9 best headache remedies

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

A smart person, even without a medical education, will understand the conventions of such a title. In one situation, one medicine is required, and you can find a list of the best drugs: for migraine, for example. If it is known that you have a classic migraine, then the list of the best remedies, in ascending order of their effect, will be one, from caffeine preparations to ergotamine, and then to triptans.

If your headache is caused by a pathology of the cervical spine, then it is of a different nature, and then completely different drugs that relax muscles, for example, centrally acting muscle relaxants, will be required. If a patient with migraine is prescribed, say, Mydocalm, which will perfectly help with cervicogenic cephalgia, that is, with a headache caused by a pathology of the cervical spine, then there will be no sense from it, despite the fact that it will be one of the best remedies for vertebrogenic headache.

Finally, there are also such headaches in which not pills at all are needed, and not even injections, but the most urgent hospitalization either in an infectious diseases or in a neurosurgical hospital. An example is a sharp headache with meningitis, or a sudden increase in intracranial pressure, for example, with the development of occlusive hydrocephalus. Then only an urgent surgical intervention, setting up a shunt, can save a person from this severe, bursting headache.

Therefore, in this drug review, we will include those remedies that in the vast majority of cases relieve the patient from the most common headaches. In this drug list, we will not include drugs that can do more harm than good when self-medicated. An example would be the same triptans, for example, Imigran, Amigrenin, Zomig, Naramig, and other means. Yes, they are great help during a migraine attack, but if they are taken by a person whose headache is caused by another reason, then they can, in the limit, even lead to a stroke.

Indeed, with a migraine, there is a sharp expansion of blood vessels, with pronounced pain impulses. To remove the pain syndrome, you need to narrow these vessels, and then the person will get a headache. If the vessels are not dilated, then their narrowing will lead to vasospasm, a significant deterioration in cerebral blood flow. And if the patient has any atherosclerotic narrowing, blood flow deficiency, or its reduction, then vasospasm can even lead to ischemic stroke. Therefore, drugs for migraine, despite all their effectiveness, will not be included in this list, since it is not known whether the reader has consulted a doctor and whether he knows what his diagnosis is.

For the same reason, this list will not include antidepressants, which are great for dealing with certain types of headaches. All of them are sold by prescription, and first you need to make a diagnosis, and only then prescribe treatment. There will be no muscle relaxants in this review, like Mydocalm or Sirdalud, despite their effectiveness in cervicogenic headaches.

This review will mainly include pathogenic drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, and drugs containing caffeine. Yes, these medicines roam the Runet from review to review, with some variations. There is nothing easier than creating a mind-boggling list of headache medicines. But, firstly, you will not get them anywhere in pharmacies without a prescription, and secondly, in order to prescribe them to a patient, you need an accurate diagnosis and a high level of personal medical responsibility. And since the drug review is advisory in nature, the author must be sure that any drug purchased for self-medication will not bring side effects and serious complications.

Carefully! Medicines!

You can not discount another type of headache, which is called abuse. This is a headache caused by the use of headache medications. I’m not kidding. There is a fairly large number of patients who complain of headache, and their number reaches 5-10%. They experiment on themselves, taking a large number of medicines for headaches every day and constantly suffer from it.

Such abuse pain is caused by the abundance of over-the-counter drugs, their uncontrolled intake. Moreover, there are many general practitioners and neurologists who do not understand this problem enough and do not conduct a qualitative questioning, although with the help of questioning it is possible to identify drug dependence, and simply prohibit the use of all drugs for headaches.

At first, such a doctor’s recommendation causes an understandable shock in the patient, because he is used to “swallowing pills in handfuls”, and came to the doctor for another “panacea”, which he had not yet tried. But if the doctor inspires confidence in the patient (and this is his professional duty), and the patient stops taking any medication at all (for this you need to overcome your own fear), then his condition will significantly improve. He can get rid of the headache altogether. This should also be taken into account before “adding fuel to the fire” and publishing another review of medicines in Runet.

Etiotropic treatment relieves pain!

