? Wrap yourself up in a blanket and watch every episode of an old sitcom? Are you craving sweets? Scrolling aimlessly on social media? The next time you have a bad day, just remind yourself of one of the simple truths.

1. “I’m important/important”

Yes it is. You are important, meaningful and valuable. You have the ability to influence the lives of those around you. Don’t believe? So go and do something nice for someone.

Send a thank you letter or just a warm word. If one of your friends is having a hard time right now, listen to him and support him. Apologize to those who are at fault. Please your husband, boss, parents or childhood friend with some trifle – a chocolate bar, flowers, a cute postcard. Buy coffee for the person in line behind you in the cafeteria.

Watch the reaction and you will immediately see how much depends on you and how important you are.

And by the way, remember that you are a unique, deeply feeling person. If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be reading this article right now. But you are here, which means you are working on yourself and striving to make yourself the best you can.

2. “I’m going to have other bad days”

Days like these are just a fact of our lives. To survive them, be kind to yourself. Please yourself with something. It doesn’t matter what – new funny socks, fragrant coffee, a series of a good old movie, a conversation with a friend, a walk.

3. “The figure, the number of subscribers and the amount on the card is not the main thing”

We used to think that all this brings joy, but it is not. Choosing activities, friends and food, focusing only on your desires – this is real happiness. Stop, ask yourself, “Will this help me feel the way I want to?” and see where the answer takes you.

4. “Not all that glitters is gold”

The pictures we see on social media are not always true. As a rule, people present the world with an ideal image of themselves: without problems, weaknesses and shortcomings. And that’s completely normal. Remember that in front of you is only an image, and you do not know what is behind it. Do not reach for the ideal.

5. “Am I ashamed? I want to talk about it”

There is only one way to get over guilt, failure, or embarrassment: talk to someone you trust. Until this happens, you seem to be languishing in a dark cave, the entrance to which is closed by a heavy stone. With a confidential conversation, you seem to roll this stone aside, and the sun’s rays begin to penetrate into your cave. And you immediately realize that you are significant and not alone. And you get better.

6. “Great success is the result of a long journey”

No matter what anyone tells you, healing, growth, and indeed any major change takes time. Take at least one small step towards your goal every day and be kind to yourself—especially on the worst days. Believe. And don’t stop.

7. “I do my best”

The only thing you can do is to do everything in your power, to the best of your knowledge and capabilities. You will simply have nothing to blame yourself if you gave 100%. Now take a break and draw your own conclusions. What have you learned from this situation? What is the most important thing in it for you?

8. “It takes very little to change.”

Are you ready to spend a lot of money, go to Bali and meditate on top of a mountain for two months? This is not necessary. Change requires reflection and analysis. Be honest with yourself and gradually introduce something new into your life. The only thing that will help you move to a new level is activity. In addition, it is the best remedy for apathy and insecurity. Only she redirects our energy flows in the right direction.

9. “We’re all imperfect, and that’s okay”

Therefore, love yourself. Let go of frustration and frustration. Self-flagellation is a road to nowhere, and perfection is an unattainable goal. So set yourself up for success without demanding the impossible from yourself, and be yourself. This is the best thing that can happen to you.

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