9 Best Drops for Dry Eyes for Adults
How often do you feel dry, burning, irritated and gritty in your eyes? Do your eyes get tired quickly from reading, working at a computer or driving a car? The most common cause of these conditions is “dry eye syndrome”. How to deal with it – ask the doctor

Dry eyes is a common condition in our man-made time. We are so used to the feeling of tiredness, dryness, redness of the eyeballs that we do not even pay attention to it. Meanwhile, these are symptoms of dry keratoconjunctivitis, which is also called “dry eye syndrome”1. The causes of this disease may be insufficient production of tears or increased evaporation.

Reduced tear production is more common in people over 60 years of age and is associated with age-related changes in which the effectiveness of the lacrimal glands decreases. The “culprits” of this problem can be various ophthalmic diseases.1 and eye injury.

Increased tear evaporation is most often associated with a low blink rate. When blinking, the eye is additionally washed with a tear, which is necessary to moisten it. Blinking frequency decreases with prolonged eye strain. This condition occurs, for example, when reading for a long time, working at a computer, watching TV or driving a car.2.

Manifestations of the syndrome of “dry eye” are well known to everyone:

  • pain in the eyes and their redness, a feeling of pressure;
  • feeling of “sand” in the eyes;
  • itching, scratching, feeling of tightness;
  • increased lacrimation and sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • increased sensitivity to bright light2.

Symptoms are often aggravated by strong winds, dry and dusty rooms. These manifestations can appear with prolonged wearing of contact lenses.

For most people, these symptoms usually disappear without a trace with the use of special moisturizing drops. Their choice in the pharmacy network is quite diverse. In this article, we will talk about over-the-counter drugs, which are almost always available in pharmacies.

Rating of the top 9 inexpensive and effective drops for dry eyes for adults according to KP

Today, the choice of drops for dry eyes is quite large. Preparations differ from each other not only by the manufacturer, but also by composition, viscosity, duration of exposure, active substance and the presence of contraindications.

We offer you a review of inexpensive drops for dry eyes, based on customer reviews, the opinion of doctors, availability and effectiveness. But it should be noted that before buying drops, you must always consult with an ophthalmologist.

1. Defislez

Defislez is the most inexpensive and common remedy for dry eyes. The composition of the drops includes hypromellose – a polymeric substance that gives the solution viscosity. It ensures the creation of a protective film on the surface of the eye that prevents premature drying of the mucous membrane. Defislez has not only moisturizing, but also a protective property for the cornea of ​​the eye, since it reproduces the natural characteristics of the tear film.

Application: 1-2 drops 4-8 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Of the contraindications, only individual intolerance to the drug.

an inexpensive drug, well softens and moisturizes the cornea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe eye.
the high viscosity of the solution can cause the eyelids to feel sticky.
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2. Visomitin

In second place in our rating were Vizomitin drops – a well-known development of biologists from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. The main active ingredient in the composition is a mitochondrial antioxidant, which prevents damage to eye cells by free radicals and reduces the risk of developing ophthalmic diseases with age.

Vizomitin drops are prescribed in the treatment of dry eye syndrome, as well as in the initial stages of cataracts. Due to the presence of the active substance, the drug has not only moisturizing, but also a healing effect. Visomitin quickly eliminates discomfort and a feeling of dryness in the eyes, improves the condition of eye tissues. Also, the drops have a positive effect on the composition of the tear, restore the tear film and accelerate the healing of the damaged cornea.3.

Among the contraindications are only individual intolerance to the components and the age of up to 18 years (since clinical studies were conducted only on adult patients). Vizomitin drops can be used by pregnant and lactating women, but under medical supervision.

Mode of application: with the syndrome of “dry eye” – 1-2 drops in each eye 3 times a day.

contains an active ingredient, treats, not only relieves symptoms3, effectively moisturizes and relieves the feeling of dryness in the eyes, restores the natural tear film, promotes the healing of damaged areas of the cornea, a minimum of contraindications.
occasionally in the process of instillation can cause a short-term burning sensation
Editor’s Choice
Drops with moisturizing and healing effect
Visomitin combats discomfort and dryness in the eyes, helps restore the tear film and accelerate the healing of damaged corneas.
Find out the priceView ingredients

3. View-dresser

Moisturizing eye drops based on povidone. Due to the active substance, the drug has a lower viscosity compared to the above products. Drops form a uniform and stable film on the surface of the eye, which is not destroyed by blinking and does not reduce visual acuity.

