9 pregnancy month
The last weeks before childbirth are a particularly exciting period for any pregnant woman. Together with a specialist, we will tell you about the main stages of the 9th month of pregnancy and answer the most common questions

The long-awaited ninth month of pregnancy: soon the woman will meet the baby she has been carrying under her heart all this time. The expectant mother is increasingly thinking about the upcoming birth, worrying about her health and the well-being of the child. 

The last month of pregnancy has its own important features and gives a woman inexpressible sensations that can not only surprise her, but even frighten her (1). KP along with obstetrician-gynecologist Maria Filatova will tell what awaits a woman during this period, how the body changes and what should be avoided so as not to bring trouble.

Key facts about 9 months pregnant

You can’t take vitaminsA pregnant woman should be careful with all pharmaceuticals, you can drink any pills only under the supervision of a doctor. But this does not mean that vitamins are prohibited. In contrast, pregnant women are often advised to take a complex that contains folic acid and iron (2). In any case, you need to consult a doctor: he will select the necessary components, taking into account the health of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy.
A healthy woman can give birth at homePregnancy and childbirth are natural processes. But it is impossible to predict the development of events for sure. A woman whose pregnancy was easy and without complications may face unforeseen situations during childbirth, where only a specialist who has the necessary equipment and drugs at hand can quickly respond. Therefore, it is better to trust the professionals of the maternity hospital. Moreover, today you can choose an institution and even a doctor in advance.
depression after childbirthThis happens, and often. Many factors influence – from changes in hormonal levels to the realization that life with a child will no longer be the same.

However, not all mothers experience postpartum depression, as the body itself helps to overcome negative emotions.

IMPORTANT! During pregnancy, you should not tune in to the fact that you can encounter this psychological disorder. But relatives need to know in advance more information about this disease. Family support can help a new mom with postpartum depression. 

Symptoms, signs and sensations

The last month of the third trimester is always an exciting time for a woman. This period is considered difficult for both the expectant mother and the fetus. A woman is actively preparing for childbirth – this is evidenced by changes in the body and her emotional state. 

Let’s talk about late toxicosis, abdominal prolapse, weight loss, training bouts and other points that pregnant women face at 9 months.


Usually nausea in the last weeks of pregnancy does not bother. However, there are exceptions: when a woman is faced with severe preeclampsia in the ninth month of pregnancy. Especially the expectant mother begins to panic when toxicosis is accompanied by severe swelling, dizziness and high blood pressure (3). 

In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the only way out of this situation will be an emergency delivery. 

Weight reduction

A woman at 33-36 weeks may notice that the scales show smaller numbers than before. Do not panic, this is a harbinger of an early birth. The body prepares for the process, excess fluid comes out, hence the slight weight loss – 1-2 kg. For the same reason, loose stools and a decrease in edema can be observed.

Removal of the mucous plug

Every day, vaginal discharge becomes thicker, and after sex or a gynecological examination, you can notice bloody streaks.

In the last weeks, you can notice a jelly-like discharge of a light color or with brown impurities. This secret comes out under the influence of hormones and signals the approach of childbirth, preparing the expectant mother to meet the baby.

Training bouts

A normal phenomenon at the 9th month of pregnancy: the stomach turns to stone, but this feeling quickly passes. Periodicity is not observed.

Abdominal prolapse

The fetus turns head down and descends into the pelvic area. Therefore, a woman can watch her stomach move down. During this period, the pregnant woman disappears heartburn and shortness of breath. 

All of these changes indicate an early birth.

Photo life

At the 9th month of pregnancy, the belly becomes larger and rounder, you can see stretch marks on it, a dark line that seems to divide this part of the body into two halves, and the navel turned outward. Later, everything will return to its previous form. But to avoid unnecessary problems, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with creams and oils, as well as drink plenty of water.

When the fetus descends into the pelvic area, you can see that the stomach has dropped down and seemed to stretch out a little.

Child development at 9 months of pregnancy

The ninth month of pregnancy is considered from 34 to 38 weeks (time from conception). But during this period, 33 weeks are often included.


Obstetric weeks are counted from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. And real weeks are counted from the moment of conception. Most often, obstetric calculations of the term are ahead of the real one by about two weeks.

33 Week

The baby’s face is rounded, the vellus hair on the body becomes less. The fetus is already large enough, it becomes crowded in the uterus, so it can move less often. But a woman sometimes notices how her stomach trembles periodically: this is a baby hiccuping. This happens when, during respiratory movements, he swallows amniotic fluid. This is not dangerous. 

Growth44 см
The weight1900 g

34 Week 

During this period, the relief of the face is formed in the child, and he also has an acute hearing.

At the 34th week of pregnancy, it is uncomfortable for the fetus to lie in the uterus, due to lack of space, it curls up into a ball, pressing its arms and legs to itself.

Growth48 см
The weight2500 g

35 Week

During this period, the fetus develops training vital skills: sucking, swallowing, breathing, blinking, turning from side to side.

At 35 weeks, the amniotic fluid decreases in volume, which gives more space to the baby. It is at the end of this period that it is considered that the fetus is formed and fully full-term. 

Growth49 см
The weight2700 g

36 Week

The fetus continues to grow and strengthen in preparation for birth. All organs and senses are already formed and fully functional, except for two: the lungs and the brain. They continue to improve and actively develop after childbirth. 

Growth50 см
The weight2900 g

37 Week

The baby continues to build up subcutaneous adipose tissue. Also at the 37th week of pregnancy, the active development of the brain continues.

