8 Weeks To Health – The Brain Is A Sports Fan!

The World Health Organization recommends for adults 18-64 years of age at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week. Below you will find a ready training plan – to use.

Only 39 percent. Poles are active to the extent recommended by WHO, and 50 percent. of his countrymen do not play any sports. Older people are active only in relation to mobility, and the WHO recommendations for this age group are met by approx. 5% of people over 65 years of age.

The time of social isolation due to the pandemic is a big challenge even for the half of Poles who practice sports. During the pandemic, those who were physically active before were most likely to enjoy cycling. General development workouts, such as gymnastics or aerobics, online workouts to be performed at home and walks, have gained popularity.

The health benefits of regular physical activity are invaluable. They have a proven positive effect on patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, rheumatic diseases and depression. Movement increases the level of satisfaction and increases resistance to stress.

It is especially important in times of remote work, quarantine and in times of diabetes and obesity epidemics.

Diabetologists already report an increased incidence of type 2 diabetes, especially in younger people.

Therefore, the National Health Fund, out of concern for the health of all Poles, strongly urges you to exercise and eat healthy as part of the 8 WEEKS TO HEALTH program.

Today, under the supervision of personal trainers, we can perform the 6-interval training “Gibala”:

Most people justify inactivity by lack of time. According to prof. Martina Gibali’s interval approach can be more effective – you get the same health and fitness benefits as the traditional way, but in less time.

Gibali training

The “Gibali” training consists of 4 series, 1 minute after each series to regenerate.

There are 8 exercises of 30 seconds in each series. 15 seconds of rest between each exercise.

Proposed training plan for the sixth week – 150 minutes of physical activity

  1. 1 x 6-interval training “Gibali” – 35 min
  2. 1 x 5-circuit training – 35 min
  3. 1 x 4-interval aerobic training “Tabata” – 35 min
  4. 45 minutes bike, Nordic Walking or walking

Physical activity can cause beneficial changes in the brain, we increase the number of nerve cells in the hippocampus by 2%, which is responsible for concentration, balance, thinking and reaction time – explains the drug. Anna Plucik-Mrożek, expert 8 WEEKS TO HEALTH.

People who are in good shape have better test scores in maths, languages, and the humanities, they are smarter, adds the drug. Anna Plucik-Mrożek.

You can join the training program at any time.

  1. Remember to start the 8 WEEKS TO HEALTH program with “Training 1 – that is adaptation” for your own safety and health.
  2. All tests, information and already published exercise videos necessary to start training with # 8TygodniDoZdrowia can be found on the website – https://linkd.pl/aaef Trainers should exercise at their own pace, and the National Health Fund does not bear the risk of any injuries or injuries arising during training .

In case of doubt whether this program is for you, you will find the answers here – Plan your “8 WEEKS TO HEALTH” – https://linkd.pl/kurp

We encourage you to disseminate information about the training program on websites and in social media. We also attach a poster about the program for use.

We invite you to have fun by posting # 8TygodniDoZdrowia on your fanpage and to use the overlay for the profile picture – https://linkd.pl/ae9p

Useful links of project # 8WeeksDoHealth:

  1. see the program and the team of experts in the start video: https://youtu.be/TQVZyvArdjc
  2. to the NFZ Academy website: https://akademia.nfz.gov.pl/
  3. to the YT Akademia NFZ channel:


  1. link to the fanpage Akademia NFZ: https://www.facebook.com/akademianfz/

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