In its composition, View-chest has no preservatives, does not cause allergies. The dropper bottle is designed in such a way that it does not let air in (due to which sterility is observed) and always dispenses drops evenly.

Of the contraindications, only individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Drops are compatible with any kind of contact lenses.

Application: 1 drop 4-5 times a day.

sterile solution, convenient dropper, no side effects, instillation without removing contact lenses is possible.
when used together with other ophthalmic preparations, it is necessary to pause between them for at least 30 minutes.
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4. Ophthalmic

Indian eye drops contain povidone and polyvinyl alcohol. Oftolik has a good keratoprotective effect: it protects the cornea of ​​the eyes, reduces irritation. The action of the drops is very similar to the action of mucin, a natural component of tears. The drug acts quickly enough, effectively relieves dryness and redness of the eyes.

Application: 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.

well softens the cornea, quickly eliminates redness of the eyes, the similarity of the composition with a natural tear.
short shelf life after opening the vial, may cause allergic reactions.
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5. Hylomax chest of drawers

Drops Hylomax chest of drawers – a moisturizing solution for the eyes. It is also produced on the basis of hyaluronic acid and does not contain preservatives. Drops perfectly moisturize the eyes and create a film on their surface that does not wash off for a long time when blinking.

The drug has no restrictions on the frequency and duration of use. Drops are packaged in a convenient bottle that dispenses uniform application regardless of the pressing force. The tightness of the bottle allows the use of drops after opening for 6 months.

Hilomax chest of drawers has no side effects and contraindications, with the exception of individual hypersensitivity to the components.

Application: 1 drop 3 times a day (maybe more often if necessary).

has no contraindications, convenient dispenser, long shelf life of an open bottle.
when combined with other drops, a break between them of 15 minutes is required
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6. Systain ultra

Another moisturizing eye drops based on polyethylene glycol. The drug is almost completely identical to natural tears. Systane Ultra moisturizes the eyes well, relieves fatigue and irritation, and at the same time does not reduce visual acuity. Drops act very quickly and do not cause discomfort. At the same time, they can be instilled without removing contact lenses.

There are practically no contraindications for the drug. The only thing is that it is not recommended to use drops for children under 18 years of age, since safety studies have not been conducted in this age group. An allergic reaction to drops can be caused by individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Application: 1-2 drops in each eye. Can be used permanently.

instant and lasting effect, does not disturb visual acuity, can be dripped onto the lenses.
high cost, can cause an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
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7. Thealosis

The composition of Tealoz drops includes trehalose – a substance of natural origin, which has not only moisturizing, but also antioxidant and protective properties. The drug, in addition to moisturizing, prevents the loss of fluid by cells, reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the cornea of ​​​​the eye, and relieves dryness and eye fatigue caused by external factors. Drops can be applied without removing contact lenses.

Application: 1 drop in each eye 4-6 times a day.

fast, lasting effect, well relieves inflammation and irritation of the cornea.
high price.
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8. Cation norm

Drops Cationorm, having a unique composition, are able to restore all three layers of the film that forms a natural tear (lipid, water and mucin). Drops act quickly and effectively, not only moisturizing, but also protecting the cornea of ​​​​the eye. They do not contain preservatives and are well tolerated. There are no contraindications to the use of Cationorm (excluding individual intolerance).

Application: 1 drop in each eye up to 4 times a day.

does not contain preservatives, is as close as possible in composition to a natural tear, has no contraindications.
high cost of the drug.
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9. Artelak vcplesk

Artelac eye drops are based on hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that can retain water in tissues. Hyaluronic acid is part of natural tears, so preparations based on it moisturize the eyes for a long time.

The drops do not contain preservatives, have a pronounced moisturizing effect, well relieve redness, irritation, and a feeling of eye fatigue. The drug can be used without removing contact lenses. After opening the bottle, the drops do not lose their properties for 3 months.

