9 best cures for dry cough

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Everyone knows cough. Yes, indeed, coughing is a universal way to prevent the penetration of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract, it is a way to remove sputum containing pus and pathogens of infectious diseases, with their waste products.

Coughing is a normal physiological reaction. He has the only single mechanism of development, although the cough itself can be both wet and dry, and constant and rare. Any cough begins with irritation of receptors, which may be in the pleura, or mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (bronchioles) with the transmission of a nerve signal to the cough center. It is located in the ancient medulla oblongata, near the center of respiration. Then the signal switches from sensory neurons to motor neurons, the impulse is transmitted to many cranial nerves, and as a result, a coordinated response occurs. There is a contraction of a number of bronchial muscles, muscles of the larynx and diaphragm, and a cough impulse occurs. An example of coordination is the involvement in coughing and the motor branches of the trigeminal nerve, which innervates the masticatory muscles. What is the relationship between chewing and coughing? And such that the chewing muscles simply open their mouths to prepare for the act of coughing. So it is difficult and the cough reflex is realized.

But depending on whether it is dry or wet, it needs to be treated differently.

Wet, dry, unproductive…

What is the difference between wet cough and dry cough? The intuitive answer is clear to everyone: with a wet cough, sputum is released. But what is it? It is known that the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is lined with various cells. These are goblet cells, they secrete mucus and secretions. There are also ciliated cells that sway with their cilia, directing sputum towards the large bronchi and taking it away from the small respiratory acini, or alveoli. This specific wave-like oscillation of the cilia is called mucociliary clearance. The more mucus is secreted with sputum, the better for the immune system, because antigens, dead white blood cells, are excreted along with sputum. If sputum is formed, but not discharged, then an unproductive cough develops first, and then a dry cough.

An unproductive cough is very similar to a dry cough, but there is sputum, but it is very thickened, and its expectoration is difficult. Small sputum production can also be if a person has a weakness of the respiratory muscles, and he simply cannot perform a full-fledged act of coughing. This can occur, for example, with myasthenia gravis, or in young children who have not yet learned how to cough properly.

If sputum does not form and does not go away at all, if this occurs:

  1. significant discomfort, soreness or soreness in the throat;

  2. scratching pain behind the sternum;

  3. sensation of irritation in the chest;

  4. a person begins to constantly cough, or he is overcome by periodic bouts of dry cough without any separation of sputum – then it is necessary to understand the reasons.

Causes of dry cough

Before talking about medicines that can alleviate the condition of a patient with a dry cough, it would be useful to talk about its causes. After all, the patient, after reading this article, will choose a drug for himself, but it is much more important to direct his thoughts in a different direction. If he first reads the material about the causes, then there is a chance that he will first go to the doctor, and will not implement the primary plan for self-treatment and symptomatic treatment of dry cough at all.

So, the first large and main group of diseases associated with dry cough is a direct lesion of the bronchopulmonary system. And here we can talk about the defeat of various structures and at different levels from bronchitis, alveolitis and pneumonia, and the development of obstructive processes, the appearance of bronchial asthma, the tuberculosis process, or the occurrence of tumors of the lungs and pleura.

Extrapulmonary causes

It is very important to remember the causes of dry cough, which is not at all connected with the bronchopulmonary system. Most often, this is a pathology of the ENT organs, such as sinusitis, or sinusitis, various types of rhinitis, including allergic. So, the mucus from the nose, which is commonly referred to, sorry, “snot”, when it flows back into the nasal passages, and then into the back wall of the pharynx, irritates the receptors in the lower parts of the pharynx and larynx, which reflexively causes a dry cough.

In patients with insufficiency of the pumping function of the heart, with the presence of cardiac asthma, chronic heart failure, with heart defects, and an excess of excess fluid in the body, dry cough and shortness of breath during physical exertion, peripheral edema, and cough is especially strong in the supine position. back. If these serious signs of impending heart failure are ignored, a serious condition called cardiac asthma may develop. Cardiac asthma is an acute insufficiency of hemodynamics in the pulmonary circulation, when stagnation of blood and fluid occurs in the lungs, with sweating through the alveoli and the release of bloody, frothy and pink sputum. This is an emergency situation where urgent hospitalization is needed.

