81% of women in Russia love themselves: results of a survey within the framework of the project “I for myself”

Today, many women strive to be both an impeccable mother, and a loving wife, and a top manager at the same time. It would also be nice to have a hobby, speak several languages ​​and constantly be on top. But in this endless race, women forget their real needs. The Ya brand found out whether Russian women have time for themselves and whether they are satisfied with their lives.

The study was a continuation of the project “I for myself”, launched by the brand “I” in early 2020. In an online survey for brand platform more than 9000 women aged 18-55 from 670 cities of Russia* took part. The results of the study showed that personal space and time for themselves are extremely important for a woman. Moments alone with yourself help you understand yourself and prioritize correctly.

Time on yourself

The project confirmed the hypothesis that modern women often forget about their true desires and stop listening to themselves in the flow of routine affairs. The majority of respondents (76%) are working women, and almost all of them have an additional burden in the form of housework (cleaning, cooking, etc.).

More than half of the respondents considered it ideal to give themselves from 2 to 4 hours a day, but they have only one or two hours, and 15% do not even have that. At the same time, a third of the respondents feel guilty about the free time they spend on themselves.

Expert Opinion

Ivanova Varvara Vladimirovna, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, lecturer at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology

For many women, the right to pleasure is violated due to an overly strict upbringing. Often, talking about delegating responsibilities only causes irritation, because it contradicts the inner conviction of one’s indispensability, and complaints about being busy, in fact, are only aimed at making others appreciate the degree of perfection: “No one can handle such a load as I”. Compliments addressed to you, an objective assessment of your achievements, built into a habit, will provide an opportunity to relax and begin to enjoy life.

About self love

The survey showed that the majority of Russian women love themselves – this is exactly what 81% of the survey participants answered. Half of them agreed that self-love is, first of all, complete acceptance of yourself and taking care of your body.

19% of respondents admitted that they are dissatisfied with themselves, mainly with their appearance. Almost a third of those surveyed answered that they have no motivation to love themselves due to the lack of a partner.

3 fears that interfere with life

Lack of free time is not the only obstacle to modern women on the path to happiness. To take up a new hobby, change jobs or go on a trip, most of the fair sex is hampered by fears. The biggest influence on their lives is the fear of condemnation – 86% of the respondents admitted this. Interestingly, with age, these fears cease to excite women, which means that they learn to cope with them.

Expert Opinion

When in childhood we are faced with harsh criticism of our needs from the closest people, we forever close the topic of desires for ourselves so that we never again come into contact with the pain of resentment and disappointment. Fear mobilizes our resources to meet new challenges, it should not limit our lives. Doing the same as always, you remain in the same place where you always are.

22% of women follow their fears and refuse to take a step towards them: “I don’t fight at all, I just don’t do it if there is fear.” Only slightly more than 10% turn to specialists for help, and 34% to relatives.

The events of this spring have changed everyone’s life for at least a couple of months. Despite the fact that for a third of the survey participants (31%), self-isolation increased the level of constant stress, the majority learned a lot about themselves. So, 38% realized that they need personal space, and among married women such 41%. More than a third of women have set their life priorities.

“The lockdown has not taught me anything, but somehow it has become better in my soul — come what may! Impossible to control! Let go of the reins! I live,” says one of the respondents.

“The pandemic immediately put everything in its place. It hurt, I realized, I lived. I enjoy here and now. Long live psychology!” another woman replies.

Slightly more than 10% of respondents learned to plan their time, and exactly the same number were able to accept and love themselves.

For more information about the results of the study, see Online the project.

* The sample for analysis was 5000 women who completed the survey to the end. The study was conducted throughout Russia using an online survey method.

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