9 Signs You’ve Come to a Tipping Point in Your Life

Passing a certain age limit, we begin to prepare for the “midlife crisis”. We look forward to unbearable torment and joyless old age. Is it really a sad development, or is there an alternative plot? Psychologist Lyubov Revenko tells how to recognize the onset of a turning point in life and believe in a brighter future.

The term “midlife crisis” became widely known in the 60s, but today, for a number of reasons, the professional community is increasingly moving away from it. Everyone should remember the main thing: the best age is the one in which you are now.

However, there are certain milestones in life, the passage of which, on the one hand, leads to personal and spiritual growth, on the other hand, causes difficulties. We are seized by a feeling of uncertainty, the old values ​​are losing their relevance. A turning point can be recognized by a number of signs. If you find yourself experiencing the following symptoms, then it’s time to look at life in a new way.

1. You ask existential questions

You may have outgrown this life stage. Intuitively, you feel that it is time to move on, but have not yet chosen in which direction. At this point, it’s good to take a breather and think about what you want. Conduct an audit and find out if the goals that you once set for yourself are relevant? It may turn out that you still embody the dreams of your parents and live according to the patterns accepted in society, instead of listening to your heart and following its call.

Remember, a period of reflection will help you discover things that do not fit in your life today and get rid of them. Growing healthy curiosity encourages the search for creative solutions to problems, gives hope for overcoming the crisis.

2. You act in the heat of the moment

You are introspective and make rash conclusions about the quality of your life. For example, you convince yourself that a relationship with a loved one has lost its novelty, romance has disappeared in them; the work ceased to give the desired satisfaction.

Impulsive decisions in such situations rarely bring relief, but spoil everything quite often. Before drawing radical conclusions, it is worth taking a pause and calmly, without drama, consider what is happening in the context of today’s situation.

Take a deep breath, turn on the thought process, then make a decision, not the other way around.

3. You feel like you’re losing your mind

You forget why you went, where you left this or that thing, any little things annoy you, you explode with a storm of emotions for no apparent reason, you notice that your family has begun to avoid you. You may have a hormonal imbalance associated with a lack of estrogen, which can begin several years before menopause. Today, there are many ways to painlessly overcome this period and avoid hanging age labels.

4. You no longer remember when you slept soundly all night.

This symptom may also be associated with hormonal deficiency. Another reason is that heavy existential thoughts overwhelm you so much that even sleep becomes unsweetened. As soon as you understand yourself and a ray of hope appears, perhaps the dream will improve by itself.

5. The future seems bleak and uncertain

One of the beautiful features of youth is the idea that there is an infinitely long life ahead, there is all the time in the world to make dreams come true. At a certain age, naive beliefs pass, optimism is replaced by fear.

It is natural to take off the rose-colored glasses, but you should not change them for dark glasses. You can get out of the oppressive state in which the future seems gray and dull, remembering the former serenity and again believing that all the brightest and most beautiful awaits you ahead.

6. Boredom is increasingly covering your head

Boredom, accompanied by a lack of passion in life, can be one of the symptoms of a turning point. Duties and routines of an adult take their toll, depriving you of the ability to have fun and have fun for no good reason.

Hobbies bring variety to life

The cure for boredom can be finding hobbies that take you out of your comfort zone. For example, if you’ve always liked cooking shows, sign up for a cooking class. Learn a new musical instrument, take dance lessons, choose any hobby that suits your interests.

7. You have a feeling of irretrievable loss.

You often think back to the fact that something intangible has irretrievably gone from your life. It is difficult for you to determine what it is, but the feeling of loss does not leave. It may be associated with the loss of an ideal that could not be achieved. Comparing the image that you dreamed about with reality, you feel empty and disappointed.

It happens, and vice versa, everything that was planned came true, but the thought does not leave you: “Is that all? What’s next?

Do not forget that you approached the current milestone with the accumulated experience, wisdom and conclusions that you made in the process of self-knowledge. All this will undoubtedly benefit you. Even if past dreams have not come true, you can create new ones and start realizing them, relying on the conviction that there is still a lot of new and unknown ahead. Perhaps you will succeed even in something that you did not dare to think about.

8. You obsess over your appearance.

The desire to look better, younger, “all rouge and whiter” is understandable, but many hours of sitting in front of the mirror, accompanied by lamentations over each wrinkle that has appeared, is a wake-up call. In pursuit of perfection and eternal youth, some people are ready to take drastic measures. Unfortunately, such attempts often fail. They turn a person into a beautiful plastic flower: perfect, but completely false.

Each age has its own advantages

People are driven to such actions by the fear of losing their former freshness and attractiveness. They succumb to the pressure of public opinion and imposed standards of beauty.

Lonely people are primarily at risk. But even those who are in stable relationships often lose their heads in the pursuit of ideal weight and physical shape.

The inevitable external changes worry both women and men. But it is worth remembering that each age has its own advantages. You just need to learn how to use them correctly and take them with dignity.

9. You stop caring about your appearance.

Some women may experience the opposite reaction: they stop caring for themselves. Believing that age-related changes are inevitable, they say: “Let it be as it will be.”

A woman can remain beautiful and elegant at any age, and there are many examples of this. Modern cosmetic procedures and skin care products allow you to maintain youth for many years. In addition, only after a certain age can a woman afford to wear exquisite outfits, expensive furs and jewelry, because at a younger age they look out of place.

Middle age is like adolescence. In addition to the difficulties, there is the same power of mastering new ideas, searching for opportunities, the desire to learn, to make dreams come true.

Try to look to the future with optimism and an open heart. There is a lot of interesting things ahead of you, so go for it!

About the Developer

Lyubov Revenko – psychologist, hypnotherapist, co-founder of the School of Conscious Change. Specializes in working with traumatic experiences, anxiety, phobias, addictions and relationship problems with a partner.

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