In Poland, 650 are infected with hepatitis B and C viruses. people, of which 86 percent. is not aware of it – according to the data released on Thursday by the Star of Hope Foundation.

According to WHO data, quoted by the Star of Hope Foundation, viral hepatitis (viral hepatitis) causes the death of nearly 1,4 million people worldwide. For 96 percent. fatal cases correspond to hepatitis B and C.

WHO estimates that there are 71 million people worldwide infected with hepatitis C (HCV), of which approximately 399 are infected. it dies as a result of complications caused by chronic infection. WHO also indicates that only 19 percent. people infected with HCV are aware of this.

In Poland, 150 are infected with the hepatitis C virus. people, while the type B virus (HBV) is 500 thousand. As much as 86 percent he doesn’t know about it.

Barbara Pepke, the president of the Hepatology Coalition and the Star of Hope Foundation, explained that people’s unawareness was due to the fact that this virus could “live in the body for up to 20-30 years and be asymptomatic”. “Sometimes there are flu-like symptoms, but they are so uncharacteristic that they can be confused with many other diseases” – she pointed out. She also emphasized that HCV can be caught in everyday situations, such as visiting a hairdresser or dentist.

«Many people think they are healthy, but the disease develops in their body for many years. If HCV is detected early enough, you can completely cure yourself, but if complications such as cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma develop, the treatment results may not be as satisfactory »- indicated Pepke.

Viral hepatitis – what should you know?

«Performing a simple and quick anti-HCV test saves lives, so I appeal – test yourself. Don’t wait »- she emphasized. In her opinion, diagnostics is “the missing link in Poland that would help solve the HCV problem”.

The Star of Hope Foundation emphasizes in the press release that since 2015, they exist almost 100%. effective HCV therapies, reimbursed under the NHF drug program. On the other hand, a vaccine is an effective protection against the virus.

In 2016, the World Heath Assembly adopted the first global strategy whose guidelines and planned actions by 2030 are to eliminate hepatitis as a public health problem, including the reduction of new viral hepatitis infections by 90%. and reducing the number of deaths due to viral hepatitis by 65%. 194 countries have adopted it, including Poland.

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