9 best drills

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The motor drill got its name due to the ability to drill the earth due to the torque received from the motor. Such manual equipment is used for preparing pits for piles, planting trees, installing power line poles or fences, as well as for ice fishing. Depending on the task ahead, the drill must meet certain performance requirements in order to cope with the job. We offer you a number of practical recommendations for choosing this earthen unit and 9 models, the most popular in Russia.

Tips for choosing a drill

Going for a motor drill, pay attention to the following key parameters.


The indicator varies from 1.7 to 8 hp. The higher it is, the more confident the device rotates in solid material. If the soil in your area is loam or contains a lot of stones, then it is better to use motor drills with a power of 3 hp or more. For ice and black soil, 1.9 hp is enough.

Engine type 2 and 4

Four-stroke internal combustion engines are larger in size and weight, and such models are more expensive. The advantages include smoother operation of the engine, regardless of position in space (tilts), simple refueling, reduced noise. But regularly you will have to perform maintenance to change the oil in the crankcase. Even the repair of such a device is more expensive.

Two-stroke drills are smaller, lighter, and cheaper. But their revolutions can “float”, especially when the equipment is tilted. They also growl loudly, and before each refueling, you will have to mix gasoline with oil in the proportion indicated in the instructions (sometimes 1:25 or 1:50). But these are unpretentious internal combustion engines, the repair of which is relatively inexpensive.

Drill diameter and length

The maximum permitted length and width of the auger depends on the engine power and the features of the motor drill gearbox. If you have to make holes for the foundation of piles or install high pillars with sufficient concreting around, then choose models with the ability to drill up to 180 cm and a diameter of 300 mm. When it is required to plant tree seedlings, an auger with a depth of 1 m and a diameter of 300 mm is sufficient. For fishing, equipment is selected depending on the thickness of the ice and the size of the fish living in the reservoirs, as well as the number of users at each hole.


The weight of the motor drill varies from 6 to 30 kg. The larger the mass, the easier the drilling process itself, since the device presses on the tooling on its own. But transporting and carrying such equipment is more difficult. With light motor drills, the opposite is true – it is easier to transfer, but when working, you will need to press it down with your hands.

Landing diameter of fastening of equipment

The most common size considered universal is 20 mm. It is easier to pick up a screw of the required diameter for it, where even models from other manufacturers are suitable. But there are motor drills with bushings of 22, 23 and 25.4 mm, to which a conventional shaft will not fit and an adapter is required.

Number of operators

There are models for 1 and 2 people, which is determined by the configuration of the handles. Power drills for two users allow you to excavate faster, both in terms of drilling speed and when moving from place to place. There are universal devices, the handles of which are designed so that you can operate a motor drill alone or together.

Tank capacity

The time of continuous operation depends on the capacity of the gas tank. The indicator varies from 1.1 liters to 3.6 liters.


Usually, a set of maintenance tools is attached to each product (a hexagon for assembling handles, a candle wrench, a screwdriver). Most manufacturers also include a canister for fuel supply. Units complete the drill with an auger, and in most cases the equipment will have to be purchased separately for the upcoming tasks.

Rating of the best motorcycle drills

Nomination Place Name of product Price
The best earthmoving drills      1 ADA instruments Ground Drill 8      1 3990 ₽
     2 ELITECH BM 70V 3.3 HP      13 200 ₽
     3 CHAMPION AG364 3 HP      13 900 ₽
     4 MAXCUT MC 55 3 HP      10 500 ₽
     5 ELITECH BM 52E 2.5 HP      11 390 ₽
     6 Huter GGD-52 1.9 HP      9 090 ₽
The best fishing drills      1 RedVerg RD-EA490 2.2 HP      10 000 ₽
     2 Carver AG-52/000 1.9 hp      9 650 ₽
     3 Forward FEA-52/2600 3.3 л.с.      9 500 ₽

The best earthmoving drills

In the case of drilling holes for piles or planting trees, the length and diameter of the passage are important. To rotate large equipment, you will also need a powerful motor. Here are the best motor drills that have such characteristics.

