9 best smoking cessation products

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Smoking cessation is quite a difficult process because of the nicotine addiction involved. This substance is comparable in speed of action to drugs that are administered intravenously. Tobacco addiction is formed due to the rapid destruction of nicotine in the body (its half-life occurs in 2 hours), which provokes the desire to smoke a new cigarette.

Dependence on nicotine implies somatic, behavioral and cognitive phenomena. With this in mind, tobacco use begins to occupy a central place in the human value system. Nicotine causes a strong physical addiction, similar to that experienced by drug addicts. This is manifested in the fact that a person experiences a strong, irresistible need to take tobacco.

Only a few heavy smokers can break with this bad habit on the first try. And most have to take about 5-7 or even more attempts. According to surveys, more than 70% of smokers sincerely would like to say goodbye to cigarettes forever, but at an early stage they have a very hard time with withdrawal. Because of this, many of them return to the unhealthy habit again.

Medical methods of quitting smoking

Since tobacco dependence involves behavioral, cognitive, and physiological aspects, a comprehensive approach is needed in trying to break with it. The mood of the patient himself and the opportunity to consult with a specialist on an ongoing basis are extremely important. If psychological support is supplemented with drug treatment, then the chances of success increase.

When using medicines for smoking, the following pharmacological groups are used:

  1. Nicotine replacement agents. The purpose of such therapy implies a different way of delivering nicotine into the systemic circulation. Moreover, the daily dose of obtaining this substance is gradually reduced, which smoothes the severity of the withdrawal syndrome.

  2. Antagonists of nicotinic receptors. The purpose of using such drugs is to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and reduce the pleasure that comes with smoking cigarettes.

  3. Antidepressants. They prevent the ex-smoker’s body from losing the pleasure hormone dopamine. Funds from this group help such people maintain psychological comfort while struggling with a bad habit.

To date, there is a large selection of drugs that are effective from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine, which help to quit smoking and cure nicotine addiction. They must be selected by a narcologist. The patient may be offered pills, sprays, chewing gums, smoking patches. In this review, we will look at the best such tools.

Rating of the best smoking cessation products

Nomination Place Name Cost
The best smoking pills      1 Champix      1370 ₽
     2 Tabex      1080 ₽
     3 Corrida      280 ₽
The best chewing gums for smoking      1 Nicorette      560 ₽
     2 Antinicotine      70 ₽
The best patches for smoking      1 Nicorette      880 ₽
     2 nikvitin      890 ₽
     3 Protab      460 ₽
The best anti-smoking sprays      1 Nicorette      640 ₽

The best smoking pills

Anti-smoking tablets may contain nicotine replacement substances (the active substance is nicotine), nicotinic receptor antagonists (varenicline, cytisine) or antidepressants (bupropion, nortriptyline). Also included here are plant-based lozenges that are designed to reduce cravings for nicotine.


Rating: 4.8

The American pharmaceutical company Pfizer produces Champix. It is a partial nicotinic receptor antagonist. This medicinal product contains varenicline as an active ingredient. This drug reduces cravings for smoking and at the same time alleviates withdrawal symptoms by maintaining dopamine levels. Champix has a high safety profile and is suitable for many patients.

The starting package of Champix contains 0,5 and 1 mg film-coated tablets. It is designed for 2 weeks. All tablets are divided into 2 blisters with tips on how much and what dosage to take in the morning and evening. They swallow without problems. They can be taken with or without food. To completely solve the problem of smoking, the patient must complete a full 12-week course of treatment. At the beginning of taking the drug, patients often complain of nausea.

Individuals with nicotine addiction note that if you strictly follow the instructions and do not lose motivation, then Champix will really help you quit smoking. Some people expect that they will be able to throw away cigarettes after the first pill, but this is not the case. Even as directed, treatment with Champix should begin 1 to 2 weeks before the patient’s chosen quit date. Or he can gradually reduce the number of cigarettes he smokes over the course of 12 weeks.




Rating: 4.7

The next nominee of our review was Tabex, produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Sopharma. It contains cytisine, which is similar in mechanism of action to nicotine, but has a less pronounced toxic effect. This substance, when used in a course, gradually reduces dependence on tobacco or leads to its complete disappearance.