In addition, infectious diseases can be attributed to extrapulmonary causes of the development of dry cough, and most often it is an acute onset of the flu, or whooping cough. There is a dry cough with pharyngitis, and whooping cough causes such severe coughing attacks that vomiting begins after them, and small children can even die as a result of acute respiratory failure. Whooping cough is now very rare, but attacks of severe dry cough can also occur as a result of the development of an infection such as parapertussis. Although it is not so dangerous, but, nevertheless, coughing fits are quite painful.

We should not forget about the development of dry cough attacks in smokers. When smoking tobacco, chronic bronchospasm occurs, the phlegm thickens, and although it does its job, enveloping the particles of smoke and trying to clear the bronchi, it is so thick that it does not go away. There is a dry cough and as a result of the use of deodorants and aerosols, perfumes and household chemicals.

Among the causes of dry cough, one should also mention the intake of various medications, and these are drugs such as ACE inhibitors, such as captopril, as well as beta-blockers (Anaprilin, Obzidan, Inderal, propranolol) and so on. If you cancel them, then many dry cough disappears, because it is a side effect. Also relatively infrequently, aspirin asthma can occur, and in mild cases, aspirin intolerance, which can also lead to bouts of dry cough.

We should not forget that the mediastinal organs, the esophagus, the aortic arch, the thymus gland in children, or the fatty tissue that replaced it in adults, the main bronchi and heart, mediastinal lymph nodes and large vessels can be affected by various diseases, compress the lungs, bronchi, pleura and induce bouts of excruciating coughing. So, with sarcoidosis and an increase in the lymph nodes of the mediastinum, a painful cough can also occur, as with an aneurysm of the aortic arch. There is a painful cough reflex and malignant neoplasms of the bronchi, trachea and pleura.

But even if the attacks of painful coughing are not caused by such serious reasons, for example, taking medications, then constant impulses from the cough center leads to congestive excitation in the brain, which further depresses the patient, and intensifies the cough by a positive feedback mechanism. . As a result, coughing fits become jerky, barking. A significant increase in pressure in the upper respiratory tract leads to mucosal injuries, microruptures of blood vessels, and significantly worsens the quality of life not only of the patient with a painful cough, but also of those around him.

Drug therapy for dry cough

All medicines that are designed to stop attacks of dry cough can be divided into several groups:

  1. moisturizing the pharyngeal mucosa, anti-inflammatory drugs, various folk remedies, for example, rinsing with herbal infusions and decoctions, drinking warm milk, prescribing anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. And in case of exacerbation of sinusitis, ordinary paracetamol, or ibuprofen, can help, although they do not directly affect the cough;

  2. peripheral agents that act at the very beginning of the cough reflex arc, reducing the sensitivity of the receptors. In other words, the threshold of their excitation rises, and a stronger stimulus than usual is needed for the coughing process to occur. These are antitussive lozenges, various fees, and the use of various aerosols and sprays;

  3. a decrease in excitation of the “main culprit”, namely the cough center in the medulla oblongata. These are the so-called central drugs, and the most effective and powerful of them are narcotic drugs that contain either codeine or dextromethorphan. But the need for such powerful drugs is extremely small, and they can be prescribed as a symptomatic remedy for inoperable oncological diseases, the symptom of which is an exceptional excruciating cough. They are means of strict quantitative accounting, and we will not describe them in our drug review. On the other hand, non-narcotic drugs are popular, which also produce a central effect, but do not depress the respiratory center to the same extent as drugs. An example is Codelac NEO, Sinekod and other means. Their benefit is that they are able to facilitate breathing, expand small bronchi, reducing airway resistance, and improve blood oxygenation.

However, it should be remembered that it is necessary to prescribe centrally acting antitussives if and only if there is no inflammatory process in the lungs, and there is no sputum formation, since when the cough center is suppressed, the physiological mechanisms of sputum excretion practically stop, and stagnation gives rise to infection.

In the event that a patient’s dry cough is a symptom of ARVI, or chronic bronchitis, then first of all it is necessary to prescribe drugs from the group of experts, that is, drugs that stimulate expectoration. Improving the drainage function of the bronchi, in the end, will lead to an improvement in the condition, a decrease in the severity of local inflammation, and the elimination of such a painful symptom as a dry and unproductive cough.