Growth51 см
The weight3100 g

38 Week 

During this period, the activity of the fetus decreases due to lack of space in the uterus. In addition, the nervous system is sufficiently developed so that the child can coordinate movements. Therefore, at this time there are no such frequent movements as it was before.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the baby is less active and sleeps more and more – it saves energy for an early birth. 

Growth52 см
The weight3300 g


If in the last week of pregnancy a woman feels active fetal movements, then this should be urgently reported to the doctor. A similar phenomenon can be observed during hypoxia.

Examinations at 9 months of pregnancy

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman must visit a doctor every week. Below we will tell you what else is needed for a complete examination during this period.


At the 9th month of pregnancy, a woman needs to take a general urine test weekly. This is required so that the doctor can observe the indicators of sugar and protein.

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Also, at the beginning of the 9th month, a pregnant mother takes a smear for the purity of the vaginal flora. If the doctor is not satisfied with the results, he either sends the woman for tests again, or prescribes treatment in connection with the situation.


At the appointment with the gynecologist, blood pressure, waist circumference and weight are necessarily measured. The doctor also examines the condition of the cervix to determine its readiness for childbirth. 


If the pregnant woman does not have any urge to labor, and the period is already approaching, the doctor re-examines the cervix. If there are no changes, a woman can be urgently hospitalized in a hospital for artificial stimulation.


Cardiotocography (CTG) is a must: by monitoring the fetal heartbeat, the doctor can diagnose various disorders in time that are dangerous for the baby.

Do’s and Don’ts for Expectant Mothers

The ninth month of pregnancy is the final stage of gestation. This period is the most difficult for a woman, both physically and psychologically (4). In the last weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother should not imagine the upcoming birth in negative colors and worry about nothing, and it is also recommended to limit physical activity and fatty foods.


If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then even at 9 months you can have sex. But everything should happen carefully and smoothly, so that after active actions you do not urgently go to the hospital. 

If the pregnancy was problematic, then it is better to postpone intimate relationships. It is especially not worth the risk if the gynecologist directly forbade having an intimate relationship due to any complications. Otherwise, sex can lead to premature birth and other unpleasant consequences.

Physical exercise

In the ninth month of pregnancy, a woman’s activity drops to zero and she increasingly wants to sleep. This is normal, as the body prepares for the birth process and accumulates strength. 

Also, in the last weeks of pregnancy, you should give up physical activity: you should not lift weights or move furniture, carry heavy bags, and so on. Otherwise, it can lead to negative consequences: for example, uterine bleeding and rapid delivery.


In the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman feels relief in the body, as heartburn, constipation and other digestive problems gradually recede. However, you should not lean on junk food, as this will not only increase the load on the liver, but also provide weight gain, which is useless in the ninth month.

Popular questions and answers

Obstetrician-gynecologist Maria Filatova answers questions about the features of the ninth month of pregnancy.

How to deal with toxicosis?

At the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby continues to grow, the pregnant uterus presses on neighboring organs, which is why women during this period may be disturbed by heartburn, nausea and frequent urge to urinate. To reduce heartburn, it is recommended to eat small portions, do not take a horizontal position immediately after eating. Sometimes special preparations may be used. 

To reduce nausea, the recommendation to eat small meals also remains relevant, plus tea and lollipops with lemon, ginger and mint can help.

Can I have sex at 9 months pregnant?

With a normal pregnancy, sexual activity is not contraindicated. However, it is worth discussing this issue with your doctor. It is especially worth paying attention to the rules of sexual and personal hygiene, because. during pregnancy, due to physiological changes and hormonal changes, women may be more vulnerable to vulvovaginal candidiasis. It is highly recommended not to use saliva as a lubricant. 

How much weight can you gain at 9 months pregnant?

Physiological weight gain is considered to be 450 g per week. Excessive gain may be the result of edema or improper eating behavior. With swelling of the legs, it is recommended to wear compression underwear (knee socks, stockings). Exercises can help: take a knee-elbow position and stand for 10-20 minutes, so 3-4 times a day. It helps improve blood flow to the kidneys and urine flow.

How to understand that childbirth has already begun and it’s time to get ready for the hospital? 

Two weeks before delivery, the fetal head begins to descend into the small pelvis, which causes the bottom of the uterus to also descend. During this period, as a rule, heartburn worries less, but discomfort may appear in the area of ​​​​the pubic joint. 

Mucus plug leaves a few days, and sometimes a few hours before birth. If a woman finds a clot of mucus on her underwear, it is most likely that the cork has come off. In the near future, labor activity should begin. 

Unlike false ones, contractions at the onset of labor are regular in nature – about 1 contraction in 10 minutes, gradually increase in strength and duration, and the time between them is reduced. 

With the appearance of regular contractions or the outflow of amniotic fluid, you must go to the maternity hospital.

Sources of

  1. Obstetrics: Textbook // G. M. Savelyeva, V. I. Kulakov, A. N. Strizhakov and others; Ed. G. M. Savelyeva – M .: Medicine, 2000
  2. Daily iron and folic acid supplementation during pregnancy. e-Library of Evidence for Nutrition Actions (eLENA). World Health Organization. URL: https://www.who.int/elena/titles/guidance_summaries/daily_iron_pregnancy/en/
  3. Combined forms of late preeclampsia in pregnant women / Marusov, A.P. 2005
  4. The course and management of pregnancy in the trimesters of its development: a guide for doctors // Sidorova I. S., Nikitina N. A. 2021

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