Tabex is a small, round tablet, convex on both sides, in a light brown shell. They are located on blisters with a calendar of taking the drug by day. In total, there are 100 tablets in the package. They are designed for 25 days of treatment. Smoking must be abandoned no later than the 5th day from the start of therapy. Tablets are not chewed and washed down with 200 ml of water.

According to reviews, many people like that the course of treatment with Tabex is designed for only 25 days (one package is enough). But they share that this drug cannot be attributed to the “miracle pill”. It is important to have a steady, strong desire to quit smoking. And Tabex will only help with this and get rid of the withdrawal symptoms that usually occur in the first 2 weeks (insomnia and nervousness). It is pointless to take pills and continue smoking for 25 days – there will be no result.




Rating: 4.6

The Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar has released dietary supplement Corrida. This supplement contains: oat and kudzu extracts, glycine, and peppermint essential oil. The craving for smoking against the background of the use of this supplement is reduced due to conditioned reflex reactions that are natural for the body. When using this product in large dosages, the appearance of diarrhea is not excluded, since it contains sorbitol.

Corrida is a relatively small, round, convex lozenge on both sides. They have a sandy color with many inclusions. They have a mint-herbal taste. It is recommended to always have tablets with you throughout the entire period of the fight against addiction in order to interrupt the desire to smoke in time. They need to dissolve 1 tablet up to 30 times a day. The minimum course of treatment should be 1 month.

From the reviews it follows that Bullfighting is excellent support during smoking cessation. Due to the glycine in the composition, this supplement calms well. However, some are confused by the high consumption of this tool. If you take this supplement for a month, you will not need a single pack of tablets. And some who have previously tried to quit smoking with the help of Champix or Tabex note that Bullfighting is much inferior to them in terms of effectiveness.



The best chewing gums for smoking

Chewing gums containing nicotine are very popular. They do not completely eliminate the desire to smoke, but they weaken this desire and alleviate withdrawal symptoms. Thanks to this, the smoker can show more endurance and willpower.


Rating: 4.9

The Swedish preparation Nicorette in the form of chewing gum contains a nicotine-polymer complex. This tool is widely used to combat tobacco addiction. Thanks to him, a person begins to smoke fewer cigarettes per day. He also doesn’t experience withdrawal as much. Nicotine coming from chewing gum is quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the cheeks and enters the blood after 5-7 minutes.

Nicorette chewing gums are square in shape. They are available in two dosages: 2 mg (for those who smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day) and 4 mg (for those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes in 24 hours). Nicorette in this dosage form is sold in several flavors: fresh mint, fresh fruit, spicy mint, frosty mint. This remedy should be slowly chewed until a sharp taste of nicotine appears. Then the gum is left between the gum and cheek. When the taste disappears, start chewing again.

Experienced smokers in their reviews note that Nicorette chewing gum relieves cravings for cigarettes on a physical level quite well. Many note that this remedy eases the withdrawal syndrome, and also blocks appetite. This is an important point for women who want to quit smoking, but are afraid to gain extra pounds. A maximum of 15 gum can be chewed per day. But if in 6 weeks it is not possible to reduce the daily consumption of cigarettes, then you should seek help from a specialist.




Rating: 4.8

Russian brand Atax produces functional chewing gum Antinicotine. It contains vitamins, calcium ions and natural extracts of passionflower, lemon balm. At the same time, there is no nicotine in the composition, and its action is due to the presence of effective plant extracts and mineral salts that restore the biobalance disturbed by smoking.

Antinicotine is a chewing gum in the form of a dragee, located in 15 pieces in a showbox. Substances from them are in the systemic circulation in 2-5 minutes. The use of chewing gums is not accompanied by any discomfort that may occur when swallowing tablets or capsules. This product does not need to be taken with water. This product also whitens teeth well and makes breath fresher.

In the reviews, consumers note that Antinicotine chewing gum helps to cope with cravings for nicotine and stress, survive the difficult period of weaning from cigarettes and return to a healthy life. This tool protects against negative reactions (nausea, headache), which most often occur when quitting cigarettes. It should be borne in mind that this remedy is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.



The best patches for smoking

The nicotine patch helps fight withdrawal symptoms throughout the day. Thanks to this tool, purified nicotine enters the body, satisfying the daily need for it in a smoker, but at the same time treating tobacco addiction.