ADA instruments Ground Drill 8

Rating: 4.9

Topped the list of the best power drills from the ADA brand with a 71 cm³ engine, producing 3.26 hp. The two-stroke power plant is supplemented by a 1.2 liter gasoline tank, where you will need to fill in fuel mixed with oil before starting work. The rig is connected to the reducer through a bore diameter of 20 mm and can be with a maximum width of 300 mm, which is enough for planting seedlings with wide roots. With such a motor drill, it will be possible to make holes up to 80 cm deep. In the reviews, the owners praise the product for a reliable starter and easy engine start. The motor drill was repeatedly used by customers to install a fence 150-250 m long and adequately withstood such a load in a short period of time.

Experts liked the model with a well-thought-out frame. It is designed in such a way that the drill can be used by one person or two. In this case, the grip will be different in each case, but comfortable. Also, if the device accidentally falls, then the key components will not be damaged, since they are reliably protected by this very frame from all sides.




Rating: 4.8

The direct competitor of the above model is the motor drill from ELITECH, which has a similar motor volume of 71 cm³ with a power of 3.3. hp A two-stroke engine consumes 800 ml of gasoline mixed with oil per hour, so a 1.4 liter tank will last for almost 2 hours of drilling. The gas drill weighs 10 kg – one user can carry it from hole to hole. Theoretically, two people can work with it, but the handles here are not as comfortable as those of the ADA, and the gas trigger is only on one side, so the drill is more often used by one operator. The maximum drilling depth is allowed up to 180 cm with a tool 30 cm in diameter, but the auger will have to be purchased separately.

In the reviews, all buyers agree that this is one of the most powerful motor drills. Although the figure is 3.3 hp. There are other models, but in practice there are differences. This unit confidently “bites” into the soil of any density and rarely jams. Choose it for the most serious construction tasks.




Rating: 4.7

The motor-drill is made with a U-shaped frame, to which two pairs of handles are welded. The model is designed for two operators and one with it is very inconvenient. The manufacturer installed in it a single-cylinder engine with a 2-stroke principle of operation, which requires 50 g of oil for every liter of gasoline. With a motor volume of 64 cm³, the internal combustion engine produces 3 hp, therefore it is able to rotate equipment with a diameter of 60 to 300 mm in the ground. But the model is sold without a working part. But here the tank holds 1.5 liters of fuel, which prolongs the time of uninterrupted drilling. A coaxial two-stage gearbox with a gear ratio of 1:40 provides a confident passage of black soil and clay, which users like in the reviews.

The motor drill is recognized by the expert community as the best in vibration damping. This is achieved by the presence of thick rubber handles, both for the main operator and for the assistant. Thanks to this design, the load on the hands is reduced and productivity is increased.




Rating: 4.6

The gas drill weighs 11.6 kg and is sold without an auger. The working equipment is attached through a seat size of 20 mm. The manufacturer allows the use of equipment with a diameter of up to 30 cm. All controls are placed on the right handle, where the trigger and buttons are located within the reach of the thumb and forefinger. The handles themselves have damping properties. The starter cable is located on the side, and not on top, like most competitors, so there is less dangling during drilling.

The motor drill is interesting in terms of the ratio of the internal combustion engine volume of 55 cm³ and the generated power of 3 hp, which makes it almost similar to the above-described units in terms of drilling capabilities, but more economical. He also has an asymmetric frame shape, where the control handle is located perpendicular to the user, and the auxiliary is parallel. This configuration is optimal both for pressing and for easy extraction of the power drill from the ground.




Rating: 4.5

The ELITECH brand offers a proven power auger with a 52cc engine generating 2.5hp. This is enough to drill soil up to 180 cm deep with a maximum auger diameter of 200 mm. The model weighs 9.7 kg, so it is quite convenient to carry around the site by one person. The closed frame increases the strength of the structure and ensures proper weight distribution. The two handles are covered with rubber pads to reduce vibration. The throttle trigger is quite comfortable for a long hold. The fuel reserve is stored in a 1.2 l tank, and the average consumption is 700 ml / h. Without load, the motor drill is capable of developing up to 8500 rpm, not yielding to more “older” models.

