8th week of pregnancy – baby’s development, tests, diet, physical activity

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The 8th week of pregnancy is in a way crucial. From now on, your baby looks like a little man. What then happens in his and your body? Check how the eighth week of pregnancy is going.

What does the baby look like in the 8th week of pregnancy?

The fetus has changed a lot compared to the previous week. His spine becomes more straight and the baby no longer looks so much like a seahorse. Even so, the spine is still as thin as a needle. In the 8th week of pregnancy, the limbs noticeably lengthen and you can see fingers with membranes between them.

The big head takes on more and more human features. Dark, large eyes are set very wide on either side of the head, but their lids are almost formed. In addition, a dye appears in the pupils. At the 8th month of pregnancy, the fetus already has ears, which are situated low, more on the neck, but clearly dimpled. If we could see the baby under high magnification, the outline of the nose would also be impossible to miss.

In the 8th week of pregnancy, the four-part heart beats with a regular rhythm. However, it is still twice as fast as in an adult. The heart, which is one of the first organs to begin functioning, is also disproportionately large, occupying almost half of the miniature chest.

Around the 8th week of pregnancy, the kidneys also begin to function. They don’t have much work to do at the moment, as the amniotic fluid in which the fetus is immersed is absorbed through the skin. This will change when the baby starts swallowing it and the kidneys have to filter more fluid.

As early as the 8th month of pregnancy, the structures of the nervous system develop. A labyrinth is also formed in the inner ear, which will be responsible for maintaining balance after birth. Interestingly, the 8th week of pregnancy is not yet the time to determine your sex, but exactly the moment when sexual organs differentiate.

Bones and muscles develop very intensively. Joints are also formed. All this allows the fetus to move more and more, although of course you still cannot feel it. However, an ultrasound scan at 8 weeks of pregnancy can show this.


It is around the 8th week of pregnancy that your baby’s tail disappears, which until now resembled a sea animal. The petiole turns into a coccyx.

8st week of pregnancy – changes in your body

The 8th week of pregnancy may be a time when you will experience additional ailments. You’ve grown accustomed to the knowledge that you feel nauseous at the sight of the products you’ve always loved. However, the surprise may be the sudden urge to eat a sandwich with honey and onions, the proverbial herrings, or other products that you normally don’t eat. While not all women have pregnancy cravings, they are relatively common. Now it may seem a bit embarrassing to you, and your partner may be complaining about frequent sudden trips to the store in the middle of the night, but in a few months, when your baby arrives, you will find it an amusing anecdote.

Just because you crave certain foods doesn’t make your digestive system more likely to take them. Relaxing the muscles that stop stomach acids from traveling into your esophagus keeps you heartburn constantly. On top of all this, constipation can occur. Fiber will help you fight them. Try to eat whole grains that are rich in it. Vegetables and dried fruit also contain a lot of fiber.

In the 8th week of pregnancy, you may also experience headaches. They are the result of the fact that your blood volume increases and therefore your blood pressure increases. Remember not to use painkillers on your own that you are not sure are safe for your baby. There are a number of substances that you may be taking right now, so ask your doctor for advice on which remedy is most appropriate for you.

Another symptom that you may experience in your 8th week of pregnancy is a milky-colored vaginal discharge. You should not be alarmed by its occurrence – quite the contrary. Its task is to protect the genital tract against infection. This is an additional barrier that makes pregnancy safer.

About the 8th week of pregnancy, you may experience lower abdominal discomfort. this is due to the fact that your uterus is growing. However, the pain should not be stronger than the pain you experience during your period. However, if you feel that the pain is severe or the symptoms are simply bothering you, inform your doctor about them.

At this stage, virtually all of the baby’s key organs are in the right places. The organs are not fully developed yet, and the lungs are just beginning to develop, but that will all change in the coming months.

Read: “How does the body recover from childbirth?”

