9 Best Vitamins for Kids

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

With vitamins and vitamin complexes, provided in abundance on the pharmaceutical market, there is a curious situation. Usually, from the point of view of medicine, the treatment process consists either in adding something to the body, for example, a medicine (or vitamin), but only in case of its shortage (proven!) or beriberi. The second method of treatment is to take away something that is in excess, and obviously has become superfluous. For example, many diets are formed in this way, and the simplest example is an energy-reduced diet for overweight. However, in modern clinical practice, almost no one is faced with severe beriberi. Perhaps there are only three cases when vitamins are needed in the first place.

We will not delve into the theoretical jungle, and talk about the possibility of scurvy, or acute vitamin deficiency of ascorbic acid, or beriberi disease (chronic thiamine deficiency). Most often in clinical practice, three types of acute or chronic beriberi are defined:

  1. vitamin D deficiency in children, which is manifested by imperfect bone formation, and is known as rickets;

  2. chronic avitaminosis of cyanocobalamin, or vitamin B12. It most often manifests itself in people with a significant amount of resected stomach (when the operation left the patient with only a small part of the stomach), or in strict vegetarians, since we get vitamin B12 only from animal food;

  3. The third type of acute beriberi is Wernicke’s encephalopathy (acute hemorrhagic encephalitis), which is manifested by severe neurological disorders with loss of consciousness, and most often occurs in chronic, long-term alcoholics.

Accordingly, it is necessary to introduce sufficiently large doses of vitamin D, B12, and vitamin B1. Is it necessary to give vitamins, or vitamin, vitamin-mineral complexes just like that, for prevention? In some cases, yes. Konda is it necessary?

For example, for the prevention of rickets, newborn babies need to be given vitamin D daily, at a dosage of 400 IU, and it doesn’t matter at all whether the young mother takes this vitamin or not. We are talking about babies who are breastfed. If we are talking about “artists”, then no compensation is needed. Indeed, this vitamin is usually already added to a well-balanced mixture, and if the baby receives at least 500 ml of the mixture per day, then no vitamin D deficiency occurs.

After the baby crosses the one-year milestone, then from a year to 4 years old, he needs 1/3 more vitamin D, and usually he is given 600 IU daily. The child also needs vitamin A, and ascorbic acid. Usually they are prescribed to babies from 6 months old, and up to the age of five, if they were not bottle-fed with these vitamins.

Such individual measures gradually led pharmaceutical manufacturers to the idea that it would be nice to produce vitamin complexes balanced for each period of childhood, in which all the necessary vitamins would be present. Perhaps some of them will not be absorbed by the body. After all, it is known that if a child eats well and fully, then he practically does not need any vitamins in excess, since they will simply be excreted from the body without any effect.

In addition, almost all vitamin complexes are not, in fact, medicines, since they do not have an INN, or an international non-proprietary name, there is no active substance, and there are no specific indications. General and vague words that are full of official instructions like “prevention of beriberi”, “treatment of beriberi”, “improvement and promotion of health”, by and large, do not say anything. In addition, all manufacturers of dietary supplements have some production indulgences. Unlike real drugs, they may not conduct clinical trials of their products at all. This simplifies life for vitamin manufacturers, but can lead to various problems.

For example, according to well-known data that are published in the United States, every year over 60000 people, on average, end up in the hospital, poisoned by various types of vitamins, and 75% of them are children. Vitamins “just in case” do not need to be taken at all, and only a doctor should determine the indications for the use of vitamins.

Vitamins: strict indications

Therefore, we will dwell on two clear criteria when taking vitamins is necessary: ​​first of all, this is the stage of pregnancy planning and the 1-2 trimester, but only if the pregnant woman cannot afford to eat fully and varied. But even in this case, the most important thing is not to overdo it, since an excess of many vitamins can be dangerous, both for pregnant women and for the unborn baby. First of all, we are talking about retinol, or vitamin A.

Vitamin A is usually found in plants rich in carotenoids. These are pumpkin and spinach, carrots and sweet peppers, green onions and parsley, melon, watermelon, peaches, apples. A lot of vitamin A is found in fish oil, butter, milk (only natural, not palm oil), cottage cheese and cheese. A pregnant woman needs about 750 micrograms of vitamin A per day, and during breastfeeding, the need increases to 1200 micrograms.

A clear indication for the appointment of vitamins is beriberi, and moreover, with the presence of characteristic symptoms indicating a deficiency of a certain vitamin. All the symptoms and signs that parents may worry about usually have nothing to do with vitamin deficiency. Decreased academic performance, fatigue, lethargy, poor sleep, drowsiness are not at all signs of beriberi. And there is no need to immediately buy a child any vitamins. These symptoms may indicate helminthic invasion, for example, enterobiasis, invasion by protozoa (giardiasis). In any case, this is an occasion to visit a doctor, and not to go for vitamins at all.