Any treatment is of three types: etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic. All headache drug reviews assume the latter two treatments, i.e., elimination of any mechanism leading to the headache, or simple relief of the symptoms. For example, Ketanov, or ketorolac, has a very strong analgesic effect. It will most likely help with many types of headaches, but it only relieves the symptom. It has no effect on the cause of the headache.

So, if you take Ketanov in high doses for meningitis, then you will dull your headache for several hours, and you may even be able to fall asleep for a while. But the pathological process on the membranes of the brain will continue. The inflammation will progress, the swelling of the membranes will increase. And if instead of going urgently to an infectious disease hospital, doing a lumbar puncture, reducing the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, and starting to drip glucocorticosteroid hormones, you periodically indulge in Ketanov, then as a result it will come to edema-swelling of the brain, and, at best – resuscitation, and at worst – sectional department.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons:

so, if whiskey starts to whine most often, reddening of the face appears, sweats, ringing in the ears occurs, then most likely it is a rise in blood pressure (especially after 40-50 years).

Therefore, here you need to immediately measure blood pressure, and if you start to properly treat the syndrome of arterial hypertension, or hypertension, then you will not need any medicines for headaches;

if there is aching, low intensity, but constantIf pain in the back of the head interferes with life, especially associated with turning the head and neck and a sedentary lifestyle, then these are either cervical and occipital “problems”, or secondary myofascial syndrome.

If in this situation you go swimming, start visiting a massage therapist, do morning exercises, and lead a healthy lifestyle, then you will also not need any pills and medicines, because the headache will recede due to the elimination of the cause;

if there is a classic picture of migraine when it hurts, drills and pulsates the eye, when nausea and vomiting occur at the height of the headache, when you want to lie down in a dark, quiet, cool room, close your eyes, see and hear no one, and wrap your head tightly with a towel, then you have a classic migraine.

In this situation, you can start taking caffeine, ergotamine, triptans, prescribe verapamil to prevent migraine, and go on the drug route. But you can dig into your own history and find out that migraine arose after you (if the reader is a woman) started taking combined oral contraceptives, COCs. This may be a contraceptive, or a treatment prescribed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

In a conversation with an experienced doctor, you can find out that you are very fond of chocolate, cheese, nuts, and you constantly snack on your name at work. And these foods contain tyramine, which provokes a headache like angiocephalgia, or migraine. As soon as contraceptives are canceled, or the type of nutrition is changed, migraine attacks will become less frequent and significantly less painful, and perhaps they will disappear altogether, without any treatment. And there will be no need to prescribe expensive triptans, which have many side effects. Here is another example of etiotropic, that is, associated with the immediate cause, non-drug treatment of headache.

if there is a bursting headache, disturbing when the head is tilted down, in the forehead, face or upper jaw, then you need to visit an ENT doctor.

Here we can talk about frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, and other types of sinusitis, that is, inflammation of the mucous and submucosal membranes of the sinuses, or sinuses located in the bones of the facial skull. And puncture, sinus lavage, catheterization with antibiotics, or just the right antibiotic treatment and physical therapy can get rid of the headache.

bursting, intense headaches, “as if the head is pumped up with a pump”, especially strong in the morning, and accompanied by a gradual decrease in visual acuity, as well as congestion in the fundus, are characteristic of a progressive increase in intracranial pressure.

And here a full-fledged examination is needed, the search for a volumetric formation, a violation of the liquor flow, and in this case, MRI is indispensable.

finally, there is trigeminal neuralgia, other types of neuralgia, when the pain resembles an electric shock, lasts for several seconds, and is provoked by specific trigger factors, such as combing, shaving, or certain scents.