If a dry and unproductive cough is associated with the occurrence of too thick and incapable of sputum discharge, then it is necessary to use expectorants of the second group, which are called mucolytics, or secretolytics. Their task is to change the physical properties of sputum, or the chemical structure of the large molecules that make it up, break down their small ones, thin it and facilitate its excretion.

Below we will consider various over-the-counter medicines from the above groups of drugs for the treatment of dry cough, with an overview of prices relevant for February 2020 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation.

For each drug, an international non-proprietary name, i.e. INN, will be given first. Then the name of the original, or first released drug, if any, is given, and if available, the names of representatives of the generic line, that is, commercial copies that have a lower price.

It should be noted that this list of drugs is not intended to make advertising or anti-advertising to any manufacturer or drug, the drugs listed are included in national pulmonology guidelines and recommendations, and are included in the domestic pharmacopoeia, being present in the ATC classification. And we will begin the review of drugs with expectorants that stimulate expectoration, but do not change the physicochemical properties of sputum.

Rating of the best medicines for dry cough

Nomination Place Name of product Price
Expectorants – expectorant stimulants      1 Pertussis      16 ₽
     2 Mukaltin (marshmallow extract)      11 ₽
     3 medicinal licorice, glycyrrhizin      30 ₽
Expectorants or mucolytics       1 Ambroxol (Ambrohexal, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Bronchorus, Khalixol)      131 ₽
     2 Fluimucil (Acylcysteine, ACC)      143 ₽
     3 Libexin Muco (Carbocisteine)      301 ₽
Means that suppress the cough reflex       1 Synecod, Codelac, Omnitus (butamirate)      290 ₽
     2 Libexin (prenoxdiazine)      463 ₽

Expectorants – expectorant stimulants

These drugs act in various ways, and one of the known methods of their “work” is to improve the excretion of sputum by stimulating the activity of the ciliated or ciliated epithelium, improving the amplitude of its oscillatory movements. Medicines of this group improve the muscle potential of bronchial cells, coordinated movement is activated. A person cannot feel this work, just as he does not feel the movement of food through the intestines, but can feel or see only the final result.

Expectorants from this class of drugs also improve the synthesis or secretion of mucus in the bronchial glands by goblet cells. The advantages of these drugs are that they are very inexpensive, but should preferably be used at the initial stage of bronchopulmonary pathology, since in the case of a long, chronic process, their effectiveness will be clearly insufficient. Some of these medicines are referred to by specialists as herbal remedies, but there is nothing wrong with that. Despite the fact that synthetic expectorants and mucolytics are constantly being introduced into clinical practice, natural herbal remedies help well in the initial stages, and Pertussin is one of the well-known remedies.

Pertussin (thyme broom herb extract + potassium bromide)

Rating: 4.9

This is an inexpensive medicine created on the basis of an extract of the Bogorodsk herb, also known as thyme or thyme. Additionally, inexpensive potassium bromide was introduced into the composition of the drug, and as a result, thyme stimulates the excretion of sputum, and potassium bromide slightly dilutes it and improves its fluidity. Pertussin is produced by the domestic company Samaramedprom. It is also produced by the association “Flora of the Caucasus”. Its cost is extremely low, and a 100 ml bottle can be purchased at retail at prices ranging from 15 to 30 rubles.

The use of Pertussin is very simple: three times a day for adults, a tablespoon, or 15 ml. For children, one teaspoon 3 times a day is enough, and for children from the age of three, the dose can be reduced by 2 more times: half a teaspoon 3 times a day. It is advisable to use Pertussin for dry cough after consulting a pediatrician or pulmonologist, and indications will be various inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, from bronchitis and pneumonia, accompanied by a dry cough.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the negative side of Pertussin can be called a long development of the effect. It helps best of all when prescribed as a course, and a significant effect with monotherapy, that is, when using only one Pertussin, occurs after a week. The drug is tolerated quite well, since thyme is not a particularly irritating plant. But with potassium bromide, there may be more side effects, such as abdominal discomfort, heartburn, nausea, or allergic manifestations.

