9 foods to improve your well-being

It is essential to have pleasure while eating without forgetting to combine pleasure with health and well-being. Many foods would help you feel better, combat stress and restore energy. Discover our selection of special well-being foods.
Sesame seeds for a good mood
Sesame seeds are rich in vitamin B6. Also called pyridoxine, vitamin B6 plays an important role in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin (= pleasure hormone) or dopamine (= happiness hormone). Therefore, the consumption of sesame seeds would promote the chemical process of “good mood”. A study1 also states that a vitamin B6 deficiency would lead to excess irritability. In addition, sesame seeds also have antioxidant virtues which play a major role in slowing cell aging.
Note http://naturaldatabase.therapeuticresearch.com/nd/Search.aspx?cs=&s=ND&pt=100&id=934&ds=effective