9 Best Magnesium Preparations

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The normal content of magnesium (Mg) in the human body is 25 g. With this amount of this macronutrient, the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and brain function normally. However, a poorly balanced diet, childbearing, constant stress, certain medications, or other factors can lead to magnesium deficiency.

The importance of magnesium for the human body

In the human body, magnesium is in fourth place in terms of prevalence after Na, K, Ca. Almost every cell in the body functions with its participation. The main amount of Mg (about 60%) is found in bone tissue. The remaining 40% is distributed between the cardiovascular system, brain, kidneys and muscle fibers.

More than 300 enzymatic reactions proceed with the participation of magnesium. It regulates vascular tone, normalizes blood pressure and peripheral blood circulation. Magnesium has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs, reduces the likelihood of blood clots and the development of atherosclerotic processes.

Magnesium regulates calcium metabolism, so it is indispensable in the prevention of osteoporosis. It is also involved in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and neurotransmitters. Mg also normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, so it significantly affects the emotional state, performance and solves minor problems with sleep.

Causes and manifestations of magnesium deficiency

One or several reasons can provoke a pronounced lack of magnesium:

  1. Reduced magnesium intake or increased magnesium costs. This is provoked by poorly balanced diets, chronic alcohol abuse or certain physiological conditions (growth period or age-related wilting, stressful situations, childbearing and breastfeeding, playing sports).

  2. Redistribution of magnesium in the body. This can occur against the background of inflammatory or necrotic processes, with a reduced level of insulin in the blood. Also, heart surgery, chronic heart failure, diabetes mellitus can lead to this.

  3. Poor absorption of magnesium in the intestine or its rapid excretion through the gastrointestinal tract. The following pathological conditions lead to this: celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, UC, Whipple’s disease, removal of part of the intestine, frequent use of laxatives, malignant tumors.

  4. Violations of the reverse tubular absorption of magnesium. This is accompanied by acquired pathologies of the kidneys (damage to the tubules of nephrons and violation of their function, kidney transplantation, syndrome of violation of all kidney functions).

  5. Endocrine diseases. With hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, Burnet’s syndrome, diabetes mellitus, magnesium deficiency is determined.

  6. The use of medicines. First of all, a violation of magnesium metabolism is caused by diuretic (diuretic) drugs.

  7. Magnesium deficiency is primarily indicated by disorders of the neuromuscular system and the psyche. Muscle twitching, convulsions, increased reflexes, tremors, or muscle weakness are noted. Over time, may appear: laryngospasm, bronchospasm, vomiting, increased uterine tone. Perhaps the accession of asthenia, mental disorders, manifested by anxiety, aggressiveness, fears.

Daily need

The average daily need for magnesium differs depending on age and gender:

population Group

Daily rate, mg

Upper permissible limit, mg

Infants (0-6 months)



7-12 months



Children (1-3 years old)



4-8 years



9-13 years



Girls (14-18 years old)



Youth (14-18 years old)



Men (19-30 years old)



Women (19-30 years old)



Men older than 30 years



Women older than 30 years



Pregnant and lactating



Magnesium is not produced by the human body, but must be supplied with food. But due to food alone, it is quite difficult to cover the daily dose of this macronutrient. With this in mind, they can not do without the additional use of magnesium preparations. In this review, we have collected the best of them, containing various salts of this macronutrient.

Rating of the best magnesium preparations

Nomination Place Name of product Price
Best Magnesium Citrate      1 Magnesol B2      1 195 ₽
     2 Magnesium Diasporal 300      760 ₽
     3 Magnelis V6 forte      665 ₽
Best Magnesium Aspartate      1 Now Foods Potassium and Magnesium Aspartate      1 450 ₽
     2 Panangin Forte      360 ₽
     3 Asparkam Update Reneval      95 ₽
Best Magnesium Lactate      1 Magne B6      445 ₽
     2 Magnelis B6      380 ₽
     3 Complivit magnesium      235 ₽

Best Magnesium Citrate

The most common form of magnesium supplements on the pharmaceutical market is citrate. It is the magnesium salt of citric acid. The citrate molecule is quite large, but there is not as much magnesium in the substance as in the oxide. But this form has the highest absorption rate by the body.

Magnesol B2

Rating: 4.9

The first nominee of our review was a dietary supplement from the pharmaceutical company Krka – Magnesol B2. Each dose contains 300 mg of magnesium as citrate and 2 mg of vitamin B2. This dietary supplement helps eliminate fatigue, promotes the elimination of toxic substances, normalizes sleep, improves the functioning of the heart and vascular system, and increases muscle endurance during heavy physical exertion.