Application: 1 drop in each eye as needed.

do not contain preservatives, long-term effect, can be used without removing the lenses, long-term storage of the opened vial.
with simultaneous use, other drops can be instilled no earlier than 15 minutes later.
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How to choose drops for dry eyes

Before choosing drops for dry eyes, you need to determine the cause of this condition.4. If signs of dryness occur only during prolonged work at the computer, reading and do not bother in other situations, try the simplest and most inexpensive drops, for example, Defislez or Artificial tear and evaluate the result. If the effect of these drops is not enough, try more expensive drops or drops with a different active ingredient.

With long-lasting and severe symptoms of “dry eye”, you should consult an ophthalmologist2. The doctor will help identify the cause of the disease and prescribe drops that are right for you.4.

Even if you purchased the drops yourself, carefully read the instructions, observe the dosage and frequency of use of the drops, do not forget about the expiration dates of the open bottle and hygiene when instilled4

Reviews of doctors about drops for dry eyes

Today, most eye drops can be bought over the counter without a prescription. That is why most people neglect to visit a doctor when there are signs of dryness and discomfort in the eyes. Ophthalmologists do not recommend doing so recklessly.

First you need to find out the cause of dry eyes. If this is a manifestation of overexertion, you need to try to relax the muscles of the eyes with the help of exercises. Often this is enough.

In addition, many eye drops contain antibiotics or vasoconstrictors. The use of such drugs can aggravate a condition caused by a serious eye disease.

If you still decide to purchase the drops yourself, carefully read the instructions for the drug. Choose “neutral” products that do not contain medicinal components.

Popular questions and answers

What is the danger of dry eye syndrome and answers other popular questions ophthalmologist, associate professor of the department of ophthalmology of the Medical Academy named after S. I. Georgievsky Svetlana Chistyakova.

Why dry eyes?

There are two main causes of dry eyes. The first of these is insufficient production of tears by the lacrimal glands. As a rule, the reason lies in the disease of the eyes or the body as a whole. In this case, only an ophthalmologist will help to solve the problem.

The second reason is the increased evaporation of tears from the surface of the eye. This is due to many factors: increased eye strain, wearing contact lenses, dry and windy weather, high air temperature, environmental component, irritating chemical factors, and much more. In this case, it is quite possible to solve problems with the help of eye drops. However, you need to remember that it is right, only an ophthalmologist can pick up drops. Don’t neglect your doctor’s visit.

What is the danger of dry eye syndrome?

– With timely treatment and in the early stages, the symptom of “dry eye” is dangerous only by discomfort. However, if treatment is neglected, the consequences can be more serious.

The main complications are associated with damage to the corneal mucosa and infection. Other complications of dry eye are keratitis and corneal ulcer.

How to moisturize your eyes if there are no drops?

– First of all, with dry eye syndrome, try to avoid provoking factors: avoid air-conditioned rooms, drafts, dusty and polluted places. When outdoors, wear goggles to protect against sun, dust and wind.

If you are indoors for a long time, humidify the air. When working at a computer or reading, do not forget about eye hygiene, eye exercises and timely rest.

Drink more water to avoid dehydration and improve tear production.

If there are no drops at hand, folk remedies will help. Warm compresses on the eyes will help stimulate moisture in the eyes. These can be compresses from used tea bags, infusion of mint or chamomile, honey solution. Quite extreme is the inhalation of the vapors of chopped onions – it also causes lacrimation. But remember that the best remedy for dry eyes is drops or gel prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Sources of:

  1. Dry eye syndrome. Brzhesky V.V., Somov E.E. // St. Petersburg: Apollo. – 1998. – 96 p. http://www.medbooks.org/index.files/book/Oftal%60mologija/011509/Sindrom_suhogo_glaza_-_Brzheskij_Somov_1998.pdf
  2. Dry eye syndrome in ophthalmic practice. E.V. Polunina, O.A. Rumyantseva, A.A. Kozhukhov. Medical scientific and practical portal Lvrach.ru. https://www.lvrach.ru/2004/07/4531533
  3. Yani E.V. Practical medicine. Ophthalmology. Age-related vision loss and oxidative stress: prospects for therapy. 2012. No. 4(59). pp. 134 – 137.
  4. Modern approaches to the prevention and treatment of secondary dry eye syndrome. Egorov E.A., Romanova T.B., Rybakova E.G., Oganezova Zh.G. breast cancer. Clinical ophthalmology, 2017. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sovremennye-podhody-k-profilaktike-i-lecheniyu-vtorichnogo-sindroma-suhogo-glaza

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