That is why, due to the presence of bromine in the drug, it is contraindicated in the presence of severe liver damage in chronic alcoholics, in case of epilepsy or increased convulsive activity of the brain, as well as in children under three years of age. Since the dry cough preparation contains sugar, it should be used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus, especially type 1, and in people with chronic alcoholism, due to the presence of ethyl alcohol, albeit in small quantities. The advantage of Pertussin may be its exceptionally low price and availability, good tolerance in most patients, as well as the ability to combine it with other drugs for the treatment of dry cough.

Mukaltin (marshmallow extract)

Rating: 4.8

Medicinal marshmallow is another drug from the category of herbal remedies, which is widely known in traditional medicine and has been used for a long time. This herbal remedy for dry cough “in its pure form”, each tablet contains 50 mg of the extract of this remedy. Indications for the use of Mukaltin will also be a variety of inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, preferably in the initial stages.

However, if it is used in complex therapy with other mucolytics or secretolytics, with antibiotics, then it can have a positive effect in severe and even disabling pathology, for example, in bronchiectasis. The clinical efficacy of Mukaltin and Altea officinalis is generally associated with an increase in the secretion of the glands of the bronchial tree, and with an increase in the activity of the ciliated epithelium.

As a result of taking Mukaltin, as well as when prescribing Pertussin, sputum will be more efficiently expectorated, and attacks of dry cough will not bother. Mukaltin is prescribed according to a simple scheme, no more than 2 tablets on an empty stomach, three times a day. Treatment usually begins with a dosage of one tablet three times a day. Children can be given Mukaltin from the age of 12, and it is better to dissolve the tablet in advance in a small amount of warm water. The tool is produced by domestic pharmaceutical factories, among them Medisorb, and Pharmstandard. One package of Mukaltin, designed for 2 weeks of admission in an adult, and containing 30 tablets, will cost, on average, no more than 50 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with other herbal remedies, the slow onset of the result will be a minus, just as in the case of Pertussin. On the other hand, this is due to monocomponent: after all, Mukaltin is just an extract of one drug. And this means that a rather slow development of the effect is more safe, and the more components the drug contains, the greater the risk of developing allergies, or side effects of any of them, so this slow onset of the effect is also a plus. However, side effects such as skin manifestations, rashes, discomfort and nausea can occur but are very rare. A plus is also the low price, ubiquity in pharmacies, the ability to use it in pregnant and lactating women, as well as compatibility with other local and tableted drugs for the treatment of bronchopulmonary pathology.

medicinal licorice, glycyrrhizin

Rating: 4.7

Licorice has been used in medicine for several centuries, since its activating effect has long been noted in case of insufficient sputum excretion and the presence of a dry cough. This effect is provided by glycyrrhizin, the main active component of licorice, which is able to slightly foam. Its function is to activate the bronchial glands, increase their ability to secrete, and to improve the excretion of sputum.

In a pharmacy, licorice extract is sold in the form of lozenges, more precisely, an extract of rhizome and licorice roots, or its syrup is sold. It should be remembered for people with alcohol dependence and patients with diabetes that the syrup contains ethyl alcohol and sugar. In addition to the above categories, this remedy should not be used by lactating and pregnant women, as well as by children, patients with epilepsy, persons who drive vehicles and work with various machines and mechanisms.

But if we talk about chewable tablets, then they do not contain alcohol or sugar, so they can be prescribed to almost everyone, except for small children who do not know how to chew tablets, and can choke on them, or even worse, inhale them. Licorice syrup is prescribed three times a day for a teaspoon, but not in its pure form, but being diluted in a glass of warm water. Tablets can be sucked one or two pieces three times a day, until they disappear completely.

It is extremely important to load the body in the absence of contraindications with warm, plentiful, and preferably alkaline drink, for the best expectoration and increase in the amount of sputum. This advice can be considered universal when prescribing all mucolytics and expectorants, but you cannot increase the amount of sputum in the case of prescribing drugs that affect the cough center and suppress cough. Indications for the appointment of licorice can be considered to prescribe the presence of all of the above diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, acute bronchitis, alveolitis, and other diseases. The syrup is produced by the Tula Pharmaceutical Factory, and lozenges by Vneshtorgfarma. The cost of a tablet pack is 140 rubles, for 50 tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

Licorice is generally well tolerated, but occasionally patients may experience diarrhea or a minor allergic reaction. Licorice is good for high levels of potassium in the blood plasma, and if taken constantly, it is able to gradually reduce it, and hypokalemia can occur. If you prescribe licorice for a long time, and together with diuretics, it can cause a drop in potassium in the blood plasma, which can lead to heart rhythm disturbances in old age, and even cause paroxysm of atrial fibrillation. Therefore, a doctor should prescribe licorice, especially for patients with hypertension and the presence of coronary heart disease. But if the patient does not have a heart pathology, if there is an unproductive or dry cough, then the use of licorice improves expectoration, and it is able to work quickly, after 2-3 days the effect develops after its appointment.