Magnesol B2 is sold in the form of small yellow granules in sachets, from which a drink is prepared for oral administration. When pouring the powder into a glass with 150 ml of water, it quickly dissolves, slightly hissing. The result is an unsweetened drink with a citrus flavor. Adults are advised to take 1-2 sachets per day with meals. The duration of the therapeutic course is 8 weeks.

From the reviews it follows that Magnesol B2 perfectly relieves the constant feeling of fatigue. It also significantly improves the quality of sleep. Persons who have taken this dietary supplement note that with it they noticeably increase their endurance. Such positive results do not become obvious immediately, but develop gradually. And although the manufacturer assures that there are no dyes in the composition, for some this drug provokes stomach pain and heartburn.



Magnesium Diasporal 300

Rating: 4.8

The German drug Magnesium Diasporal contains 295,7 mg of magnesium in the form of citrate in each serving. Among the additional components, riboflavin stands out. This drug is recommended to be taken with increased excitability of the nervous system, with constant fatigue and lethargy, with minor problems with sleep, with myalgia and other pathological conditions that occur against the background of magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium Diasporal is a granule for oral solution. They are packaged in 5 g bags and are in cardboard boxes of 20 or 50 pieces. The contents of one sachet are dissolved in half a glass of fruit juice, tea or water. In the process, bubbles are released and a bright yellow drink with an orange flavor is obtained. Adults are advised to take 1 sachet daily.

Many people like the process of using this German drug with magnesium and the result that can be achieved with it. They note that already after 5-7 days of use, they experience muscle twitches, they are less likely to worry about headaches, irritability disappears, sleep becomes even and deep. Usually Magnesium Diasporal is well tolerated, but some patients may experience diarrhea at the beginning of treatment, which eventually disappears on its own.



Magnelis V6 forte

Rating: 4.7

The Russian drug Magnelis B6 forte contains 100 mg of Mg2+ (magnesium citrate 618,43 mg) and 10 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride. This remedy has worked well for increased irritability, minor sleep problems, gastrointestinal spasms, tachycardia, chronic fatigue syndrome and muscle spasms that are provoked by magnesium deficiency. This drug is approved for use from 12 years of age.

Release form Magnelis B6 forte – oblong, convex on both sides of the tablet in a white shell. They are medium in size and are swallowed almost without problems. They are located in a blister pack. Persons over 12 years of age are prescribed 3-4 tablets per day. They are divided into 2-3 times and consumed with meals. The minimum course of treatment is 4 weeks.

According to reviews, Magnelis B6 forte gives the first noticeable results after 1 week of use. First of all, pain and spasms in the muscles on the legs stop. The quality of sleep gradually improves, and in the morning it becomes much easier to wake up. Stop annoying little things. And towards the end of the second week of using such a drug, a special burst of energy appears. It can only upset that one package is not enough for a course of treatment.



Best Magnesium Aspartate

Magnesium aspartate is formed by Mg2+ ions and aspartic (aminosuccinic or another name – aspartate) acid. The latter refers to aliphatic amino acids. Magnesium aspartate always goes in combination with potassium aspartate.

Now Foods Potassium and Magnesium Aspartate

Rating: 4.9

The American brand Now Foods produces the supplement Magnesium & Potassium Aspartate. It contains 250 mg of magnesium aspartate, 99 mg of potassium aspartate and 100 mg of taurine in free form in one serving. These components are especially important for maintaining healthy functioning of the heart and blood vessels, proper transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.

This supplement is sold by Now Foods in the form of standard large size vegetable capsules. Some may have difficulty swallowing them. BAA is placed in a jar of thick plastic in the amount of 120 pieces. Adults are advised to take 1-2 capsules 2 times a day after meals. One bottle is enough for 1-2 months of use.

From the reviews it follows that the American Potassium and magnesium aspartate is an excellent prophylactic to maintain the normal functioning of the heart. Many note that the drug has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and generally relaxes. With it, sleep becomes strong and deep, and morning awakening is easy. This supplement from Now Foods is usually well tolerated.



Panangin Forte

Rating: 4.8

Another nominee for the review was Panangin Forte, manufactured in Hungary. It contains 316 mg of potassium aspartate and 280 mg of magnesium aspartate. This drug is appropriate to use in various manifestations of absolute or relative disturbances in myocardial blood supply, in heart failure, in tachycardia, arrhythmias. Panangin Forte is approved for use from the age of 18.

This drug is produced in the form of tablets convex on both sides, having an oval shape. They are coated in white. The tablets are quite large, so it may be difficult to swallow them. Panangin Forte is recommended to be consumed after meals, as the acidic environment of the stomach makes it less effective. Tablets are not recommended to be chewed, and they should also be washed down with a glass of clean water. The daily dose is 3 tablets divided into 2 doses.

