9 best patches for dry corns
Corns cause a lot of trouble. Causing discomfort and pain, they force us to abandon our favorite shoes or habitual activities. Is it worth putting up with it when there are many ways to get rid of calluses? The simplest and most effective – special patches

Dry callus is formed due to prolonged pressure on the skin or friction, which causes keratinization (necrosis) of the skin epithelium.1. Most often, such calluses appear on the feet from wearing tight shoes or on the hands from prolonged work, for example, with a shovel or an ax without the use of gloves. Also, diseases that cause deformity of the feet (arthritis, heel spur, bursitis, flat feet) can lead to the formation of corns.1.

Calluses themselves are not harmful to health, but they can cause pain. Complications of corns are also dangerous, first of all, purulent inflammation of the tissues. The corn can go away on its own, but it will take a long time. You can speed up the process of treating dry corns with the help of products with keratolytic properties, that is, capable of “dissolving” the stratum corneum of the skin2.

Rating of the top 9 inexpensive and effective patches for dry corns according to KP

The easiest way to treat dry corns is with medical plasters. They effectively soften the skin and gradually reduce the callus. The therapeutic effect is achieved with the help of benzoic, salicylic or other similar acids in the composition of the patches, as well as hydrocolloid particles. Consider the most popular patches for dry corns.

1. Uniplast

Uniplast refers to hydrocolloid plasters from dry corns. It effectively protects calluses from infection and contamination. By creating conditions for natural hydration, the patch softens calluses well, reduces pain, and prevents skin from drying out.

The patch contains mineral oil and an antioxidant, while the hydrocolloid cushion contains sodium salt, polyisobutene and propylene glycol.

relieves pain, resistant to water, reasonable price.
requires long-term use to achieve the effect.
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2. Ecoplast

Ecoplast is an anti-corn patch from a Latvian manufacturer. A protective disc with salicylic acid is glued on a polymer base. The disc protects the callus from friction and pressure, while salicylic acid softens dry calluses. The patch is securely fixed, has a good keratolytic effect – softens and exfoliates dead skin cells. There are 6 pieces in the package, which will last until the end of the treatment.

good softening and exfoliating effect, low cost.
redness and itching may appear in the area of ​​​​the corn.

3. Salipod

The Salipod patch from a Russian manufacturer is a strip of fabric coated with a special “corn” mass, which includes rubber, sulfur, salicylic acid, petroleum jelly, rosin and pine resin. The patch effectively softens dry corns, is quite compact in size, so it does not affect healthy skin.

Applying the patch is very simple: you need to stick it on the corn for two days. If softening does not occur, repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

efficiency, has a bactericidal effect, low cost.
can cause irritation to healthy skin, so you need to stick it as carefully as possible.
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4. Luxplast from dry corns

Korean patch Luxplast is an anti-corn agent based on salicylic acid, which quickly and effectively softens keratinized skin, promotes its renewal, and improves the protective functions of the skin. An atraumatic pad located in the center of the patch strip is impregnated with acid.

The patch is well fixed on the skin, has a perforated breathable layer, and is hypoallergenic.

pronounced effect, well attached to the skin.
high price.
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5. Leiko salicylic patch

The Leiko patch contains salicylic acid, which is impregnated with a special tape. The plastic membrane protects healthy skin by preventing the acid from spreading. The patch softens the skin well and exfoliates the epidermis.

The patch also contains rubber resin and zinc oxide, which has a disinfectant effect. It is applied to previously cleaned and dried corn.

adheres well to the skin, resistant to water, reasonable price.
there is no patch size for hard-to-reach places (for example, between the fingers).
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6. Master Uni

Master uni plaster contains salicylic acid, which effectively softens the callus and relieves pain. A protective disc prevents exposure to healthy skin, while the cotton base allows the skin to breathe. For sufficient softening of the epidermis, it is necessary to wear a patch during the day, after which dead tissue can be removed with a special file or pumice stone. There are six patches in the package.

sticks well, softens the skin well, has a bactericidal effect, reasonable price.
may irritate healthy skin.
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7. Yukan

The plaster of the Chinese manufacturer Yukan contains salicylic acid, phenol, extracts of aloe, calendula and thuja. The patch effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, relieves swelling, itching, and stimulates cell regeneration. The phenol contained in the composition helps to remove chronic calluses.