Such neuralgia must be treated with anticonvulsants, drugs for neuropathic pain, and in some cases, refer to a neurosurgeon. And if carbamazepine and gabapentin are effective drugs for trigeminal neuralgia, do they really need to be included in the general popular list? Apparently not. So, we found out that the best remedy for a headache is always associated with its origin, that is, the cause.

red flags

In order to clarify the cause of a headache, let’s look at its especially dangerous options. What do you need to pay attention to? Such features in medicine are called red flags. These are particularly alarming signals that exist in various pain syndromes. There are such red flags for headaches. Therefore, if you or your loved ones have such red flags, then you do not need to choose a medicine for yourself, but urgently contact a specialized specialist: a neurologist, a neurosurgeon to clarify the causes and make the correct diagnosis. What are these red flags? Here are some of them:

  1. headache only occurs when you lean forward, stand upright, or lie down. This phenomenon is called orthoclinostatic dependence;

  2. the headache is recent, of high intensity, or unusual in its sensations that you have never experienced in your life;

  3. if you are over 50 and have a sudden headache;

  4. if it is accompanied by focal neurological symptoms, such as blurred speech, decreased vision in one eye, weakness in the fingers, dizziness, tremor, uncertain finger movements, and so on;

  5. if you have recently had a traumatic brain injury, a concussion or a fall;

  6. edema of the optic disc during ophthalmoscopy;

  7. if the headache is accompanied by so-called systemic symptoms. It can include fever, sweating, weight loss, lack of appetite, signs of anemia, shortness of breath, and so on.

All of these red flags should be considered by physicians with the utmost seriousness.

Overview of the best headache remedies

Nomination Place Name Cost
Overview of the best headache remedies      1 Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin-1000, Alka-Prim, Aspicor, Aspirin, Aspro-C)      8 ₽
     2 Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig)      90 ₽
     3 Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Mig)      21 ₽
     4 Ketorolac (Dolac, Ketocam, Ketanov, Ketorol, Ketofril)      30 ₽
     5 Acetylsalicylic acid+caffeine+paracetamol (Coficil Plus, Askofen P, Citramon P, Citramon Ultra)      7 ₽
     6 Drotaverine+caffeine+naproxen+paracetamol+pheniramine maleate (Spasmalgon effect, Pentalgin)      189 ₽
     7 Ibuprofen + pitophenone + fenpiverinia bromide (Spazgan Neo, Novigan)      197 ₽
     8 Caffeine + metamizole sodium + thiamine (Sedalgin plus)      146 ₽
     9 Metamizole sodium + triacetonamine-4-toluenesulfonate (Tempalgin)      130 ₽

Famous and popular remedies for headaches

Before listing popular over-the-counter headache medications, let’s recap the general rules for drug reviews. First, the international non-proprietary name, or INN, is given. The following is the name of the original drug, the price of which is due to the high quality of the chemical substance, a large number of scientific studies on the effectiveness and safety of this drug. The following is a list of well-known and high-quality commercial copies, that is, generics. The following is the price range relevant for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation for the spring of 2020. The price for the cheapest domestic generic of a particular drug will also be given. Naturally, not all drugs were included in the review, their choice is dictated by national and international clinical guidelines for the treatment of headaches, and we do not advertise to any manufacturer or drug, just as we do not do anti-advertising.

Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin-1000, Alka-Prim, Aspicor, Aspirin, Aspro-C)

Rating: 4.9

The most famous, most popular, most produced drug in the world, of course, is Aspirin. It is to him that Bayer in Germany owes its development and prosperity. It should be noted that acetylsalicylic acid, which is used to treat episodes of headache, is produced in completely different dosages than “heart aspirin”. This is a 500 mg tablet. And sometimes, in order for the head to stop hurting, you need to take two pills. Therefore, if you go to a pharmacy to buy Aspirin for a headache, then do not take Cardiask, Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin-cardio, Thrombo-ass, and others, their dosage is much less.

Another extremely important circumstance: without exception, aspirins and acetylsalicylic acid preparations are strictly forbidden to be given to children. In any conditions and for any reason. In children, even a small amount of acetylsalicylic acid can cause a severe lesion called Reye’s syndrome, which can be fatal.

Therefore, acetylsalicylic acid can only be given to children strictly older than 15 years. For headaches of mild to moderate strength, as well as for high temperatures, the maximum single dose should not exceed two tablets, that is, 1 g. The maximum daily dose for headaches is 6 tablets, that is, 3 g. tablets should be at least 4 hours. It is advisable to use acetylsalicylic acid, as well as absolutely all of the following drugs, in the shortest possible courses, and in no case longer than 7 days as an anesthetic. Bayer produces the most famous and legendary Aspirin. Packing tablets weighing 1G will cost around 290 rubles. But this is the best and most famous German Aspirin. However, if you want to try all the delights of import substitution, you can buy domestic acetylsalicylic acid. A package of 10 tablets weighing 500 mg will cost you only 3 rubles: cheap and cheerful.

