9 indoor plants to help you fall asleep faster

9 indoor plants to help you fall asleep faster

There is nothing better than a deep sleep, after which you wake up refreshed and rested. These gifts of flora will provide cleaner air, increased oxygen content in the room and a pleasant aroma, which means they will bend you into the arms of Morpheus in a few minutes.

1. Sansevieria (Snake Plant)

In addition to its ability to survive with minimal maintenance, this plant is loved for the fact that it purifies the air in the house. Sansevieria can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, and unlike other plants that stop doing this at night, sansevieria continues to produce oxygen while you sleep. And the more oxygen, the better the sleep!

2. Gerbera (Gerbera Daisy)

Gerberas can be a great bedroom plant as long as there is enough light for them. Their vibrant colors elevate your mood when you wake up, and at night they release oxygen by absorbing harmful chemicals from the air. They are recommended for people suffering from allergies and sudden respiratory arrest.

Like rosemary, lavender is often chosen for the bedroom because of its pleasant scent. It has been shown to help relieve anxiety and fall asleep quickly as it lowers heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels. Lavender is a powerful plant, so one small pot on your bedside table can be enough for a great sleep.

Jasmine is not perceived as a houseplant by many, but it does have a number of sleep-enhancing benefits, including the ability to reduce anxiety even more than lavender. Thanks to jasmine, heart rate decreases, blood pressure decreases, and breathing becomes deeper.

It is a very popular houseplant for many reasons. It does well with a small amount of light and does not need to be watered often. At the same time, scindapsus very effectively purifies the air, especially converting carbon monoxide into oxygen, which is very useful for sleep.

6. Common ivy (English Ivy)

You may not consider it a houseplant, but its curly properties make it a hanging decoration in any room. However, its benefits are not limited to purely aesthetic ones. Ivy has been proven to remove mold and animal faeces from the air, reducing allergies and improving air quality, cites Pop Sugar study.

7. Chlorophytum (Spider Plant)

This pet among indoor plants is extremely easy to care for and reproduces very quickly. If you have headaches or dizziness, place chlorophytum in your bedroom. It removes harsh chemicals like formaldehyde from the air, making the air cleaner and sleeping better.

Many people keep aloe in the house because of its medicinal properties, for example, it is used to treat burns and wounds. However, keeping aloe close to your bed will also provide clean air by taking in the gasoline found in paints and chemical cleaners.

9. Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily)

These flowers are among the most effective in improving room air to help improve sleep. They remove gasoline, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. Interestingly, they take mold spores out of the air and turn them into food for the plant! A pleasant exterior will also give the bedroom the cozy atmosphere needed for a great sleep. Good dreams!

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