9 abs exercises from the Olympic trainer, how to pump up the abs the best exercises videos

Also, Polina published the rules for doing exercises from Isabelle.

1. Each exercise is done with a stopwatch. We did every 1,5 minutes.

2. All nine exercises are performed without a single pause. one after another and without stopping for a minimum rest. Forget all those 20, 30, 40 repetitions. Today, in the end, you will collect a thousand! There will be “soup gut”! After completing all 9 without stopping, immediately go to the second round. Also without rest between circles.

3. With seeming simplicity technology is everything:

– the toes of the feet always look at the sky (this is heavier), the head never touches the ground;

– hands easily touch the head in the area of ​​the ears, no need to drag yourself by the head;

– press the lower back and tighten the press in each lift;

– do not rush and do not flicker.

4. There are two back exercises included in the complex, although they also use the abs and you can even feel the buttocks. The back and abs are antagonistic muscles. It is important to develop them at the same time. In general, if your back often hurts, it may be due to the fact that your corset is weak. Get some abs.

5. We do everything with our weight. Iza believes that equipment is not needed in the work on the press.

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