Advantages and disadvantages

We have already said about such shortcomings as Reye’s syndrome and a sharp age limit. But the most important drawbacks are the possibility of developing erosive-ulcerative gastritis, heartburn and vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to give Aspirin in particular and any ASA in general to patients with high bleeding, with anemia, with the appearance of bruises, with any manifestation of the hemorrhagic syndrome. Aspirin is strictly prohibited if the patient has bronchial asthma, an aspirin-dependent form. This remedy is prohibited during pregnancy and during breastfeeding for the above reasons.

An overdose is also possible. Then the patient experiences nausea and vomiting, and even confusion. Be sure to know that if you take Aspirin against the background of glucocorticosteroid hormones, such as prednisolone, then this significantly increases the risk of ulcerative erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. But for all its disadvantages, Aspirin is the world’s best-selling drug, which is good for various types of pain, including headaches, and saves from high fever, or fever. That is why Aspirin is in every home first aid kit. And I want it to be of good quality.

Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig)

Rating: 4.8

Ibuprofen also belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and each tablet of Nurofen, which is produced by the English company Reckitt Benziker, contains 200 mg of ibuprofen. For 14 tablets you will give from 85 to 100 rubles. This is a very popular remedy for headaches, and, in addition, it has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Ibuprofen is a derivative of propionic acid, and its action is associated with inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. Nurofen should be kept in the home first aid kit in case of toothache, headache and pain in the back, joints, with various types of muscle pain, as well as with the development of a cold. Nurofen should be taken by adults and children over 6 years of age. As for adults, you can take Nurofen with a headache, one tablet, no more than 4 times a day. You can immediately take two tablets, that is, 400 mg 3 times a day, but not more often than after 6 hours. Adults should not take more than 6 tablets daily.

Advantages and disadvantages

The biggest advantage of ibuprofen is that it can be safely given to children, which Aspirin lacks. However, it is also strictly contraindicated in exacerbation of gastric ulcers, erosive gastritis, intolerance to aspirin and bronchial asthma, in case of hemorrhagic syndrome, severe liver, kidney and heart failure. Do not give this remedy in case of hemorrhagic stroke, in the third trimester of pregnancy and children under three years of age. Side effects of Nurofen are hypersensitivity, allergic reactions, possibly abdominal pain.

Nurofen should not be given with aspirin, except at low doses of “heart aspirin”, otherwise the side effects can mutually reinforce each other, either. You should also try to avoid combinations of Nurofen with anticoagulants and thrombolytics, diuretics, and some antibiotics. In any case, the reception should be as short as possible, and no more than 10 days without a doctor’s prescription.

Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Mig)

Rating: 4.7

Paracetamol in all its variants, starting with Efferalgan, is a popular drug that both adults and children love. It can be prescribed for a variety of infectious diseases, since its main effect is antipyretic. However, paracetamol also has an analgesic effect. Effervescent tablets work best and fastest. It is these that are produced by the French pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb, and 500 mg effervescent tablets will cost you from 120 to 160 rubles. There are 16 effervescent tablets in a pack. Efferalgan should also be in every home first aid kit, and especially in a family with children. But it is also perfectly used for headaches, while the maximum single dose should not exceed two tablets, and the daily dose should not exceed 8 tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

Paracetamol has the standard disadvantages of its subgroup of non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Side effects such as allergic reactions, bronchospasm, nausea and vomiting are possible, and in the event that you have gastritis or gastric ulcer, it is necessary to hide behind proton pump inhibitors before using not only paracetamol, but in general any means from the NSAID group . There are strict contraindications to taking paracetamol. This is a severe form of renal failure, children under 12 years of age, and an exacerbation of gastric ulcer. Paracetamol can be used during pregnancy, but still it should not be abused. And in general, if you have a headache for more than 5 days, then Paracetamol should not be used, but you need to consult a doctor. It is important to avoid co-administration of paracetamol and alcohol, or to prescribe paracetamol to such heavy drinkers. They may develop liver damage as well as severe skin reactions.

