9 natural proven aphrodisiacs

Do you want to diversify your erotic life? Or maybe you have noticed a lower appetite for sexual activity for some time? There are many things you can do in your daily life that can help. Consider natural methods that support and improve libido. There are many different solutions that can increase your sex drive naturally. However, keep in mind that each pair is different. It is worth trying several methods and natural aphrodisiacs to find out what is best for you.

  1. Various biological, hormonal, social and psychological factors contribute to the level of libido and its possible decrease 
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  4. What else could be a natural aphrodisiac?
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What exactly is libido?

Libidoto is just another name for lust or sex drive. Your libido depends on a great many internal and external factors. Your appetite for sex is related to the state of your physical health and well-being, i.e. your mental health. It can vary with hormone levels, the effect of medications, and even sleep habits. Everyone has a different temperament and sexual needs, but most people struggle with a decline in libido with age.

Natural aphrodisiacs, or how to heal sexuality with home methods

1. Eat fruit that supports sexual health

There is little hard scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of foods, but experimentation won’t hurt as many of these fruits have indirect effects on sexual function.

For the sake of your sex drive, it is worth reaching for figs, bananas and avocados. These fruits are considered to be libido-enhancing foods, they are simply called aphrodisiacs. These foods also provide important vitamins and minerals that they can increase blood flow to the genitals and positively influence a healthy sex life.

2. Eat chocolate

Throughout history, chocolate has been a symbol of desire, not only for its delicious taste or luxury, but also for its power to increase the level of sexual pleasure. Chocolate promotes the release of chemicals such as Serotonin is phenethylamine. This can cause the so-called an aphrodisiac effect and improve mood, which in itself helps to raise the libido. Interestingly, according to studies, the effects of chocolate on sexuality are probably primarily psychological, not biological. But the most important thing is that it works!

The rest of the text is below the video.

3. Bet on herbs

The next time you plan a romantic dinner with your loved one, add a little to the dish basil or garlic. The scent of basil stimulates the senses. Garlic, on the other hand, contains high levels of allicin, which increases blood flow and can support potency. This effect can support men struggling with erectile dysfunction.

  1. Find out more: Herbs for potency – a natural and safe way to improve sexual performance

Another natural way to improve the quality of sex life is to take Ginko biloba. According to research, this herb can treat sexual dysfunction caused by antidepressants in men. Ginko biloba is an extract obtained from the leaves of Chinese ginkgo.

4. Try African Yohimbine

Yohimbine is an alkaloid derived from the bark of the West African evergreen tree (medicinal yohimba). This compound shows an effect similar to the popular blue pill, i.e. Viagra.

Some studies suggest that yohimbine bark can help maintain an erection and significantly improve its quality. Not all scientists agree on this issue, but since it is a natural way, it is worth trying it out for yourself.

5. Increase your self-confidence

The way you think about your body affects how you think about sex. An unhealthy diet and lack of exercise can cause low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence. As a result, complexes and fears of one’s own body can effectively discourage sex and cause a lack of joy and satisfaction from intercourse.

You can increase your self-esteem and sex drive by shifting your focus from your flaws to your strengths. It can also be effective to focus on the pleasure experienced during the intercourse. Self-confidence is the world’s greatest aphrodisiac.

6. Limit your alcohol

Two glasses of wine is one too many. Having a glass of wine can relax you and put you in a blissful mood. However, too much alcohol can ruin your sexual performance. This aspect particularly affects men. Women also feel the influence of percentages on the quality of sex life – too much alcohol can inhibit the ability to achieve orgasm.

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7. Get rid of stress

Whether you are a walking specimen of health or not, stress can affect your sex drive. Especially when it comes to long-term exposure to it. According to research, women are more prone to the effects of stress on their sex life. Men, on the other hand, more often use intercourse as a method of relieving tension. Sometimes, differences in the approach to sex can cause conflicts and, as a result, reduce the sexual activity of a given couple.

To relieve stress, consider meditating or working with the breath. You can also try physical activity.

8. Sleep a lot

People who lead fast and irregular lifestyles do not always have time to get enough sleep. Living in a hurry and under constant time pressure also makes it difficult to find the right moment for a rapprochement. Most often, a similar crisis occurs when we have to reconcile many engaging life tasks, e.g. professional work with taking care of children or seniors in the family. In addition, the emerging stress and exhaustion significantly reduce libido.

If you want to take care of your sex life together, we recommend Libido for women and men – Panaseus supplement set.

If you have problems sleeping, take care of proper sleep hygiene and try to compensate for its deficiencies. You will increase your energy and sex drive by taking naps and following a healthy diet rich in protein and complex carbohydrates to prevent sudden drops in blood sugar.

9. Take care of the relationship

Human sexuality is an exceptionally sensitive barometer of the quality of relationships. When a couple is struggling, it becomes much harder to have a successful sex life. In any relationship, conflicts and quarrels arise, but if left unresolved, they can generate trouble in the bedroom. A healthy and satisfying (including sexually) relationship is based on good communication, emotional closeness, trust and intimacy. This means that unresolved conflicts can affect the quality of sex life.

Consult a doctor

Even if you are following natural methods to improve your sex life, seeing your doctor is always a good idea. Perhaps the decrease in libido is caused by the disease or the medications you take. A doctor can help identify the source of your intimate problems.

See also:

  1. A factor that is crucial for the quality of sexual life
  2. Sex is the best injection of youth. How does it affect our body?
  3. Love – types, stages, health and body effects

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