Expectorants or mucolytics

Dry cough medicine is no longer able to affect the normal, physiological mechanisms of sputum excretion. They do not change the pace and rhythm of the ciliated epithelium, and do not stimulate the formation of mucus. Their action is associated with the effect on the already formed sputum, which must be made thinner, and facilitate its removal. These drugs contain either mucolytic, degrading enzymes, or activators of endogenous mucus hydrolases. As a result, mucins, which are the main substance of the mucus produced by the bronchi, are broken down into small molecules, and as a result, the fluidity of the mucus increases. Naturally, during treatment, the patient needs a plentiful, alkaline drink so that the liquid rushes into the sputum and improves its rheological properties. Therefore, if these drugs are prescribed against the background of dehydration, diarrhea, fluid deficiency, or the appointment of diuretics, then the effect of them will be minimal, and this must be taken into account.

Ambroxol (Ambrohexal, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Bronchorus, Khalixol)

Rating: 4.9

Perhaps this is the most popular mucolytic, with a large number of generics of different production, from European, Balkan manufacturers, to Indian ones. But one of the best and highest quality products can be considered Ambrobene, as well as Lazolvan. Benzylamine acts on sputum, and the mucolytic effect occurs much earlier than from taking expectorants of plant origin. Here, the effect can be expected not a week, and not even one or two days, but after half an hour. Ambroxol, or Ambrobene, also improves the function of the surfactant, or biological lubricant, whose role is to coat the inside of the alveoli, or respiratory lung units.

This medicine is prescribed for various diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, in which there is stagnation of sputum, problems with expectoration, or the presence of attacks of dry cough. We will not talk about dosages, since Ambroxol and its analogues are available in a wide variety of different types. These are syrup and drops, capsules and tablets, and even ampoules for intravenous administration. The doctor will tell you about the dosage and advantages of one form or another, we will inform you that a bottle of Ambrobene, in a volume of 100 ml, can be purchased at a minimum price of 100 rubles, and the cost of capsules, solution and tablets will be about the same.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ambroxol is a fairly active substance compared to herbal preparations, and therefore there may be a more rapid development of side effects. Sometimes it causes dry mouth, nausea and taste disturbance. That is why, due to the relatively frequent development of side effects, it is not recommended to give it to pregnant and lactating women, and not only in the first trimester, but also in the second and third. The tool should not be given to patients who have severe impaired liver and kidney function, as well as to babies who have not yet reached the age of 2 years. If it becomes necessary to prescribe this medicine to the smallest, then the doctor should prescribe the remedy. But for adults, and not compromised categories of the population, with a minimum number of contraindications, Ambroxol, Lazolvan and its analogues are widely prescribed, including for ultrasonic inhalation, they act quickly and are inexpensive, while they have good European quality.

Fluimucil (Acylcysteine, ACC)

Rating: 4.8

We know this remedy as ACC, or acylcysteine. This is a modified amino acid cysteine, which has special active centers for splitting mucus molecules. As a result of exposure to Fluimucil, the viscosity of mucus decreases, coughing is facilitated, and the ability to expectorate, which is important during bouts of dry and painful coughing. The use of Fluimucil improves the quality of life of patients with chronic dry cough. It is produced in granules, in effervescent tablets and in solution, as well as for ultrasonic inhalation. All bronchopulmonary pathology, when it is necessary to improve drainage, or sputum discharge, can serve as an indication for taking Fluimucil. This is an infectious pathology, bronchitis and alveolitis or emphysema, congenital conditions such as cystic fibrosis. Fluimucil can dissolve even a dense mucous plug, which can “turn off” the bronchopulmonary segment from ventilation and cause atelectasis or pneumonia. The medicine is conveniently applied once a day, a 600 mg tablet is dissolved in a glass.