Vitamins are also not a way to prevent infection, acute respiratory viral illness, or current coronavirus infection. There is not a single scientifically proven study that multivitamin complexes reduce the incidence of SARS. Although it is clear that such a study would be “on hand” for vitamin manufacturers, and they would pay a lot of money so that there is an objective fact that it is necessary to take vitamins for prevention. But, alas, it is not.

Perhaps the only exception, as mentioned above, should be made for vitamin D. But even in this case, the child should not be stuffed with vitamin D all year round, unless he has a pronounced deficiency. Whether there is a deficit or not, you can find out by analysis. Therefore, in the usual case, it is enough to give the child vitamin D in winter, when there is not enough sunlight. For example, this is the period from October to March-April. It is not necessary to give vitamin D to a healthy child in spring and summer.

Modern vitamin complexes for children

Nevertheless, in the retail pharmacy there are a large number of different vitamin and mineral complexes, multivitamins, and, in particular, vitamins for children. And all the same, parents will buy vitamins, and assume that by doing so they protect their children from various infections and potential vitamin deficiencies. And if so, then you need to figure out which vitamin complexes for children are the best in quality, in terms of the composition of vitamin substances, and, at least, cannot harm.

This review includes 10 of the most famous and popular vitamins for children of different age periods. Below we will present them together with the price range that is relevant for May 2020 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation.

Since the vitamin market is a special market, there are no original drugs here, and in general, there are no drugs, because vitamins are not drugs. But a particular vitamin can immediately become the only, and sometimes vital medicine, in the case of proven beriberi. Vitamin complexes do not have INNs – international non-proprietary names required for drugs, there are no original drugs, and there are no generics, copies of the original drug.

In the production of vitamins, as they say, “who is in what much.” And if we are talking about competent production, then only those vitamins that mutually do not affect each other harmfully, do not show antagonism, and one vitamin does not impair the absorption and action of another . If, speaking of medicinal substances in reviews, we are guided by the inclusion of one or another drug in national clinical guidelines, protocols and treatment algorithms, then all this is not applicable to vitamins. They are not included in any protocol or algorithm. And in the event that there is vitamin deficiency, then always – a specific, well-defined vitamin. Therefore, this review can be considered a review of nutritional supplements that you can purchase, or you can not.

Nomination Place Name Price
Vitamins for children 0-3 years of age      1 Multi-Tabs Baby E.      200 ₽
     2 Complivit “Active Bears”      200 ₽
Vitamins for children 4-6 years old      1 Vitamins “immuno plus”      550 ₽
     2 Multi-tabs “baby calcium plus”      450 ₽
     3 Univit kids with omega-3 and choline      380 ₽
Vitamins for younger students      1 Doppelhertz Active Kinder      660 ₽
     2 Spades plus      460 ₽
     3 Vitrum Kids      480 ₽
     4 Supradin kids      440 ₽

Vitamins for children 0-3 years of age

The first year of a child’s life is a special time when he receives most of the vitamins and nutrients from his mother’s milk, and then from complementary foods. During this period, motor skills are developed, motor skills develop, strength and endurance increase. The kid begins to control, albeit uncertainly, his movements. By the end of the second year, a healthy baby’s milk teeth are already erupting, and muscles are growing. This period is called preschool age.

It is at this time that the baby suffers a variety of childhood infections. This is chickenpox and measles, other diseases. A baby can also get respiratory viral infections, and this is nothing more than an acquaintance with the environment, including the world of microbes and viruses, and not a single child can avoid this acquaintance. Vitamin complexes are important, but no frills. And therefore, Multi-Tabs Baby E will be considered the best vitamin for this age period, and especially for children of the first year of life.

Multi-Tabs Baby E.

Rating: 4.9

Multi-Tabs Baby E is a serious vitamin preparation. Its seriousness is proved by the fact that the official instructions for it are posted on two professional Russian medical portals: the register of medicines (RLS) and Vidal. This is not surprising, since the owner of the registration certificate is the world famous pharmaceutical company Pfizer.

Multi-Tabs Baby E does not contain anything extra, only vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, retinol, or vitamin A, and cholecalciferol (D3). The dosage form is provided with drops for oral administration, which excludes any possibility for the baby to choke on a dense form, even if it is a soft lozenge. The content of vitamins is proportional in terms of retinol, vitamin D3 and “ascorbic acid” will be 300 mg, 400 units and 35 mg.