Ketorolac (Dolac, Ketocam, Ketanov, Ketorol, Ketofril)

Rating: 4.6

When talking about any pain syndrome, there is no getting away from ketorolac, even if we are talking about a headache, even about postoperative or post-traumatic pain syndrome. The thing is that ketorolac, especially when administered intramuscularly, acts very strongly, and can even be comparable in effect to narcotic analgesics. Ketanov can relieve headaches, toothache, helps with painful periods, and if you are looking for maximum pain relief, but not a drug, then this is Ketorol. But, alas, it is also sold only by prescription, but since this is the most powerful remedy from non-narcotic analgesics, it was included in this list. This is also a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, overtaking its counterparts in analgesic effect.

In case of headache, it is taken orally once or repeatedly, one 10 mg tablet. If you need to take Ketanov until the headache is completely gone, then its amount should not exceed 40 mg, or four tablets. In this case, the reception is allowed no longer than 5 days. Ketanov, and its analogues, which are listed in the title, are always very, very inexpensive. Many of them are produced as preparations made in India, and the most famous ketorolac in Russia – Ketanov, manufactured by the Indian company Sun Pharmaceutical, costs from 25 to 55 rubles. for a pack of 10 tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug is strong, but has significant limitations for use. This is the same aspirin asthma, bronchospasm, an ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, erosive gastritis, severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, bleeding and hemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhagic stroke. It is forbidden to use ketorolac in any form before the age of 16, pregnant and lactating women, as well as in the form of a long-term use for the relief of chronic pain. Ketanov has the same side effects as other NSAIDs, it cannot be used together with acetylsalicylic acid.

Acetylsalicylic acid+caffeine+paracetamol (Coficil Plus, Askofen P, Citramon P, Citramon Ultra)

Rating: 4.5

Now we move on to multicomponent headache prescriptions. And one of the most popular will be a medicine consisting of paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, that is, aspirin, and caffeine. By the way, why do we sometimes write “aspirin” with a small letter, and sometimes with a capital one? With a capital letter – when referring to Aspirin manufactured by Bayer, the proper name for a particular drug. Just like Coficil. And with a small one – when it comes to acetylsalicylic acid in general, because “aspirin” has long become synonymous with ASA due to its wide popularity and popularity.

Caffeine is the well-known trimethylxanthine, which excites the central nervous system, increases diuresis, and invigorates. Cofitsil, Askofen, and Citramon are all domestic drugs, they are produced by local pharmaceutical factories, are in great demand and are very, very inexpensive. So, one pack of Askofen containing 10 tablets will not cost more than 35 rubles. This remedy is indicated for migraine, tension headache, cervicogenic headache associated with exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

Together with the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects of ASA and paracetamol, caffeine has a slight psychostimulant effect. The respiratory center is excited, blood vessels expand, the feeling of fatigue decreases, mental and physical performance increases. Therefore, it is better to use it in the morning, and for headaches, it is advisable to prescribe it no more than two tablets three times a day, but not more than 6 tablets per day. If more than 5 days have passed since the start of treatment, then you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the drug is that it is a first-line treatment for migraine, because caffeine is part of many drugs for angiocephalic syndrome. Migraine also belongs to angiocephalgia. It is also indicated for various forms of pain syndrome, including neuralgia and muscle pain, with acute pain in the lower back. It is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to NSAIDs, with erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, with severe bleeding, in case of glaucoma, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, and in children under 15 years of age. Pregnant women are also Askofen and all its analogues are contraindicated.