Before applying the patch, the corn must be steamed and dried. The patch is applied for 24 hours, after which the softened layer of corn is removed.

well eliminates chronic corns, firmly fixed on the skin, affordable price.
requires steaming the corn before use.
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8. Compeed patch for dry corns

The composition of this patch from the French-Hungarian firm includes an artificial elastomer, a plasticizer, hydrocolloid particles and adhesive resin. The outer layer of the patch is covered with a water-repellent polyurethane film that prevents it from getting wet. Hydrocolloid particles moisturize the surface of the callus and soften the skin. The patch has a hypoallergenic base, so it does not cause irritation.

The patch should be worn for a couple of days, after which you need to lower the corn for 5 minutes in warm water, dry it and remove the softened skin with a special file. This procedure must be repeated several times until the defect is completely eliminated.

reduces pain, is well fixed on the skin, does not peel off under the influence of water.
does not soften corns very well, requires long-term use, high price.
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9. Multiplast

Anti-corn adhesive plaster Multiplast is produced by a Russian company. Active ingredients in the patch: salicylic acid, precipitated sulfur and dimexide. The plaster well softens and removes corns, relieves pain, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

well softens, disinfects, reduces inflammation.
high price.
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How to choose plasters from dry corns

First of all, the patch must match the type of corn. For dry corns, patches with softeners are suitable, with which a special pad is impregnated. The composition must contain benzoic or salicylic acid, or the patch must have a hydrocolloid base2.

You should pay attention to the composition of the adhesive base. An effective patch for dry corns should be firmly fixed on the skin and not peel off when exposed to water. Some types of products have fixing strips included.3. It is also preferable to have a protective disk that will prevent the acid from spreading to healthy areas of the skin.

When buying, be sure to pay attention to the size of the patch. In shape and size, it should correspond to the affected area and cover it completely.

Reviews of doctors about plasters from dry corns

Doctors recommend the use of plasters from dry corns with superficial skin lesions. It will be very difficult to remove deeper lesions or core growths on your own with the help of patches. In this case, cosmetic or surgical intervention is required.

You should not self-medicate if calluses appear very often, despite comfortable shoes and personal hygiene. The cause of such situations may be flat feet or a malfunction of the sweat glands. In both cases, specialist advice is required.

You can not use plasters from dry corns in case of violation of the integrity of the skin or the appearance of complications. In any case, the treatment of dry corns should begin with a visit to the doctor.

Popular questions and answers

How long do you need to wear plasters from dry corns and answers other popular questions dermatovenereologist Nikita Gribanov.

How long should you wear a corn patch?

If we are talking about dry corns, then the patch is glued to the affected surface, as a rule, for 24-48 hours. After that, you should remove the patch, steam the affected area and remove the softened tissue of the callus. Then the procedure is repeated until complete recovery.

How does the plaster from dry corns work?

– Patches from dry corns contain emollients or hydrocolloid compounds. Emollients act directly on the corn, making it soft and easy to handle. Hydrocolloid formulations create a natural moist environment leading to the same effect.

Is it possible to get rid of dry corns with folk remedies?

– If dry corn is superficial, simple steaming and removal of softened skin layers with a special nail file or pumice stone will help. To enhance the effect, baking soda with laundry soap is added to the water during steaming.

Traditional medicine suggests applying onion, aloe juice or gruel, grated potatoes, lemon or egg wrap soaked in vinegar solution to the corn. All these procedures may lead to a certain effect, but they are laborious, inconvenient and uncomfortable. With a huge number of keratolytic agents on sale, such procedures are long gone.  


  1. Plantar hyperkeratosis: clinic, diagnosis, treatment. Tsykin A.A., Petunina V.V. RMJ No. 8, 2014. P. 586. https://www.rmj.ru/articles/obshchie-stati/Podoshvennye_giperkeratozy_klinika_diagnostika_lechenie/
  2. Development of salicylic acid patch. E.A. Shablovskaya. Actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy – 2020. Minsk, 2020. http://rep.bsmu.by/bitstream/handle/BSMU/29958/1780_1784.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  3. Development of the composition and technology for the production of corn plaster. E.A. Shablovskaya. Actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy – 2020. Minsk, 2020. http://rep.bsmu.by/bitstream/handle/BSMU/34072/1236.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

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