It is these vitamins that the baby needs, for example, ascorbic acid promotes the absorption of iron, improves collagen synthesis. Cholecalciferol is needed for the formation of bones and teeth, and vitamin A improves the immune system and normalizes antioxidant protection. It is advisable to give Multi-Tabs Baby E to babies at a dosage of 0,5 to 1 ml per day, immediately with food, or after taking it. This medicine is produced by the Ferrosan company from Denmark, and a package of 30 milliliters will cost a lot: from 370 to 620 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this tool will be good European substances, Danish production quality. The dosage form is presented in drops, which eliminates the possibility of accidents, the drug has a pleasant taste, and there are no unnecessary ingredients. Of the excipients, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, and water are added to the solution. Side effects may include itching or hives, but this is rare. An opened vial must be consumed within two months, and since it contains 30 ml of liquid, this means that the child should receive 0,5 ml of multivitamin liquid daily, and the vial is just enough for two months, and if 1 ml is enough, then for a month.

Complivit “Active Bears”

Rating: 4.8

As soon as the baby grows up, then at the age of 2 to 3 years, he may well already switch from drops to chewable lozenges. Moreover, he will be interested that these lozenges are provided by bears of various colors, from yellow and green to red and orange. Therefore, vitamin E, vitamin B12, folic acid, and a complex of neurotropic vitamins of the group (B1, B6,) have already been added to this dietary supplement. Biotin further improves the functioning of the skin, as well as its appendages, hair and nails. It is necessary to take the medicine one lozenge once a day. Lozenges can be taken up to the age of fourteen, but in this case we are talking about a three-year-old baby. The duration of admission is limited to one month. Complivit “Active Bears” is produced by the domestic manufacturer Pharmstandard, and a set of 30 multi-colored chewing plates costs from 290 to 430 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of “Active Bears” will be their attractive forms, a sufficient amount of various vitamins. And the disadvantage is the lack of cholecalciferol, or vitamin D. Therefore, the child will have to add its source, for example, Aquadetrim drops or any other drug containing vitamin D. There may also be side effects in the form of a skin rash. This vitamin supplement is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, since glucose syrup has been introduced into the sweetening preparation.

Vitamins for children 4-6 years old

The next period is the period of preschool age. It starts at 3 years old and ends at about 6 years old. Another rapid leap in the development of the child. The muscles continue to strengthen, the bone skeleton grows, although not as clearly as in adolescence. Gradually, the replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth begins, and cellular and humoral immunity improves. During this period, the body weight slightly slows down its increase, but the length of the body is ahead of the mass, and this period is called the “first physiological stretch”. The intellectual abilities of the child increase.

A developed child who did not have a perinatal lesion of the nervous system, congenital mental retardation, by the age of 5 can already quite freely express his thoughts and feelings in his native language, and after the age of six, the ability to read and write appears, and at the same time the first interests are determined and hobbies of the child. Multivitamin preparations at this time can and should be taken if the child has a lack of exogenous vitamins obtained from food. The child should eat a variety of foods. But at present, when a large number of people are deprived of all financial assistance from the state, are in self-isolation, and are forced to save on vegetables and fruits, eat mainly cereals, canned food, potatoes, then taking multivitamin preparations is quite justified and even necessary.

Vitamins “immuno plus”

Rating: 4.9

Vitamins “Immuno Plus” are chewable lozenges produced by the German company Trolli and they cost from 400 to 530 rubles. for a pack of 30 pieces. As you may have guessed, this is also a gummies that can have peach, lemon, grape and orange flavors. Marmalade lozenges are made in the shape of funny bears. Each pastille contains 60 mg of sea buckthorn extract, then 45 mg of ascorbic acid, 6 IU of alpha-tocopherol, or vitamin E, and two trace elements: 5 mg of zinc and 15 mg of selenium.

These Vitamins are shown to be taken from the age of three, and the supplement is already a vitamin-mineral complex. Zinc as part of the complex improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin, heals wounds faster. Zinc strengthens the teeth, which at this age are changed from milk teeth to permanent ones. Zinc also strengthens the skeletal system. Zinc improves the absorption of vitamin A, and the baby will be very useful. Selenium is necessary for the normalization of metabolism, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, is involved in the synthesis of glutathione peroxidase, and this enzyme is a powerful antioxidant “intermediary”. Without selenium, the baby may have visual impairment, it has antiviral activity, suppressing the replication of viruses and “locking” them in cells. In addition, selenium has anti-cancer properties. It is necessary to take Vitamishki “Immuno Plus” one lozenge per day with meals for children of three to five years of age, and for children over 7 years old – already one lozenge twice a day, also with meals.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this supplement are the presence of two trace elements, vitamin E, or alpha-tocopherol. However, there is no vitamin D in this preparation. These vitamins, however, like all vitamin dietary supplements, have very few side effects, except for individual intolerance. German quality is a guarantee of a minimum number of side effects, and the only drawback, perhaps, can be a relatively high price.

