On September 29, the National Health Fund starts the preventive and training program “8 weeks to health”, which will be published on the YT channel of the NFZ Academy, every Tuesday for the next two months.
Prevention is the most important thing
The National Health Fund definitely focuses on prevention and encourages all Poles to take up physical activity. Workouts that are ready to carry out are to help in gaining greater physical fitness, improving overall efficiency, lowering blood pressure, and better work of the heart. It is an important element in the prevention of chronic diseases. Importantly, regular exercise, especially during a pandemic, is key to building the body’s immunity.
As part of preventive measures and concern for the health of all Poles, the National Health Fund encourages people to change their habits. Movement is recommended for everyone and has proven effectiveness. By replacing 30 minutes of sitting, for example only with low physical activity, we reduce the risk of dying from cancer by as much as 8%. If we increase the activity to an average intensity, the risk will decrease by as much as 31%. Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of death by as much as 82%.
The benefits of physical activity help prevent weight gain and are a key component of weight loss and weight maintenance programs in the face of the ongoing battle against the obesity epidemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all of us to significantly reduce our mobility. We stayed at home for several months, and we did not have to wait long for the effects of obligatory social isolation. Diabetologists already report an increased incidence of type 2 diabetes, especially in younger people. Therefore, the National Health Fund also encourages the use of diets prepared by dietitians, prepared in accordance with the popular DASH diet, available for free on the website
Physical effort is well tolerated by people with various chronic diseases. It has a proven positive effect on patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, rheumatic diseases and depression. Movement increases the level of our sense of satisfaction and increases resistance to stress. However, in case of doubts, it is worth consulting a primary health care physician whether in our case there are any contraindications for undertaking increased effort.
Alarming data
According to data from the World Health Organization, about 2 million deaths annually worldwide are attributed to a lack of physical activity. Even about 85 percent. people lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of children are underactive, with serious consequences for their future health. We not only suffer from obesity, but also die. Annually, more than 2,5 million people worldwide die from diseases related to overweight and obesity. WHO recommends that for health benefits – adults, i.e.
18 to 64 years of age, engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic physical activity per week.
W Polsce 39% Polaków jest aktywnych w stopniu zalecanym przez WHO. Jednocześnie 50% respondentów jest aktywnych w stopniu zerowym. Osoby starsze są aktywne jedynie w związku z przemieszczaniem się, a zalecenia WHO spełnia ok. 5% osób w wieku powyżej 65 r.ż., a wśród osób po 75 r.ż. zupełnie nieaktywnych jest aż 91%.1
People regularly practicing recreational sports in their free time (defined as 1-2 times a week), depending on their age: 20-29 years – 27,7%; 30-39 years of age – 21,2 percent; 40-49 years old – 15,6 percent; over 50 – 11 percent. Since all these studies are based on the participants’ declarations, it can be assumed that the data are slightly overestimated.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity levels
Wśród dorosłych Amerykanów wiosną w czasie szczytu pandemii 53 proc. respondentów nie zmieniło poziomu aktywności fizycznej, 27 proc. zmniejszyło ilość ruchu, a 17 proc. zwiększyło ilość ćwiczeń.
It turns out that according to the latest data from 2020, as much as 61 percent. Poles have a problem with excessive body weight, which is more common in men. Research shows that 46 percent. men are overweight, and 28 percent. are obese, compared to 29 percent. overweight women and 21 percent. with obesity. The problem of being overweight increases with age. As much as 78 percent is overweight. people over 65 years of age and 72 percent. people between 45 and 54 years of age.
As much as 50 percent. Poles do not play any sport. The time of social isolation due to the pandemic is a big challenge even for the half of Poles who practice sports. During the pandemic, those who were physically active before were most likely to enjoy cycling. General development workouts, such as gymnastics, aerobics and walking, have gained considerable popularity. However, only 12 percent. Poles spend more than 1-2 hours a day walking, 28 percent. dedicates to a walk between 30 minutes and an hour, and 39 percent. he spends up to 30 minutes for a walk. It turned out that online training sessions at home began to enjoy a lot of popularity. Physical activity was undertaken at least once a month by 61%. Poles, but only for 28 percent. the motivation was the desire to improve health. 85 percent Poles plan to exercise after the pandemic ends.
Co można zrobić w 8 tygodni
The prevention and training program “8 weeks to health” has been developed by professional trainers and offers the support of a physiotherapist, doctor and psychologist. In line with the assumptions and objectives of the NFZ Strategy for 2019-2023, it focuses on physical activity. It is available for free. “8 weeks to health” is a conscious creation of a healthy lifestyle based on an appropriate dose of exercise, a balanced diet and psychological support. We can implement it as part of preventive measures, preventing the growing wave of civilization diseases.
“8 Weeks To Health” is a series of eight 35-minute films preceded by introductory instructional material. The 8-week program assumes increasing training intensity from adaptive training lasting from 100 to 170 minutes. at week 8. Each episode includes consultations with specialists and provides a repeatable scheme of preparation for the next training and shows the possibilities of monitoring progress. Before each episode, we must check our current physical condition using one of the two versions of the Cooper test – running or walking, and complete the PARQ questionnaire, as well as check body weight and measure waist circumference in cm. All you need to do the exercises is a pair of comfortable shoes and loose clothes, a mat, dumbbells, a towel and water. Comprehensive program allows to reduce body weight by approx. 3 kg. We can reach for it at any time we choose.
In each episode, we will also receive the support of a team of experts:
· Physiotherapist – before each training, he will demonstrate how to properly perform the training;
· Trainer – will guide us through training;
Physician – discuss the health benefits of exercise and provide a weekly plan for self-activity;
Psychologist – will motivate and encourage perseverance.
Schedule of the “8 weeks to health” program:
Publication of the next training sessions:
1. Adaptation, or we are starting – 29.09/XNUMX
2. We build efficiency – 6.10
3. Interval training – 13.10
4. Tabata and our first intervals – 20.10
5. We strengthen muscle strength – 27.10
6. We get to know the intervals of prof. Gibali – 3.11
7. Time for interval HIIT. Stage 1 – 10.11
8. Gotowi na interwałowy HIIT. Etap 2 — 17.11
Training videos, tests and the program are available on the NFZ Academy website:
We invite everyone to train and play together for the next 8 weeks.
After all, our health is at stake.
Project partners: MZ and MUW
Media Patron: TVP, Medonet and MedExpress;
Social Partners:
1. Polish Diabetes Association
2. EuropaColon Polska Foundation
3. eFkropka Foundation
4. EcoSerce National Association of Patients with Heart and Vascular Diseases »
5. Polska Koalicja Pacjentów Onkologicznych
6. Federacja Stowarzyszeń Amazonki
7. NU-MED Foundation
8. Fundacja Urszuli Jaworskiej
9. CHLO Bariatric Patient Association
10. Polish Association of People with Heart Failure
11. Association of Metal Hearts
12. Coalition for the fight against Psoriasis, ŁZS and AZS
13. Polish Paralympic Committee
14. Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta
15. Exercise is Medicine