8th week of pregnancy and the belly

The 8th week of pregnancy is still not enough for your belly to become noticeably bulging, but it’s still a good time to give up tight pants. Before pregnancy, your uterus was elongated and resembled a plum in volume. Now it is rounder and can be compared to … oranges. In addition, the abdominal shells become loose. This can mean that although you are not yet noticing changes in your figure, your favorite jeans do not tighten up so easily.

In the 8th week of pregnancy, you may also experience new pregnancy symptoms. Unfortunately, headaches, among other things, can lead to nausea and digestive problems. But take comfort in the fact that there is only a month left until the end of the first trimester. Then the most unpleasant pregnancy symptoms should disappear.

8th week of pregnancy – ultrasound

The 8th week of pregnancy is the last call for the first ultrasound examination. Thanks to it, it will be possible to visually examine the developing fetus. An ultrasound scan in the 8th week of pregnancy will not give a clear picture of the fetus. It will be difficult to see the little arms and legs developing slowly. Certainly, however, the overall shape of the fetus will be well defined.

What is seen on ultrasound in the 8th week of pregnancy? Between the walls of the uterus against a dark background you will notice a lighter shape resembling a bean. This is what the fetus will be. The head will be on the fuller side, the torso and limbs will be on the smaller side. Can you hear your heartbeat in 8 weeks of pregnancy? Yes, this is the first week that this is certain.

And what is the length of the embryo in the 8th week of pregnancy? Though your baby is still very small (at the beginning of the 8th week of pregnancy, the seat-seat distance will be only 13 mm)is now growing at an alarming rate. It gains about 1 mm a day – and in different directions – thanks to which at the end of the 8th week of pregnancy its CRL will be 2 cm!

Doubts may arise when the eighth week of pregnancy is already marked and the embryo is not visible. Such a case requires careful analysis by the attending physician. If the fetus is not visible and the heartbeat cannot be heard, a miscarriage may have occurred.

8th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

Week 8 is part of the first trimester. This is the last week of the 2nd month of pregnancy. There are 32 weeks left until delivery.

Tests in the 8st week of pregnancy

Before the 8th week of pregnancy, you must see a specialist for the first time. He will perform preventive examinations. He may also recommend additional diagnostics for infectious diseases. If you haven’t had your first visit to the gynecologist yet, make an appointment immediately!

The preventive examinations that should be performed in the 8th week of pregnancy include:

  1. blood group test – it is used to determine the risk of a serological conflict, as well as possible preparation by medical personnel in the event of pregnancy complications or during childbirth; by the way, the original blood type test with PESEL number will be needed in a few months when registering at the delivery room; blood group is determined during a morphological examination,
  2. blood count – the most common preventive examination during pregnancy, it happens that even at each control visit,
  3. general urine examination – similarly to blood count, required not only in the 8th week of pregnancy, but also often at each subsequent visit to the gynecologist,
  4. TSH test, i.e. for thyroid disorders; hypothyroidism is a common ailment of women of childbearing age, and has a large impact on the hormonal balance and pregnancy,
  5. glucose level testing for possible diabetes,
  6. hCG level test – performed regularly, informing about the advancement of pregnancy and possible defects; the norm of hcG in the 8th week of pregnancy is 7, 650 – 229,000 mIU / ml.

In addition, the 8th week of pregnancy is the right time for additional tests. It is possible that the attending physician will order them. It is about testing for specific infectious diseases:

  1. hepatitis B (HBS),
  2. hepatitis C (HCV),
  3. rubella,
  4. toxoplasmosis,
  5. HIV infection,
  6. cytomegalii,
  7. syphilis.

And the cytology in the 8th week of pregnancy? Yes, the doctor usually performs a Pap smear during a follow-up visit. Exceptions are the fact that a woman has performed such an examination in the last 6 months or various types of abnormalities, such as spotting from the genital tract.

Check-up visits for pregnant women are recommended every 4 weeks. However, if disturbing ailments appear, consult a doctor, regardless of the agreed schedule.