Multi-tabs “baby calcium plus”

Rating: 4.8

This vitamin-mineral supplement, you guessed it, contains not only vitamins (in the amount of 12 components), but also 6 minerals, calcium and vitamin D3which allows the body to absorb calcium. The complex of vitamins contains beta-carotene, cholecalciferol, alpha-tocopherol, vitamin K, which normalizes blood clotting, ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, four neurotropic vitamins (group B), folic acid, biotin. Of the minerals and trace elements, the complex includes iron, zinc, iodine, selenium and chromium. As you can see, this is a rather serious and advanced vitamin-mineral complex, and it is produced by the well-known American pharmaceutical company Pfizer. A package of 30 chewable tablets with raspberry or strawberry flavor will be quite expensive for vitamins: from 400 to 900 rubles.

To take Multi-tabs “Baby Calcium Plus” you need one chewable tablet over the age of three. It can also be used in adults. From the age of eighteen, they should be given 2 chewable tablets daily. Therefore, the package is enough for children for a month, and for adults – for 2 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps this is the best advanced complex for preschool children, it includes all the vitamins for children that are needed, but the only drawback will be a rather high price.

Univit kids with omega-3 and choline

Rating: 4.8

Univit Kids with omega-3 and choline are funny dolphin-shaped lozenges that contain a small set of vitamins: cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, vitamin B3, or niacin, as well as choline. It is important that the composition includes omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are indispensable components of a healthy diet, and are especially important for a growing body. They improve the structure of cell membranes. Choline is part of lecithin, plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, brain tissue, and again cell membranes.

Children aged 3 to 11 years should take one lozenge daily, and after 11 years – twice a day, with meals. Usually the course of admission is 1 month. The German company Amafarm produces Univit Kids with omega-3 and choline, and the cost of one package of 30 lozenges will average 450 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is difficult to talk about the shortcomings of a particular vitamin-mineral complex, one can only judge the number of ingredients included in it. But the quantity does not mean that all of them will be necessary, all will be absorbed by the body. It was said above that if there is no deficiency, then all this will pass by our organs and systems, and will leave the body naturally. However, during the period of preschool age, during the period of growth and development, the number of cells in the body increases significantly, and it is necessary to build new membranes. A set of vitamins helps with unbalanced and irrational nutrition. Choline and omega-3 unsaturated acids can improve the organization of cell membranes. And especially in such structures that are distinguished by high lipophilicity: these are peripheral nerve fibers and the central nervous system.

Vitamins for younger students

Finally, the child begins a period of increased school, mental and physical stress. Children aged 6 years and older are children of primary school age, although earlier, in the USSR, it was believed that it comes at 7 years old. At this time, the work of organ systems is improving, and many of them are no longer inferior to adult organs in their function, yielding only in size. The bone skeleton is already almost formed, permanent teeth appear. Boys and girls are already beginning to differ significantly in their physical development. The intellect improves, labor purposeful skills appear, there is an improvement in long-term memory and concentration. Of the diseases, infectious diseases come first, since the child falls into a rather large group. First of all, this is SARS. In the case when the loads reach their peaks, but at the same time the child receives an unbalanced and irrational diet, devoid of a mass of natural vitamins, then it is then that it is necessary to use additional vitamin complexes listed below.

Doppelhertz Active Kinder

Rating: 4.9

Doppelherz aktiv Kinder lozenges are produced by the well-known German company Queisser Pharma, with a good manufacturing reputation. The mass of each lozenge is 2 g, for a package of 60 pieces you will have to pay a lot: from 580 to 850 rubles. What is included in these pastilles? Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, nicotinamide, vitamin E. This is tocopherol, or a powerful antioxidant that binds free radicals. Neurotropic vitamins, pyridoxine, vitamin b2, stimulating cellular respiration. Contains vitamin A, cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3, cyanocobalamin, or vitamin B12. By and large, children over 4 years of age can take these vitamins, but it can also be prescribed to children over 11-12 years old, only younger children need to take one lozenge daily, and children over the age of eleven need two lozenges per day. The usual course of treatment lasts one month.

