9 raw food stars and how they got there expert

The world is literally crazy about a raw food diet. Many celebrities give up meat, fish, dairy products and switch to fresh juices, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Wday.ru found out which of the stars considers themselves to be raw foodists and how serious their hobby is.

The raw food diet emerged in the second half of the last century as one of the options for vegetarianism. However, if vegetarians allow themselves to eat foods that have undergone heat treatment, then raw foodists eat everything in its original form. That is, the food is not fried, not baked, not steamed, but served cold.

In addition to all kinds of vegetables and fruits, the diet of raw foodists includes nuts, cold-pressed vegetable oils, dried fruits and even cereals, but they are eaten after germinating. Raw foodists believe that in this way the nutritional value is maximally preserved in the products. Another of their arguments is that in ancient times people did not eat fried and cooked food and did not eat meat and fish.

There are various options for a raw food diet. For example, adherents of an omnivorous raw food diet eat everything – fish, meat, and dairy products, but all this must be raw. Raw vegetarians allow themselves milk and raw eggs. Still, most raw foodists adhere to strict restrictions: no meat, fish or milk, only plant-based foods. True, few celebrities who embark on a raw food diet adhere to such strict rules.

It is believed that it was Demi Moore who pioneered the raw food diet in Hollywood. The actress is sure that it is this nutritional system that allows her to maintain her beauty.

Moore’s diet includes a cocktail of 10 tomatoes, and she replaces sweets with frozen cherry juice without sugar. At the same time, the actress does not refuse food of animal origin, but eats it without heat treatment.

For example, for breakfast, Demi can eat a fruit salad, for lunch – beef carpaccio with vegetables, for dinner – vegetables and sushi without rice. And all this is washed down with a lot of tomato juice.

And one more secret – chili peppers are added to the products, allowing to speed up metabolism and, accordingly, fat burning.

Despite the fact that the famous actress was on our list, she still cannot be called a classic raw foodist. She actually eats most of the products raw. In addition to nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits, Jolie eats porridge soaked in water with honey and fruit. However, she does not refuse animal protein and eats chicken or fish, steamed or baked in foil a couple of times a week. The actress also allows herself low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese, cold vegetable soups, such as gazpacho, and all kinds of teas that cannot be brewed without boiling water.

Because of these nuances in the diet, convinced raw foodists do not recognize the actress as theirs. Jolie recommends that you gradually join the raw food diet, arranging fasting days for yourself on vegetables and fruits. Also, the actress offers to listen to the desires of her body.

The singer and actor, according to him, has been practicing vegetarianism for over 20 years. However, from time to time it deviates from the chosen power system.

For example, when he was offered the role of Mark Chapman, the killer of John Lennon, Jared had to recover pretty much, not without the help of expertly cooked proteins and carbohydrates. After filming, Jared decided to get back in shape with a raw food diet. He began to eat unsalted nuts, berries, and other raw foods.

Recently, Jared Leto has generally become addicted to the so-called fruitarianism: this is a type of raw food diet, when only fruits are eaten.

During interviews, he can often be seen with bananas or tangerines. However, for the sake of a role in the film, he is sometimes ready to sacrifice principles and eat tuna, but only on camera and only for the sake of art.

It is difficult to call the actress a classic raw foodist – Uma Thurman does not adhere to this food system all the time. She uses it as one of her many diets, although she eats raw foods frequently and regularly.

According to the actress, it was very difficult for her to get used to raw food. But when she got involved, she liked it.

Unlike vegans, Thurman, during the periods when he goes on a “raw” diet, eats not only plant foods, such as dried fruits and sprouted cereals, but also raw meat.

The actress became a raw foodist after reading Jonathan Safran Foer’s novel Eating Animals. In addition, according to Portman, she liked Demi Moore’s diet.

True, Natalie Portman remained a raw foodist only before pregnancy. As soon as she realized that she was expecting a baby, she decided to switch to vegetarianism. The actress felt that the body needs milk, butter and eggs, and did not deny herself them. She feared that the child would not be able to get enough vitamins for development. However, it is possible that Portman will return to the raw food diet.

An acquaintance convinced the famous actor to become a vegetarian when he was 24 years old. The change in diet, according to Harrelson, allowed him to get rid of his health problems.

Later, the Hollywood star became addicted to a raw food diet. Most of the products that the actor consumes are grown on his eco-farm on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

Harrelson’s diet is mainly fruits, vegetables and nuts. The actor also makes good money on his convictions – he is a co-owner of a vegan restaurant and the world’s first organic beer garden.

The singer is called a moderate raw foodist. She has been following a vegetarian diet since the age of 15. Her diet is based on vegetables, fruits, sesame seeds, seaweed, miso soup and unprocessed rice. But from time to time Madonna switches to a raw food diet and for a long time eats only vegetables, fruit salads, herbs, and drinks freshly squeezed juices.

The actress became a vegetarian at an earlier age than Madonna, at age 12. She was motivated by the same book as Natalie Portman, Eating Animals, to move towards a raw food diet. Moreover, she became an active fighter for the rights of our younger brothers.

Hathaway eats vegetables and fruits, and he is especially fond of broccoli. She adds jalapeno sauce to her dishes. At night, the actress drinks two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. It promotes the elimination of toxins from the body and improves the condition of the skin.

The singer approaches her diet rationally. Several years ago, she gave up meat, chicken and fish and became a vegetarian. She posts her dishes on Instagram and even offers recipes. For Casanova, a raw food diet is not a permanent food system. She switches to it in the summer, when fruits and vegetables contain the maximum amount of nutrients.

The singer loves blended pumpkin, spinach and cauliflower soups. Also in her diet are salads of celery, avocado, carrots, lettuce and suluguni, seasoned with exotic spices. At the same time, Casanova loves ginger tea, pu-erh tea, coffee and chocolate, so you can’t call her a convinced raw foodist.

Founder of Food SPA company for the production of products for healthy nutrition and detoxification of the body.

The raw food diet usually comes in the course of nutritional evolution. It is a mistake to consider a raw food diet as a diet, even if it is a long one, because after the diet you still return to your usual foods.

In my case, everything happened gradually. At first I gave up eating red meat, then chicken, eggs, fish, then – from dairy products. And in the end I switched to a raw food diet. The main secret is that you should not deliberately limit yourself: just listen to your body and refuse those products that it does not need. I know which product and exactly how it affects my body. If meat is not good for me, then why eat what is bad? It is a toxic product that contaminates the body. For anyone considering switching to a raw food diet, I would recommend reading The China Study by Colin and Thomas Campbell. Many people I know stopped eating meat after reading it.

Fasting days are also very useful, when the body receives nutrients during the day from healthy foods that do not contain sugar, flour and have not been fried. As a result, after such days, taste habits may change. I recommend starting your morning with a glass of green juice squeezed from apple, cucumber, celery, spinach and lime. Many healthy people periodically cleanse their bodies with cold-pressed detox juices. However, if there are any diseases, for example, problems with the pancreas or stomach ulcers, then it is recommended to dilute the juice with water one to three. In any case, long-term intake of juices, for example, within one or two days, it is better to start only after consulting a doctor. “


How do you feel about a raw food diet?

  • I have practiced this power system several times, but I cannot sit on it all the time.

  • I didn’t even know what it was

  • I don’t understand how you can only eat raw fruits and vegetables

  • I’m a veteran raw foodist

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