Rating: 4.9

The next nominee in our review was the Nicorette transdermal patch. It contains nicotine as an active ingredient. This product is intended for use while you are awake. It usually takes about 16 hours. This time interval coincides with the period when nicotine enters the human body when smoking cigarettes. Due to the fact that this substance does not enter at night, biorhythms and sleep quality are not disturbed.

The Nicorette patch has a rectangular shape with rounded corners. It is translucent and beige. The patch is located on a special substrate, which is easily separated. This tool can contain 5,10, 15, 25 mg of nicotine and at the same time have a different area. There are usually 7 patches in a box. The dosage and frequency of use are selected depending on the length of smoking.

Individuals who have used Nicorette patches in their fight against smoking note that it is very convenient to use. Such a tool is thin, imperceptible on the skin, firmly held. Such a patch is not afraid of water procedures and the pool, the glued corners do not leave it and the pile of clothes does not stick to them. Consumers note that with such a tool, you want to smoke much less and it is much easier to give up a bad habit. Some are upset only by the appearance of contact dermatitis in the place where the patch was pasted.




Rating: 4.8

The Niquitin transdermal patch is indicated for the relief of withdrawal symptoms during smoking cessation. The action of this tool is designed for 24 hours. The active ingredient in it is nicotine. If substitution therapy is used during smoking cessation, the number of cigarettes smoked per day is significantly reduced, and withdrawal symptoms become less pronounced.

The Nikvitin patch has a rectangular shape. It is layered with a pinkish beige base. The tool may contain 7, 14, 21 mg of nicotine. One box can contain 7 or 14 patches. Niquitin is applied 1 time per day. It is recommended to do this at the same time. The best time is right after waking up. The area to be patched must be dry, clean and free of hair. After application, Niquitin is firmly pressed with the palm of your hand for 2-3 seconds.

From the reviews it follows that the Nikitin patch is quite effective. With this tool, in fact, the craving for smoking is noticeably reduced. But some do not like that this patch does not adhere well to the skin. It peels off in the corners and collects the villi of clothes on itself. If you follow the instructions clearly and have willpower, then by the end of the third stage it is quite possible to completely stop smoking.




Rating: 4.7

Chinese Protab patches contain the substance sonicotinel. It competitively replaces nicotine, and also by acting on the respiratory centers, provides an active removal of toxins from the lungs, thereby cleansing the body. Even in the composition of this product there is an extract of lemon balm, cinnamon oil, which have a beneficial effect on the health of the smoker. Protab is suitable for people over 15 years of age who do not suffer from hypertension.

Protab is sold as a set of patches (7 pieces). Each of them has a foil individual package. It is recommended to stick this tool on clean and dry skin in the chest area, and remove it in the evening before going to bed. The patch can be used every day. The duration of the course depends on the individual characteristics of the body and is 3-10 weeks.

According to reviews, Protab is quite effective if the person who wants to quit smoking has the right attitude. But consumers note that such a tool does not adhere well to the body, if you do not additionally fix it with a regular medical plaster. Also, some are confused by the smell of this product. And they also note that Protab is weaker than similar drugs with nicotine.



The best anti-smoking sprays

One of the fastest acting nicotine products to eliminate tobacco addiction is the spray. But it is better to resort to his help only in cases where other means are ineffective.


Rating: 4.9

Nicorette Topical Spray is designed to relieve withdrawal symptoms during an attempt to quit smoking. It also helps control cigarette cravings. The spray is recommended for smokers with different experience who want to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day before completely giving up. If a pregnant or lactating woman is trying to fight addiction, then such a remedy is the best option for her.

Nicorette is sold in a transparent plastic bottle with a special dispenser, placed in a black, opaque case. Each can is designed for 150 sprays. Spray Nicorette is recommended to use at the moment when there is an uncontrollable desire to smoke. The tip is brought as close as possible to the open mouth. At the moment of pressing the dispenser do not take a breath. Only 2 doses can be injected at a time. And per day, this figure should not exceed 64.

Many people respond well to Nicorette spray. However, they note that it only works if there is a personal decision to quit smoking. Some note that this remedy has a very unpleasant taste, after which one does not want to not only smoke, but even eat, drink and talk. There are those to whom this Nicorette option helped to completely abandon cigarettes in a week.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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