9 good habits to lose weight effortlessly

4. Click on the desired points. The problem of excess weight is associated with increased appetite and slowed metabolism. There are points on the body that are able to regulate both. For example, triple pressing on the point between the upper lip and nose will help to pacify hunger. Areas that dull hunger are also found behind the eyeballs. They can be activated by pressing lightly on the closed eyelids. It is easy to fix metabolic problems by occasionally stroking the tragus – the cartilaginous tubercle in the ear in front of the ear canal.

5. Do not eat on the go or in front of the TV… Remember: you only need to eat at the table. If you do this in between, food is poorly absorbed and stored as fat. Do you need it?

6. Do not eat. Make it a rule to leave the last piece on your plate. Forget what your parents told you: power is in the last piece. It was as a child. And now a seemingly harmless spoonful of potatoes or a piece of meat are your sworn enemies.

7. Do not go to the store on an empty stomach. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to resist the temptation to buy more high-calorie food. And eat it immediately.

8. Take aromatic baths… When taking a nightly bath, drip a little aromatic oil into it – grapefruit or other citrus fruit. The centers of hunger and smell are nearby, so smells can temporarily kill your appetite. This means that after the bath you will not want to have a snack for the coming sleep.

9. Sleep in the cold. It has long been proven that a room temperature of 17-18 degrees is optimal for metabolic processes. If you want to lose weight – get used to sleeping with an open window or on the balcony. Take an example from lean Englishmen – their bedrooms are not heated!

Let’s burn in an hour!

Easy cleaning of the apartment – 300 kcal

Ironing clothes – 150 kcal

Washing dishes (10 minutes) – 50 kcal

Wipe off dust (10 minutes) – 60 kcal

Washing windows – 280 kcal

Cooking lunch – 135 kcal

Brisk walking – 300 kcal

Shopping – 220 kcal

Trying on outfits in the store (for one outfit) – 8 kcal

Nerves waiting for transport, waiting in a traffic jam – 30 kcal

Standing on feet – 108 kcal

Performing in front of the public – 156 kcal

Search for documents on the desktop (in 10 minutes) – 30 kcal

Climbing stairs – 288 kcal

Playing with children – 260 kcal

Drawing – 240 kcal

Playing a musical instrument – 130 kcal

Frisbee game – 210 kcal

One passionate kiss – 68 kcal

Sex – 280 kcal

Sleep – 45 kcal

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