Fluimucil is produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Zambon, while the drug has a fairly low price. A pack of 20 effervescent tablets will cost you less than 400 rubles. But at the same time, this amount is enough for 20 days of admission, and one day of treatment with Fluimucil with a dry cough will cost you only 20 rubles. This is the price of a significant improvement in the condition during bouts of dry cough, and you will agree that this is quite a bit.

Advantages and disadvantages

A very good advantage of Fluimucil can be considered its strength of action, and the ability to dissolve very strong, dense traffic jams. Not every medicine can act on a tight plug that can turn off the bronchus from ventilation. Fluimucil can be used as a remedy before therapeutic and diagnostic bronchoscopy, but you have to pay for the power and ability of its rapid impact. Fluimucil can cause significant side effects, allergic skin rash, heartburn, and therefore is contraindicated in patients with gastropathy, gastric ulcer, erosive processes.

You can not prescribe Fluimucil to babies who have not reached the age of 3 years, and effervescent tablets are prohibited for pregnant women and adolescents, and are prescribed only for adults. If a woman is breastfeeding, then Fluimucil should not be prescribed to her, as well as to a pregnant woman, and to patients with chronic pathology of the kidneys and liver.

Libexin Muco (Carbocisteine)

Rating: 4.7

This agent is no longer acetylcysteine, but carbocysteine, that is, there is another breakthrough in relation to the modification of the acetylcysteine ​​molecule. Carbocysteine ​​is no longer only able to break down sputum mucins, but also activates a special enzyme that is in it. It is a sialic transferase secreted by the bronchial tree. As a result, the balance between the acidic and alkaline environment of sputum is normalized, the drug dilutes it, shortening the polysaccharides, and normalizes the function of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree, protecting and carrying out cytoprotection. It is extremely important that Libexin improves the secretion of immunoglobulin A into the sputum, which increases the immune defense of the mucosa.

Libeksin Muko is shown in cases where sputum comes out very badly, is extremely viscous and dense, and also during bouts of dry cough. It is also indicated as a remedy before therapeutic or diagnostic bronchoscopy, which greatly facilitates its implementation. The medicine is available in the form of a syrup, the dosage regimen is one tablespoon three times a day, but as directed by a pulmonologist. Libexin Muco is manufactured by Sanofi in France and is more expensive than other products. One bottle of 125 ml will cost from 423 to 817 rubles. in 2020.

Advantages and disadvantages

This medicine has the further advantage that it is used in the ENT clinic for thinning secretions in various sinusitis, such as chronic sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis. Not every drug for thinning bronchopulmonary mucus is able to thin the secret in the pathology of the ENT organs, and this indicates the power of the drug. But this remedy is contraindicated in patients with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, with a tendency to ulceration, the development of erosive processes, in the presence of cystitis and glomerulonephritis, as well as in children under two years of age. The syrup contains sugar, so patients with diabetes mellitus, and especially the first type, need to know about it.

Means that suppress the cough reflex

Finally, in conclusion of the drug review, we will consider drugs that in no case should be used independently, without consulting a doctor. These are drugs that suppress coughing and almost completely stop sputum production. It is very important that they should be prescribed only in the complete absence of an infectious process, when the suppression of the cough reflex will not be harmful. If a large amount of infected sputum has accumulated in the lungs, or there is such a risk, for example, due to exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, then the use of central, and even peripheral antitussive agents, will lead to its delay, infection and the occurrence of pneumonia.

It would be much better and safer to prescribe expectorants and mucolytics in vain, without indications, and get excessive excretion of liquid sputum when you can do without it, than to use a medicine that suppresses the cough reflex by mistake. As mentioned above, narcotics, such as those containing codeine or an opium alkaloid, are most effective. But these funds will not be considered here, since the review contains only over-the-counter drugs that can be bought freely at the pharmacy. Thus, in this section, dry cough medicines that do not cause physical or mental dependence will be considered.

