# 8TygodniDoHealth – interval training
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During the epidemic, only 9 percent. Poles have increased physical activity, and as much as 70 percent. reduced the amount of daily exercise. Meanwhile, the shortage of physical activity is responsible for 27 percent. type 2 diabetes and 30 percent. falling ill with coronary heart disease. It is worth joining the NFZ # 8TygodniDoZdrowia campaign, whose media patron is MedTvoiLokony, to improve your condition. This week’s time for interval training.

8 weeks to health – Dr. Łukasz Małek invites you to interval training

Regular physical activity is also recommended by our expert, sports enthusiast – dr hab. n. med. Łukasz Małek, cardiologist and sports cardiologist in the video published on the YouTube channel of the NFZ Academy:

Dr. Łukasz Małek provides cardiological care for sports enthusiasts and competitive athletes on a daily basis. He combines medical knowledge with sports practice. She recommends a minimum of 2,5 hours a week of moderate exercise. Such movement has a positive effect on our entire body and also affects the heart, which ages more slowly and functions better.

What is interval training?

Interval training is short, intense exercise interspersed with periods of light effort or breaks in taking them. Interval training applies to any activity, not only running, but also swimming or cycling. We can do most of the activities at a lower, higher or maximum intensity. We alternate moderate activity towards the strongest with little or no activity. The rule is that the workouts should be varied, i.e. light activity should be mixed with stronger effort. Stronger training can be done once or twice a week. The others are recovery training and one day without training.

How can you check the intensity of your exercise without looking at your heart rate? This is achieved by a speech test, which shows us whether we are able and how to speak fluently during physical activity. If we are able to have casual conversation, it is a light recovery training. If we are able to utter single sentences, but then have to pause to draw air, this is a moderate training. On the other hand, if we are unable to say more than a few words, because it causes increased fatigue, it is already a strong training, and with maximum effort, we are no longer able to talk.

When to do interval training

When we feel really bad, we don’t have to force ourselves to exercise, let’s listen to our body. When we do not feel like running, let’s take a break for one or two days, then we will return to exercise with more willingness and energy. When we force ourselves to train, we expose ourselves to a greater risk of injury, we demotivate ourselves, and it is also supposed to be a pleasure for us. Let’s listen to our body, because apart from health, physical activity is primarily to please us.

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