Many people respond very well to Panangin Forte. They note that with this remedy they forget about uncontrolled tachycardia. Also, this drug helped many to overcome cramps in the calf muscles. Panangin Forte is usually well tolerated, but occasionally it can cause nausea, pain or discomfort in the epigastric region.



Asparkam Update Reneval

Rating: 4.7

9 Best Magnesium Preparations

Various pharmaceutical companies produce the drug Asparkam. Our review includes a nominee from the Russian manufacturing plant Renewal Renewal. Asparkam contains 177 mg of potassium and magnesium aspartate. This drug is used in complex therapy for heart failure, coronary artery disease, and problems with heart rhythm.

Asparkam is a flat cylindrical tablet with a break line on one side. They are white in color. The tablets are placed in a blister pack. In one pack there can be 24 or 56 pieces. Asparkam is prescribed for persons over 18 years of age to take orally after meals. Daily dose – 3-6 tablets. The use is divided into 3 times. The average therapeutic course is 3-4 weeks.

According to reviews, against the background of the use of Asparkam, the heart rate returns to normal, shortness of breath is eliminated. With this drug, more strength and energy appear, the nervous system calms down. During the use of this medicine, fingers cease to go numb, convulsions disappear, and blood pressure decreases. Asparkam is generally well tolerated, but individuals with digestive problems should take it with caution.



Best Magnesium Lactate

Magnesium salt of lactic acid is no less popular. Produced synthetically. It is used in medicine to fill (prevent) magnesium deficiency, normalize and improve metabolic processes.

Magne B6

Rating: 4.9

9 Best Magnesium Preparations

The French drug Magne B6 contains magnesium lactate dihydrate (479 mg in terms of Mg 2+, this is 48 mg) and pyridoxine hydrochloride (5 mg). He was able to prove himself well for nervousness, irascibility, mild sleep disturbances, spasms in the gastrointestinal tract or tachycardia. It is also prescribed for lethargy, a constant feeling of fatigue, pain and tingling in muscle fibers.

Magne B6 tablets are oval, convex on both sides, white coated. They are quite large, but due to the streamlined shape and smooth surface, they are swallowed almost without problems. They are located on blisters. Adults are advised to take 6-8 tablets per day. Children from 6 years of age and provided that they weigh more than 20 kg, a maximum of 6 tablets per day can be taken.

Persons who took Magne B6 in a course note that already in the second week they have an arrhythmia – the heart beats evenly and does not tremble. This drug improves the process of falling asleep, and the dream itself makes it deep and strong. Panic attacks pass with him, the nervous system calms down. Leg cramps also cease to bother. Hair falls out less, nails become stronger. The drug is usually well tolerated, but very rarely causes diarrhea and abdominal pain.



Magnelis B6

Rating: 4.8

9 Best Magnesium Preparations

The Russian manufacturer Pharmstandard produces the drug Magnelis B6. It contains Mg 2+ 48 mg (magnesium lactate dihydrate – 470 mg) and pyridoxine hydrochloride – 5 mg. This is an excellent domestic analogue of the French Magne B6. It is also able to eliminate spasms, arrhythmia and prevent the formation of blood clots. Approved for use by children from 6 years of age.

Tablets Magnelis B6 are round, convex on both sides in a white shell. They are swallowed a little easier than Magne B6. Adults are advised to consume up to 8 tablets per day. And for children from 6 years old, if their body weight exceeds 20 kg, up to 6 tablets per day. Divide the intake by 2-3 times and combine it with eating. The tablets are swallowed whole and washed down with a glass of water.

Consumers in the reviews note that Magnelis B6 is not inferior in efficiency to Magne B6. Moreover, it has a more attractive price. With this drug, memory improves, the nervous system becomes more stress-resistant, the head hurts less, and a surge of strength is felt. During the use of Magnelis B6, convulsions go away, but at the end of the course of treatment they gradually return again.



Complivit magnesium

Rating: 4.7

9 Best Magnesium Preparations

The Russian manufacturer Pharmstandard produces dietary supplements Complivit magnesium. This product contains 10 vitamins, zinc, copper and magnesium. The latter is presented here in the form of lactate. If we make a conversion to Mg 2+, then it is present 50 mg. This multivitamin remedy is indicated for heart problems. It also improves the normal functioning of the nervous and muscular systems.

Complivit Magnesium is a round, biconvex, peach-colored tablet. Their taste is quite specific. They are in a plastic bottle in the amount of 60 pieces. These vitamins are easy to swallow. Adults are advised to take 2 pieces per day during breakfast. If taken on an empty stomach, nausea may occur.

According to reviews, dietary supplement Complivit magnesium calms the nervous system well, improves sleep quality. These vitamins have a good effect on the condition of hair and nails. But if there is a serious magnesium deficiency in the body and the accompanying symptoms, then the use of Complivit will not greatly improve the patient’s condition.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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