Synecod, Codelac, Omnitus (butamirate)

Rating: 4.9

If the name of this remedy is translated into Russian, then it will be called “devoid of codeine”. This is absolutely true, it does not apply to drugs, and butamirate suppresses the activity of the cough center without causing physical dependence. This remedy is a liquid with a slight vanilla aroma, and the most important indications include:

  1. early postoperative period in thoracic surgery, so that the sutures do not open and bleeding does not occur;

  2. when performing bronchoscopy;

  3. during pleural puncture;

  4. in some infectious processes, when there is a painful, strong and persistent cough, the same whooping cough or parawhooping cough.

As a symptomatic drug, Sinekod can be prescribed to persons with neoplasms of the mediastinal organs that cause reflex cough, with the same sarcoidosis. You need to take Sinekod one tablespoon three times a day, and for children the remedy is prescribed in drops, according to the dosage of a pulmonologist or pediatrician. This is a high-quality Swiss drug from Novartis, but it is inexpensive, half a glass of syrup, a volume of 100 ml will cost no more than 200 rubles. But drops for children will cost more: about 300 rubles. with a volume of 5 times less, that is, 20 ml.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this drug will be its indifference to other drugs, it does not affect the metabolism and effectiveness of other drugs in the case of complex therapy of dry cough. It is non-toxic, and babies can be prescribed even from the age of three months, which is quite rare for cough medicines. As mentioned above, it is not addictive. But you can not ignore such sometimes encountered side effects as drowsiness, the occurrence of nausea and skin rashes, the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen. It is undesirable to prescribe Sinekod to pregnant women, and especially in the first three months, while breastfeeding. But in general, this is a reliable and powerful remedy that safely suppresses cough, of course, if it is prescribed according to indications.

Libexin (prenoxdiazine)

Rating: 4.8

The drug also suppresses the cough reflex, but it is not related to the central cough center, but affects the receptors located in the bronchial tree. Such a decrease in their sensitivity should cause a high level of impulsation in order to launch an afferent nerve impulse along the reflex arc to the cough center of the brain. Thus, it leaves intact the central nervous system, and affects the peripheral link of the reflex. This is a very strong drug, and even when taken in tablets, it suppresses cough with the same power as codeine, but Libexin is not a drug and is not addictive. By the way, it should not be confused with Libeksin Muko, which does not affect the reflex, but dilutes sputum.

It is used when the patient’s cough constantly bothers, is completely unproductive and painful, reduces the quality of life of the patient and his environment. For example, one of these indications can be considered a pronounced nocturnal cough in a horizontal position in patients with chronic heart failure.

The second indication is to ensure the rest of the lungs in the clinic of thoracic surgery, again, so that with severe coughing attacks there is no bleeding after the operation, and the sutures do not open. Libeksin is prescribed on a tablet three times a day, but in severe cases, you can increase the dose at the discretion of the doctor. It is produced by the Hungarian company Quinoin, and one pack of 20 tablets, designed for a week of admission, will cost from 360 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Libexin can be considered its mild effect, and at the same time power, lack of addiction, rapid cough suppression, and no effect on the central nervous system. But still, at a high dose, equal to 6 tablets per day, sedation develops, and there may be drowsiness, dry mouth, difficulty in working with machines and mechanisms when driving vehicles, as well as the appearance of an allergic skin rash.

Instead of a conclusion

Once again, all patients who suddenly began to suffer from a dry cough should be warned. Its obsessive nature can cause insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and even depression. On the one hand, a dry cough medicine should act quickly, and so that these obsessive symptoms disappear in a day. On the other hand, the drug must be safe, and, as mentioned above, at first you should really make sure that there is no inflammatory process in the bronchopulmonary system, and there is no need to remove sputum.

Finally, if possible, it is advisable to use the syrup or drops first, especially if it is necessary to prescribe in children. It is also important to consider the duration of the drug. It has already been said above that patients with chronic heart failure may have nocturnal coughing attacks. Therefore, the medicine for the treatment of dry cough should act throughout the night, at least from 6 to 12 hours. It is this period that is necessary for the elderly patient to rest from a painful attack and get enough sleep.

But still, you should first, if you want to heal yourself, start not with drugs at all, but with inhalations, for example, with saline using an ultrasonic inhaler. Such steam will moisturize the mucous membrane, and, perhaps, dry cough will stop without drug aggression, but as a result of a properly performed home and safe physiotherapy.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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