Drotaverine+caffeine+naproxen+paracetamol+pheniramine maleate (Spazmalgon effect, Pentalgin)

Rating: 4.5

The next drug – Pentalgin do not confuse with Pentalgin-N. Pentalgin-N contains a narcotic drug, namely codeine. Codeine is Schedule II List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation. The ban on the free sale of drugs containing codeine was introduced in June 2012. Therefore, now there are no drugs such as Nurofen Plus, Caffetin, Sedalgin-Neo, Sedal-M, Solpadein. Why didn’t it? Because doctors are extremely reluctant to issue such prescriptions, even if there are indications. Therefore, Pentalgin-N will not be sold to you for anything and never, in our country. Doctors are so afraid to get involved with any strong drugs, or, more precisely, with the security forces, that you don’t even ask.

But the usual Pentalgin is sold without a prescription. It consists of drotaverine, a myotropic antispasmodic, which everyone knows very well under the name No-shpa, caffeine, naproxen, which is an NSAID-anti-inflammatory drug. The effect of naproxen is enhanced by paracetamol, and pheniramine is a blocker of histamine receptors and exhibits an anti-allergic effect. It also gives light sedation. In addition to various forms of headache, Pentalgin perfectly helps with various inflammatory processes, with painful menstrual syndrome, renal colic, joint pain, and gallstone disease.

If we talk about headaches, then in the best way it helps with the so-called angiocephalgia, when a spasm of cerebral vessels occurs. It is desirable to use it one tablet, no more than three times a day, the maximum dosage is 4 tablets. It should not be taken as an anesthetic for longer than five days. That Pentalgin, which is sold in many pharmacies in the Russian Federation, has an excellent European analogue of the same composition, namely the Spazmalgon Effect. It is produced by Balkanpharma, because of 10 tablets you will give 200 rubles. If you are interested in a domestic manufacturer, then Pentalgin produced by Pharmstandard-Leksredstva will cost you half the price.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Spazmalgon Effect and Pentalgin are that it is a fairly balanced drug, and helps with various conditions: from renal colic and cholecystitis to headache and toothache. But it can not be used by pregnant and lactating women, persons under the age of eighteen, with poor blood counts and oppression of bone marrow function, with exacerbation of stomach ulcers, with aspirin asthma, heart rhythm disturbances, high levels of potassium in the blood plasma and other pathological conditions. . You can not use Pentalgin together with barbiturates, levodopa in parkinsonism, and it is advisable to avoid combination with hypnotics and tranquilizers, since the sedative effect will increase. And then, you may have to not drive and not work in hazardous industries while taking Pentalgin in order to avoid accidents.

Ibuprofen + pitofenone + fenpiverinium bromide (Spazgan Neo, Novigan)

Rating: 4.4

We present to your attention another combined drug for headaches. This is Spazgan Neo. It has only one familiar ingredient, and that is ibuprofen. What is fenpiverinium, or pitofenone? These components are also well known. Pitophenone is an antispasmodic that relaxes smooth muscles, including blood vessels. And fenpiverinium is an M-cholinergic blocker. This allows you to use the medicine not only for headaches, including migraines, but also for biliary and intestinal colic, with painful periods. You need to take the drug one or two tablets, but not more than 4 times a day. The drug Spazgan Neo is produced by an Indian company, and a package of 20 tablets will cost, on average, from 200 to 250 rubles. In addition to anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects, the drug has a valuable ability to stimulate the formation of endogenous interferon, improve immunity and exert antiviral activity.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of this drug is that it is not available in all pharmacies. But a well-chosen combination makes this remedy universal, and the fight against cephalgic syndrome is its main task. Side effects are typical for all drugs containing NSAIDs, that is, abdominal pain, heartburn, loss of appetite. Of the contraindications, again, one can name a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, angle-closure glaucoma and prostate hyperplasia, since an anticholinergic is included in the composition. Spazgan Neo is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and under the age of 16 years.

Caffeine + metamizole sodium + thiamine (Sedalgin plus)

Rating: 4.3

Another universal, combined drug that contains metamizole sodium, colloquially known as analgin, and vitamin B1, or thiamine. Additionally, caffeine has been added to the prescription. The result is a rather active combination, which has a standard antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. These are the main effects of analgin. At the same time, caffeine excites the respiratory center, reduces drowsiness and fatigue, and the addition of caffeine further enhances the effect of analgin, since it increases the permeability of tissue barriers. Additionally, vitamin B1 was added there. As the instructions say: “to improve neuro-reflex conduction,” but most likely this is a common commercial move to get some kind of original combination.