Advantages and disadvantages

As in the case of other vitamin-mineral complexes, one should not talk about the shortcomings of one or another vitamin, since these are not drugs, but supplements. You can simply note that this is a good, high-quality set of vitamins, but only without trace elements, of good German quality and at a not small price.

Spades plus

Rating: 4.8

Pikovit plus are high-quality children’s vitamins from Eastern Europe. They are produced by the Krka company from Slovenia. One package of 27 chewable tablets will cost much less than the previous set: only 250 to 370 rubles. The composition includes vitamin C, zinc sulfate, iron, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin A, nicotinamide, thiamine, riboflavin, cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3, cyanocobalamin, pantothenic acid, potassium iodate and biotin.

As you can see, it’s a pretty solid set. There are all the necessary vitamins, calcium, vitamin D3, and everything a student needs, even zinc. Of course, there is no selenium and chromium here, but still, for such a price, this is a pretty serious set. The composition includes an antioxidant group, neurotropic vitamins, niacin that improves blood circulation, iron that facilitates the synthesis of hemoglobin, iodine that improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, “beauty vitamin” biotin, and so on.

The use of this vitamin complex in children with malnutrition, with poor appetite, monotonous food, and underweight is shown. At the beginning of the school year, when there is an increase in high loads, and the child should get used to it, this complex can also be prescribed. It is shown in winter, when there is a shortage of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as for the prevention of asthenic syndrome. Pikovit plus should be used by children aged 5-6 years, one chewable tablet per day, and starting from 7-8 years of age, two chewable tablets per day, along with meals.

Vitrum Kids

Rating: 4.7

Vitrum Kids are serious vitamins, “heavy artillery”. The official instructions are posted on the well-known medical portal https://www.vidal.ru/, and this is a guarantee of quality. They are produced by the American company Unipharm, one pack of 30 chewable tablets will cost an average of 460 to 710 rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain.

and they contain an impressive list of various vitamins and trace elements, perhaps the widest of all sets. What is included in this complex?

Retinol, or vitamin A, tocopherol, or vitamin E, cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3, ascorbic acid, B vitamins: B1, B6, B12, riboflavin and calcium pantothenate, that is, vitamins B2 and B5. The composition of the vitamin complex includes folic acid, nicotinamide and biotin. In addition, 10 more minerals and trace elements: chromium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc, copper. Vitrum Kids is the only vitamin and mineral complex for children that contains phosphorus, copper and manganese, as well as chromium.

The dose is selected specifically for children from 4 to 7 years of age, including the exchange of vitamins and trace elements. The indications of the complex include a period of intensive growth with a prophylactic purpose, an asthenic period and recovery from past illnesses, as well as an unbalanced diet and poor appetite. Vitrum Kids should be taken one tablet once a day, after meals, chewing thoroughly, the drug is designed for children from 4 to 7 years of age, one tablet, and after 7-8 years – two tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps this is the most advanced vitamin-mineral complex, of high quality, and can be successfully recommended for children with an unbalanced diet, and recovering from serious illnesses. As for contraindications and side effects, this is only an individual intolerance, and the need to comply with the recommended dosage in order to minimize side effects.

Supradin kids

Rating: 4.7

Supradin Kids is another great vitamin for children from the German company Amaform, which we have already reviewed with Univit Kids products. In this case, the vitamins are presented in the form of fish-shaped chewable lozenges, and a package of 30 such fish will cost from 400 to 560 rubles. What is included in these fish? The company focused on improving the trophic function of membranes. These are omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, choline, ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, and two B vitamins: B6 and B12, which are neurotropic. Thus, this small set of vitamins and trophic membrane factors suggests that it is better to prescribe it to children with various organic and functional lesions of the nervous system, during the period of greatest training loads. This supplement is not a drug, but it may well be prescribed by a pediatric neurologist in complex therapy against the background of prescribing other drugs. It is necessary to take this vitamin complex one chewable lozenge per day, and starting from the age of four – two lozenges per day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps, Supradin Kids are the only vitamins for children in our list that are entirely focused on improving the trophism of the central and peripheral nervous system. A big plus is the good German quality, perhaps the high price will be a negative point, but it is justified by the quality, and the package will last for a whole month.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that if a child eats fully, consumes fiber, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish products, leads an active lifestyle, is in the sun, corresponds to his age in physical and mental indicators, then there is no need to resort to constant taking vitamins. Vitamins can be prescribed during recovery after a serious illness, with asthenic syndrome. But most importantly, they are needed with unbalanced, monotonous food, which for a large number of parents remains the only way out due to a drop in income due to coronavirus infection.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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