The 8th week of pregnancy is a good time to consider if you would like to have any diagnostic tests that may show a possible genetic mutation. It is important to take care of the child’s development throughout the entire period of pregnancy. This can be done with the help of dietary supplements. At Medonet Market you can now buy prenatal vitamins for pregnant women.

8th week of pregnancy – what to eat?

In the eighth week of pregnancy, many women struggle with morning sickness, and often an aversion to some products, while gaining conviction about others, previously disliked by her. This causes a slight chaos in the woman’s diet. A properly selected menu in the first trimester is of great importance for the development of the fetus. The 1th week of pregnancy ends in a phase known as organogenesis. This is the phase in which organs and their entire systems form. So what nutrients the mother provides to the fetus is important.

In the 8th week, it is worth betting on products rich in folic acid, i.e. broad beans, sunflower seeds, green vegetables and oranges. In addition, meat, especially red meat is recommended due to its high iron content. Of course, they are easy to replace with vegetables (beetroot, spinach) and cereal products. It’s best to avoid fatty foods. The 8th week of pregnancy is also a time when you should bet on fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins. You have to remember to wash them thoroughly, and peel those that are possible.

To supply the body with the necessary minerals and vitamins, order the Daily Mum ° for pregnant women. It is a preparation belonging to the category of smart supplements that can be modified depending on the needs and expectations.

Another issue is the amount of food a woman should eat in the 8th week of pregnancy. While it is believed that she should eat “for two,” the reality is that your daily caloric intake is not increasing too much. The weight gain plan for the 8th week of pregnancy is around 2 kg. There is nothing to overeat, but only to satisfy the current hunger. It is recommended to eat more lighter meals than few large and hard-to-digest meals.

In addition, in the 8th week of pregnancy, it is worth taking care of proper hydration. Water not only helps to avoid dehydration, but also maintains an adequate amount of amniotic fluid. By drinking the right amount of water a day, a woman will prevent bloating and relieve nausea. The best choice will be mineral water, but nothing prevents you from reaching for spring water. In the 8th week of pregnancy, you can also drink juices, fruit and herbal teas. There are more and more opinions that you can also drink coffee during pregnancy, although in reasonable amounts.

And what not to eat in the 8th week of pregnancy? Certainly raw meat, raw fish and seafood as there is a risk of toxoplasmosis contamination. It is also inadvisable to eat raw eggs and products that contain them (ice cream, kogla mogla) due to the possibility of salmonella infection. In the 8th week of pregnancy, as well as during the entire pregnancy, it is better to give up junk food that does not provide any nutritional value, but leaves empty calories in return.

8th week of pregnancy – spotting

Spotting may occur in the first trimester, including the 8th week of pregnancy. It usually occurs at the time when your period would normally start. If it is not heavy bleeding, and is not accompanied by vaginal pain and stinging in the 8th week of pregnancy, most likely there is nothing to worry about. Nevertheless, it is worth consulting a doctor about such an incident, or at least informing him about it. Heavy bleeding requires a pregnant woman to consult her doctor immediately, as it may mean a miscarriage.

Also read: «High-risk pregnancy. What is worth knowing? »

8th week of pregnancy and the risk of miscarriage

The 8th week of pregnancy is the moment when the pregnancy is more and more visible, and the enlarged uterus can be felt after pressing the lower abdomen with the palm of your hand. Even so, it is still a time where there is a risk of miscarriage. However, it is slightly lower than the week before. It is worth knowing that it decreases only around the 13th week, i.e. entering the second trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, it is not difficult not to be surprised by future mothers that they wait until the end of the first trimester to announce the news about their offspring.

8th week of pregnancy – physical activity

This is not the time for strength training and intense, tiring exercise. In the 8th week of pregnancy, it is worthwhile to focus on relaxation – both the passive and the active ones. It is good to relax in the fresh air, for example by taking a leisurely stroll. Of course, this does not mean that you should absolutely give up exercise. The 8th week of pregnancy is the time when you can do swimming, dancing, yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women. However, it is always necessary to consult the doctor in charge of the pregnancy in advance, so as not to get unnecessary injuries.

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