As a result, the remedy is indicated for various types of headaches, for odontogenic headaches, that is, for toothache, for neuralgia, pain in muscles and joints, painful periods and for radicular neurological syndrome. You can buy the drug in many pharmacies, the drug is produced in Eastern Europe, it is produced by Balkanpharm, and for 10 tablets you can pay a relatively small price, from 95 to 160 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the main advantage of sedalgin is not the inclusion of vitamin B1 in it. And the fact that it is a worthy drug of European quality, and at the same time having a relatively low price. A package of 10 tablets is small, but this is good, since a large package bought can subconsciously stimulate a person to take the medicine for a long time, and this should never be done. Contraindications for this drug are standard for NSAIDs. Additionally – high intraocular pressure, pregnancy, childhood and breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, diseases of the blood system and insomnia due to the introduced caffeine. But if you use the drug according to the rules, one tablet 2-3 times and no later than 16 hours of the day, then side effects will not develop. It should be remembered that the maximum daily dose for adults is 6 tablets, they can be taken no longer than one to two days. In the case of adolescents from 12 to 16 years of age, a maximum of 4 tablets should be given. The medicine can be used as an anesthetic for headaches, under no circumstances should it be longer than 5 days.

Metamizole sodium + triacetonamine-4-toluenesulfonate (Tempalgin)

Rating: 4.2

In conclusion of the review of over-the-counter headache medicines, Tempalgin can be mentioned. It also contains analgin, and the second component is tempidone. The second component eliminates the state of tension, anxiety and fear. It reduces motor activity, since it is a central anticholinergic, and helps to enhance and prolong the analgesic effect of analgin. It is indicated for a variety of, but not very pronounced pain syndromes, for short-term treatment. These are headache and toothache, muscle, joint pain, radicular neurological symptoms. The course of treatment without consulting a doctor should not last longer than three days, and for adults it is usually necessary to take one tablet, once or twice a day, but not more than 2 tablets per day and not more than 1 tablet at a time. The drug Tempalgin is also produced by the Bulgarian company Sopharma, and for a pack of 10 tablets you will give a little: only 40 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps, the narrow therapeutic breadth of action of this drug can be called a disadvantage. The maximum dosage is only 2 tablets per day. This is a rather clumsy circumstance: usually, for the headache medicines described above, the maximum amount was 4-6, or even 8 tablets. But, on the other hand, this remedy has better compliance, one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening. Some strict contraindications should be taken into account. These are acute liver failure, severe pathology of the liver and kidneys, anemia, bone marrow suppression after treatment with cytostatics, a sharp decrease in the number of erythrocytes and neutrophils in the blood plasma, or suspicion of acute surgical pathology. What is it?

About acute surgical pathology

Instead of a conclusion, let’s explain the above contraindication. Why can’t Tempalgin be used in cases of suspected acute surgical pathology? Yes, you can’t. And not only Tempalgin, but all of the above means. Only in Tempalgin this was indicated in the instructions, and in other cases for some reason they were not indicated. It is no secret that when, for example, an acute pain in the abdomen appears, the hand immediately reaches for the first-aid kit to take the same drug that we take for a headache. For example, Ketanov. And why not accept? After all, this pain reliever is quite strong, and it will definitely help!

It must be remembered that painkillers for acute abdominal pain are strictly forbidden to take. Unlike the head, a large number of microorganisms constantly live in the stomach and intestines, and the likelihood of an acute purulent process, for example, acute appendicitis, is quite high. And if an ordinary, catarrhal, uncomplicated appendicitis is “muffled” by a large amount of painkillers, then the pain will dull in a person, and he will not feel it for several days. Pain, the body’s watchdog, will simply fall asleep.

At the same time, the acute process will progress, suppuration will occur, and complications: from perforated and gangrenous appendicitis to diffuse purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity, or peritonitis, a severe complication. Therefore, in the case of an acute abdomen, only myotropic antispasmodics, for example, drotaverine, papaverine, or No-shpu, can be taken. There should be no talk of any painkillers.

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