Many users in the reviews note the smooth operation of the motor. When tilting the drill, there are no “floating” revolutions, which is the merit of the thoughtful structure of the carburetor. The device also starts well.



Huter GGD-52 1.9 HP

Rating: 4.4

The German brand Huter produces a compact drill with a 52 cm³ internal combustion engine, the return of which is 1.9 hp. The model keeps idling 3000 rpm, and at full throttle develops up to 8700 rpm, so even compressed soil easily passes. The device is equipped with a 1.25-liter gas tank, which is enough for up to 2 hours of continuous operation. The manufacturer on the official website reports the use of porous chromium plating technology on the piston group, which extends the life of the key assembly, protecting it from abrasion. Users in the reviews like that the drill is comfortable to hold in their hands, as well as the way it starts with a half turn.

The experts singled out the model not only for good work, but also for the reduced weight of 6.8 kg. This makes it easier to move around with the tool and is especially suitable for use in a spacious area (installing a long fence, planting trees).



The best fishing drills

For motor drills used in winter fishing, the ability to function at low negative temperatures, have parts made of frost-resistant materials, and be easy to start is fundamental. Weight is also relevant, since it is not very convenient to drag a 12 kg device to a pond. But if the trip is planned by car, then this indicator fades into the background. Equipment for ice drilling also differs from ground equipment, but since it is selected separately, it will not appear here. Here are a number of models that best meet the requirements for such an operation.

RedVerg RD-EA490 2.2 HP

Rating: 4.9

Topped the category with a power drill equipped with a 49 cm³ engine generating 2.2 hp. The internal combustion engine is capable of developing up to 7500 rpm and confidently plunges into the frozen water column, giving up ice crumbs. The manufacturer allows the use of the device for drilling holes with a depth of up to 0.8 m and a diameter of up to 20 cm. The supply of gasoline in a 1.3 l tank is enough for 2 hours of operation. The two handlebars are bolted to the frame and can be detached for compact transport and storage. The handles of the drill are covered with a thin layer of rubber that prevents slipping.

The motor drill is notable for the presence of a damper insert in the kit, through which the auger shaft is attached to the gearbox. The spring element provides good torque transmission but dampens vibrations from ice drilling. Even if you have to drill many holes with a depth of 0.8 m, your hands will not shake after that. In the reviews, users share that the damper also acts as an extension cord, allowing you to make holes with a depth of up to 1 m.



Carver AG-52/000 1.9 hp

Rating: 4.8

The Carver ice fishing hole auger is equipped with a 52 cm³ engine and a power of 1.9 hp. The equipment is fixed to it through a sleeve with a receiving diameter of 20 mm. The device weighs 9.35 kg, which is slightly less than analogues. Users in the reviews like the convenient location of the gas tank neck, which allows you to refuel without assistance by placing the drill on one of the handles (the cap comes out at an angle of 45º). In winter, the device functions properly and starts easily, but the owners warn that the hand constantly clings to the orange casing when pulling the cable (you can cut yourself).

The motodrill was remembered by experts because the manufacturer allows the use of equipment with a diameter of up to 50 cm with it. With such an auger, it will be possible to create large holes where several people can fish at the same time. This is optimal for a large tent so that everyone is protected from the wind, and the “floor” is not riddled with many small holes.



Forward FEA-52/2600 3.3 л.с.

Rating: 4.7

Finally, another motor drill, optimal for winter fishing. The model has an internal combustion engine volume of 52 cm³, which allows you to confidently pass ice up to 1 m with a hole diameter of 250 mm. The design has a minimum of plastic, and the handles are coated with rubber, so they do not get rough and do not fall off in the cold. The device weighs 8.9 kg, which is even better compared to the models described above. In the reviews, the owners praise the motor drill for easy starting and confident drilling of the ice mass. But they warn that the exhaust gases here are directed directly to the left hand. This can be eliminated by building up a corrugated tube, which further reduces the volume of work.

A motor drill for winter fishing is interesting with a small volume of internal combustion engines and a high power of 3.3 hp, which allows you to confidently go through any thickness of ice. The cost below 7000 rubles makes the model even more attractive so as not to spend too much money on a winter hobby.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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